MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Processes)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
minigui.h File Reference

This file includes global and miscellaneous interfaces of MiniGUI. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _MG_Client
struct  _MG_Layer
struct  _ZNODEINFO
struct  _CompositorOps
struct  _CombParamsFallback
struct  _REQUEST
struct  _ETC_S


#define g_rcScr   (GetScreenRect())
 Contains the rectangle of the whole screen. More...
#define g_rcDesktop   g_rcScr
 Contains the rectangle of desktop of the application. More...
#define mgIsServer   (IsServer())
 Indicates whether the current process is the server or a client on MiniGUI-Processes. More...
#define LEN_LAYER_NAME   15
 The maximum length of name of layer in MiniGUI-Processes. More...
#define LEN_CLIENT_NAME   15
 The maximum length of name of client in MiniGUI-Processes. More...
#define INV_LAYER_HANDLE   0
 Invalid handle value of the layer. More...
#define NAME_SELF_LAYER   ""
 The name of the self layer. More...
 The name of the topmost layer. More...
#define NAME_DEF_LAYER   "mginit"
 The default name of the layer. More...
#define MAX_SYS_REQID   0x0023
 Maximal system reserved request identifier. More...
#define MAX_REQID   0x0030
 Maximal request identifier. More...
#define sock_write(fd, buff, count)   sock_write_t(fd, buff, count, 0)
 The blocking version of sock_write_t function. More...
#define sock_read(fd, buff, count)   sock_read_t(fd, buff, count, 0)
 The blocking version of sock_read_t function. More...
#define ReinitDesktop()   ReinitDesktopEx (TRUE)
 Re-initializes the desktop including the local system text. More...
#define MiniGUIMain
 The main entry of a MiniGUI application. More...
#define IDM_DTI_FIRST   (300)
 The minimum interger value of command ID when user customize desktop menu. More...
#define ETC_MAXLINE   1024
 The max line number of etc file. More...
 No found etc file. More...
 No found section in etc file. More...
#define ETC_KEYNOTFOUND   -3
 No found key in etc file. More...
 Create tmpfile failed. More...
 IO operation failed to etc file. More...
#define ETC_INTCONV   -6
 Convert the value string to an integer failed. More...
#define ETC_INVALIDOBJ   -7
 Invalid object to etc file. More...
#define ETC_READONLYOBJ   -8
 Read only to etc file. More...
#define ETC_OK   0
 Operate success to etc file. More...
#define SetValueToEtc(hEtc, pSection, pKey, pValue)   GetValueFromEtc(hEtc, pSection, pKey, pValue, -1)
 Set the value in the etc object. More...
 The maximum length of the name of clipboard. More...
#define NR_CLIPBOARDS   4
 The maximum number of clipboard. More...
#define CBNAME_TEXT   ("text")
 The default clipboard name of text control. More...
#define CBERR_OK   0
 Operate clipboard success. More...
#define CBERR_BADNAME   1
 Bad name to clipboard. More...
#define CBERR_NOMEM   2
 No enough memory to clipboard. More...
#define CBOP_NORMAL   0
 Overwrite operation to clipboard. More...
#define CBOP_APPEND   1
 Append the new data to clipboarda after the old data. More...
#define Beep   Ping
 Alias of Ping. More...
#define IDC_ARROW   0
#define IDC_IBEAM   1
#define IDC_PENCIL   2
#define IDC_CROSS   3
#define IDC_MOVE   4
#define IDC_SIZENWSE   5
#define IDC_SIZENESW   6
#define IDC_SIZEWE   7
#define IDC_SIZENS   8
#define IDC_UPARROW   9
#define IDC_NONE   10
#define IDC_HELP   11
#define IDC_BUSY   12
#define IDC_WAIT   13
#define IDC_RARROW   14
#define IDC_COLOMN   15
#define IDC_ROW   16
#define IDC_DRAG   17
#define IDC_NODROP   18
#define IDC_HAND_POINT   19
#define IDC_HAND_SELECT   20
#define IDC_SPLIT_HORZ   21
#define IDC_SPLIT_VERT   22
#define SetCursor(hcsr)   SetCursorEx (hcsr, FALSE)
 Changes the current cursor. More...
#define SetDefaultCursor(hcsr)   SetCursorEx (hcsr, TRUE)
 Changes the current cursor, and set it as the default cursor. More...
#define IDS_MGST_WINDOW   0
 The identifier of the window system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_START   1
 The identifier of the start system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_REFRESH   2
 The identifier of the refresh background system text. More...
 The identifier of the close all windows system text. More...
 The identifier of the end session system text. More...
 The identifier of the operations system text. More...
 The identifier of the minimize system text. More...
 The identifier of the maximize system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_RESTORE   8
 The identifier of the restore system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_CLOSE   9
 The identifier of the close system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_OK   10
 The identifier of the ok system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_NEXT   11
 The identifier of the next system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_CANCEL   12
 The identifier of the cancel system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_PREV   13
 The identifier of the previous system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_YES   14
 The identifier of the yes system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_NO   15
 The identifier of the no system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_ABORT   16
 The identifier of the abort system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_RETRY   17
 The identifier of the retry system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_IGNORE   18
 The identifier of the ignore system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_ABOUTMG   19
 The identifier of the about minigui system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_OPENFILE   20
 The identifier of the open file system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_SAVEFILE   21
 The identifier of the save file system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_COLORSEL   22
 The identifier of the color selection system text. More...
 The identifier of the switch layer system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_DELLAYER   24
 The identifier of the delete layer system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_ERROR   25
 The identifier of the error system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_LOGO   26
 The identifier of the logo system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_CURRPATH   27
 The identifier of the current path system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_FILE   28
 The identifier of the file system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_LOCATION   29
 The identifier of the location system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_UP   30
 The identifier of the up system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_NAME   31
 The identifier of the name system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_SIZE   32
 The identifier of the size system text. More...
 The identifier of the access mode system text. More...
 The identifier of the last modify time system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_OPEN   35
 The identifier of the open system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_FILENAME   36
 The identifier of the file name system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_FILETYPE   37
 The identifier of the file type system text. More...
 The identifier of the show hide file system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_NOTFOUND   39
 The identifier of the not found file system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_NR   40
 The identifier of the can't read system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_NW   41
 The identifier of the can't write system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_INFO   42
 The identifier of the information system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_R   43
 The identifier of the read system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_W   44
 The identifier of the write system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_WR   45
 The identifier of the read and write system text. More...
#define IDS_MGST_SAVE   46
 The identifier of the save system text. More...
 The identifier of the file exist system text. More...
#define mg_slice_new(type)   ((type*)mg_slice_alloc(sizeof (type)))
 The macro to allocate a slice memory for a structure. More...
#define mg_slice_new0(type)   ((type*)mg_slice_alloc0(sizeof (type)))
 The macro to allocate a zero'd slice memory for a structure. More...
#define mg_slice_dup(type, mem)
 Duplicate a structure. More...
#define mg_slice_delete(type, mem)
 Free a block of memory. More...
#define mg_slice_delete_chain(type, mem_chain, next)
 Free a linked list of memory blocks. More...


typedef struct _MG_Client MG_Client
typedef struct _MG_Layer MG_Layer
typedef int(* ON_LOCK_CLIENT_REQ) (void)
 Type of client request lock callback. More...
typedef int(* ON_TRYLOCK_CLIENT_REQ) (void)
 Type of client request lock callback. More...
typedef void(* ON_UNLOCK_CLIENT_REQ) (void)
 Type of client request unlock callback. More...
typedef void(* ON_NEW_DEL_CLIENT) (int op, int cli)
 Type of client event callback. More...
typedef void(* ON_CHANGE_LAYER) (int op, MG_Layer *layer, MG_Client *client)
 Type of layer change event callback. More...
typedef void(* ON_ZNODE_OPERATION) (int op, int cli, int idx_znode)
 Type of z-node operation callback. More...
typedef struct _CompositorOps CompositorOps
typedef struct _CombParamsFallback COMBPARAMS_FALLBACK
typedef struct _REQUEST REQUEST
typedef int(* REQ_HANDLER) (int cli, int clifd, void *buff, size_t len)
 The prototype of a request handler (version 0). More...
typedef int(* REQ_HANDLER_V1) (int cli, int clifd, void *buff, size_t len, int fd_received)
 The prototype of an extended request handler (version 1). More...
typedef struct _ETC_S ETC_S


MG_EXPORT RECT GUIAPI GetScreenRect (void)
 Return the rectangle of the physical screen. More...
 Check whether the current process is the server of MiniGUI-Processes. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI InitGUI (int argc, const char *argv[])
 Initialize MiniGUI. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI TerminateGUI (int not_used)
 Terminate MiniGUI. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI MiniGUIPanic (int exitcode)
 The panic of MiniGUI application. More...
MG_EXPORT GHANDLE GUIAPI JoinLayer (const char *layer_name, const char *client_name, int max_nr_highers, int max_nr_normals)
 Joins to a layer. More...
MG_EXPORT GHANDLE GUIAPI GetLayerInfo (const char *layer_name, int *nr_clients, BOOL *is_topmost, int *cli_active)
 Get information of a layer by a client. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetTopmostLayer (BOOL handle_name, GHANDLE layer_handle, const char *layer_name)
 Brings a layer to be the topmost one. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI DeleteLayer (BOOL handle_name, GHANDLE layer_handle, const char *layer_name)
 Deletes a specific layer. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI MoveToLayer (BOOL handle_name, GHANDLE layer_handle, const char *layer_name)
 Move current client to the specified layer. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerStartup (int nr_globals, int def_nr_highers, int def_nr_normals)
 Initializes the server of MiniGUI-Processes. More...
MG_EXPORT MG_Layer *GUIAPI ServerCreateLayer (const char *layer_name, int max_nr_highers, int max_nr_normals)
 Create a new layer from the server. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerSetTopmostLayer (MG_Layer *layer)
 Set topmost layer from the server. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerDeleteLayer (MG_Layer *layer)
 Delete a layer from the server. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI ServerGetTopmostZNodeOfType (MG_Layer *layer, DWORD type, int *cli)
 Get the topmost z-node in the specified layer for the specific window type from the server. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI ServerGetNextZNode (MG_Layer *layer, int idx_znode, int *cli)
 Get the next z-node in the specified layer from the server. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI ServerGetPrevZNode (MG_Layer *layer, int idx_znode, int *cli)
 Get the previous z-node in the specified layer from the server. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerGetZNodeInfo (MG_Layer *layer, int idx_znode, ZNODEINFO *znode_info)
 Get the z-node information in the specified layer from the server. More...
const MG_EXPORT ZNODEHEADER *GUIAPI ServerGetWinZNodeHeader (MG_Layer *layer, int idx_znode, void **priv_data, BOOL lock)
 Get the pointer to the z-node header of a specific window in the specified layer. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerReleaseWinZNodeHeader (MG_Layer *layer, int idx_znode)
 Release z-node header of a specific window in the specified layer. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI ServerGetPopupMenusCount (void)
 Get the number of popup menus shown on the screen. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerReleasePopupMenuZNodeHeader (int idx_znode)
 Release the lock of the z-node header of the specific popup menu. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerGetWinZNodeRegion (MG_Layer *layer, int idx_znode, DWORD rgn_ops, CLIPRGN *dst_rgn)
 Get the z-node region of a specific window in the specified layer. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerGetPopupMenuZNodeRegion (int idx_znode, DWORD rgn_ops, CLIPRGN *dst_rgn)
 Get the z-node region of a specific popup menu in the current layer. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerSetWinZNodePrivateData (MG_Layer *layer, int idx_znode, void *priv_data)
 Set the private data of the z-node of a specific window in the specified layer. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerSetPopupMenuZNodePrivateData (int idx_znode, void *priv_data)
 Set the private data of the z-node of the specific popup menu. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerDoZNodeOperation (MG_Layer *layer, int idx_znode, int op_code, void *op_data, BOOL notify)
 Does an operation on the z-node in the specified layer from the server. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerMoveClientToLayer (int cli, MG_Layer *dst_layer)
 Move a client to the specified layer. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetClientByPID (int pid)
 Returns the client identifier from PID of a client. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetTopmostClient (int cli)
 Set topmost layer by a client identifier. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI DisableClientsOutput (void)
 Disable all clients output. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI UpdateTopmostLayer (const RECT *dirty_rc)
 Update topmost layer. More...
const MG_EXPORT CompositorOps *GUIAPI ServerGetCompositorOps (const char *name)
 Get the operations of a specific compositor. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerRegisterCompositor (const char *name, const CompositorOps *ops)
 Register a new compositor. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ServerUnregisterCompositor (const char *name)
 Un-register a new compositor. More...
const MG_EXPORT CompositorOps *GUIAPI ServerSelectCompositor (const char *name, CompositorCtxt **ctxt)
 Select a compositor as the current compositor. More...
const MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI ServerGetCurrentCompositor (const CompositorOps **ops, CompositorCtxt **ctxt)
 Get the name and the context of the current compositor. More...
const CompositorOps__ex_compositor_get (const char *name, const CompositorOps *fallback_ops, int *version)
static int GUIAPI ClientRequestEx (const REQUEST *request, const void *ex_data, int ex_data_len, void *result, int len_rslt)
 Sends a request to the server and wait reply. More...
static int ClientRequest (const REQUEST *request, void *result, int len_rslt)
 Sends a request to the server and wait reply. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetSockFD2Server (void)
 Get the file descriptor of the socket connected to the server. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI ServerSendReplyEx (int clifd, const void *reply, int len, int fd_to_send)
 Sends a reply to the client. More...
static int GUIAPI ServerSendReply (int clifd, const void *reply, int len)
 Sends the reply to the client. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI RegisterRequestHandler (int req_id, REQ_HANDLER your_handler)
 Registers a customized request handler of version 0. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI RegisterRequestHandlerV1 (int req_id, REQ_HANDLER_V1 your_handler_v1)
 Registers a customized extended request handler of version 1. More...
MG_EXPORT REQ_HANDLER GUIAPI GetRequestHandler (int req_id)
 Get the request handler by request identifier. More...
MG_EXPORT REQ_HANDLER_V1 GUIAPI GetRequestHandlerV1 (int req_id)
 Get the extended request handler by a request identifier. More...
MG_EXPORT void *GUIAPI GetRequestHandlerEx (int req_id, int *version)
 Get the request handler and the version by request identifier. More...
MG_EXPORT int serv_listen (const char *name)
 Creates a listen socket. More...
MG_EXPORT int serv_accept (int listenfd, pid_t *pidptr, uid_t *uidptr)
 Waits for a client connection to arrive, and accept it. More...
MG_EXPORT int cli_conn (const char *name, char project)
 Used by clients to connect to a server. More...
MG_EXPORT ssize_t sock_read_t (int fd, void *buff, size_t count, DWORD timeout)
 Reads data from socket. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ReinitDesktopEx (BOOL init_sys_text)
 Re-initializes the desktop. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ExitGUISafely (int exitcode)
 Exits your MiniGUI application safely. More...
MG_EXPORT DESKTOPOPS *GUIAPI SetCustomDesktopOperationSet (DESKTOPOPS *usr_dsk_ops)
 Set customer desktop operation set. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI DesktopUpdateAllWindow (void)
 Update all visible windows on the desktop. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetMouseCalibrationParameters (const POINT *src_pts, const POINT *dst_pts)
 Set the parameters for doing mouse calibration. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI GetOriginalMousePosition (int *x, int *y)
 Get the original mouse position. More...
MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI OpenAboutDialog (HWND hHosting)
 Opens or actives the 'About MiniGUI' dialog. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetValueFromEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile, const char *pSection, const char *pKey, char *pValue, int iLen)
 Get value from a configuration file. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetIntValueFromEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile, const char *pSection, const char *pKey, int *value)
 Get integer value from a configuration file. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SetValueToEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile, const char *pSection, const char *pKey, char *pValue)
 Set a value in a configuration file. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI RemoveSectionInEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile, const char *pSection)
 Removes a section in an etc file. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SaveSectionToEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile, PETCSECTION psect)
 Saves a section to an etc file. More...
MG_EXPORT GHANDLE GUIAPI LoadEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile)
 Loads an etc file into memory. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SaveEtcToFile (GHANDLE hEtc, const char *file_name)
 Saves an ETC object into a file. More...
 Unloads an etc file. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetValueFromEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char *pSection, const char *pKey, char *pValue, int iLen)
 Get value from a configuration etc object. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetIntValueFromEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char *pSection, const char *pKey, int *pValue)
 Get the integer value from a configuration etc object. More...
MG_EXPORT GHANDLE GUIAPI FindSectionInEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char *pSection, BOOL bCreateNew)
 Finds/Creates a section from an etc object. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetValueFromEtcSec (GHANDLE hSect, const char *pKey, char *pValue, int iLen)
 Get value from an etc section object. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetIntValueFromEtcSec (GHANDLE hSect, const char *pKey, int *pValue)
 Get an integer value from an etc section object. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SetValueToEtcSec (GHANDLE hSect, const char *pKey, char *pValue)
 Set the value in the etc section object. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI RemoveSectionInEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char *pSection)
 Removes a section in etc object. More...
static int GetMgEtcValue (const char *pSection, const char *pKey, char *pValue, int iLen)
 Get value from MiniGUI configuration etc object. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI CreateClipBoard (const char *cb_name, size_t size)
 Creates a new clipboard. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI DestroyClipBoard (const char *cb_name)
 Destroys a new clipboard. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SetClipBoardData (const char *cb_name, void *data, size_t n, int cbop)
 Set the data of a clipboard. More...
MG_EXPORT size_t GUIAPI GetClipBoardDataLen (const char *cb_name)
 Get the length of the data of a clipboard. More...
MG_EXPORT size_t GUIAPI GetClipBoardData (const char *cb_name, void *data, size_t n)
 Get the data of a clipboard. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetClipBoardByte (const char *cb_name, int index, unsigned char *byte)
 Get a byte from a clipboard. More...
 Retrieve the tick counts that have elapsed since MiniGUI was started. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI Ping (void)
 Makes a beep sound. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI Tone (int frequency_hz, int duration_ms)
 Makes a tone. More...
MG_EXPORT void *GUIAPI GetOriginalTermIO (void)
 Get termios structure of the original terminal before initializing MiniGUI. More...
MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI FixStrAlloc (int len)
 Allocates a buffer for a length-fixed string. More...
MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI FixStrDup (const char *str)
 Duplicates a length-fixed string. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI FreeFixStr (char *str)
 Frees a length-fixed string. More...
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI LoadCursorFromFile (const char *filename)
 Loads a cursor from a M$ Windows cursor file. More...
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI LoadCursorFromMem (const void *area)
 Loads a cursor from a memory area. More...
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI LoadCursorFromPNGFile (const char *filename, int hotspot_x, int hotspot_y)
 Loads a cursor from a PNG file. More...
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI LoadCursorFromPNGMem (const void *area, size_t size, int hotspot_x, int hotspot_y)
 Loads a cursor from a memory area in PNG layout. More...
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI CreateCursor (int xhotspot, int yhotspot, int w, int h, const BYTE *pANDBits, const BYTE *pXORBits, int colornum)
 Creates a cursor from memory data. More...
 Copies a cursor object. More...
 Destroys a cursor object. More...
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI GetSystemCursor (int csrid)
 Get the handle to a system cursor by its identifier. More...
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI GetCurrentCursor (void)
 Get the handle to the current cursor. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ClipCursor (const RECT *prc)
 Clips the cursor range. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI GetClipCursor (RECT *prc)
 Get the current cursor clipping rectangle. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI GetCursorPos (POINT *ppt)
 Get position of the current cursor. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI SetCursorPos (int x, int y)
 Set position of the current cursor. More...
 Changes the current cursor. More...
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI GetDefaultCursor (void)
 Get the default cursor. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI ShowCursor (BOOL fShow)
 Shows or hides cursor. More...
 Get a key or a mouse button status. More...
MG_EXPORT DWORD GUIAPI GetShiftKeyStatus (void)
 Get status of the shift keys. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI GetKeyboardState (BYTE *kbd_state)
 Get status of all keys on keyboard. More...
const MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI GetSysText (unsigned int id)
 Translates system text to localized text. More...
const MG_EXPORT char **GUIAPI GetSysTextInUTF8 (const char *language)
 Get the localized system text array in UTF-8 for a specified language. More...
MG_EXPORT char * strnchr (const char *s, size_t n, int c)
 Locates character in the first n characters of string s. More...
MG_EXPORT int substrlen (const char *text, int len, int delimiter, int *nr_delim)
 Locates a substring delimited by one or more delimiters in the first len characters of string text. More...
MG_EXPORT char * strtrimall (char *src)
 Deletes all space characters. More...
MG_EXPORT void * mg_slice_alloc (size_t block_size)
 Allocate a slice memory. More...
MG_EXPORT void * mg_slice_alloc0 (size_t block_size)
 Allocate a slice memory and initialize the memory to zero. More...
MG_EXPORT void * mg_slice_copy (size_t block_size, const void *mem_block)
 Allocate and copy a slice. More...
MG_EXPORT void mg_slice_free (size_t block_size, void *mem_block)
 Free a block of memory. More...
MG_EXPORT void mg_slice_free_chain_with_offset (size_t block_size, void *mem_chain, size_t next_offset)
 Free a linked list of memory blocks. More...


MG_EXPORT void * mgSharedRes
 Contains the pointer to the shared resource of MiniGUI-Processes. More...
MG_EXPORT size_t mgSizeRes
 Contains the length of shared resource of MiniGUI-Processes. More...
MG_EXPORT int mgClientSize
 The current size of the array mgClients. More...
MG_EXPORT MG_ClientmgClients
 The pointer to the array contains all clients' information. More...
MG_EXPORT MG_LayermgTopmostLayer
 The pointer to the topmost layer. More...
MG_EXPORT MG_LayermgDefaultLayer
 The pointer to the default layer. More...
MG_EXPORT MG_LayermgLayers
 The pointer to the layer list. More...
 Set to a function to lock a client request. More...
 Set to a function to lock a client request. More...
 Set to a function to unlock a client request. More...
 Set to a function to handle a comming in (going away) connection of client. More...
 Set to a function to handle events of layers. More...
 Set to a function to handle events of z-node. More...
 The path name of MiniGUI configuration file. More...
const MG_EXPORT char * SysText []
 Contains all text used by MiniGUI in English. More...
const MG_EXPORT char ** local_SysText
 The pointer to the current localized system text array. More...

Detailed Description

This file includes global and miscellaneous interfaces of MiniGUI.

Wei Yongming vince.nosp@m.nt@m.nosp@m.inigu.nosp@m.i.or.nosp@m.g
   This file is part of MiniGUI, a mature cross-platform windowing
   and Graphics User Interface (GUI) support system for embedded systems
   and smart IoT devices.

   Copyright (C) 2002~2020, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd.
   Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <>.


   As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow
   GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept
   GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft.

   If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it
   under the terms and conditions of the commercial license.

   For more information about the commercial license, please refer to

Definition in file minigui.h.