MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
button.h File Reference

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#define BTN_WIDTH_BORDER   4
 The width of button border. More...
#define CTRL_BUTTON   ("button")
 The class name of button control. More...
#define BS_PUSHBUTTON   0x00000000L
 Creates a push button that is a pane that displays either a piece of text or an image and when it is pressed it performs an action. More...
#define BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON   0x00000001L
 Creates a push button that behaves like a BS_PUSHBUTTON style button. More...
#define BS_CHECKBOX   0x00000002L
 Creates a check button is a button that can be either selected or deselected, and its selection is independent of the selections of any other buttons. More...
#define BS_AUTOCHECKBOX   0x00000003L
 Creates a button that is almost the same as a check box. More...
#define BS_RADIOBUTTON   0x00000004L
 Creates a radio button that can be either selected or deselected, but when selecting it any other buttons in its group will be cleared. More...
#define BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON   0x00000005L
 Creates a button that is almost the same as a radio button. More...
#define BS_3STATE   0x00000006L
 Creates a button that is almost the same as a check box. More...
#define BS_AUTO3STATE   0x00000007L
 Creates a button that is almost the same as a three-state check box. More...
#define BS_OWNERDRAW   0x0000000AL
 Creates an owner-drawn button. More...
#define BS_TYPEMASK   0x0000000FL
 The type mask of style of button. More...
#define BS_TEXT   0x00000000L
 Specifies that the button displays text. More...
#define BS_LEFTTEXT   0x00000020L
 Places text on the left side. More...
#define BS_ICON   0x00000040L
 Specifies that the button displays an icon. More...
#define BS_BITMAP   0x00000080L
 Specifies that the button displays a bitmap. More...
#define BS_CONTENTMASK   0x000000F0L
 The content mask of style of button. More...
#define BS_LEFT   0x00000100L
 Left-justifies the text in the button rectangle. More...
#define BS_RIGHT   0x00000200L
 Right-justifies text in the button rectangle. More...
#define BS_CENTER   0x00000300L
 Centers text horizontally in the button rectangle. More...
#define BS_TOP   0x00000400L
 Places text at the top of the button rectangle. More...
#define BS_BOTTOM   0x00000800L
 Places text at the bottom of the button rectangle. More...
#define BS_VCENTER   0x00000C00L
 Places text in the middle (vertically) of the button rectangle. More...
#define BS_REALSIZEIMAGE   0x00000F00L
 Does not scale the image. More...
#define BS_ALIGNMASK   0x00000F00L
 The alignment mask of style of button. More...
#define BS_PUSHLIKE   0x00001000L
 Makes a button look and act like a push button. More...
#define BS_MULTLINE   0x00002000L
 Wraps the button text to multiple lines. More...
#define BS_NOTIFY   0x00004000L
 Enables a button to send notification messages to its parent window. More...
#define BS_CHECKED   0x00004000L
 Makes a button checked initially. More...
#define BS_FLAT   0x00008000L
 The flat style of button. More...
#define BS_NOBORDER   0x00010000L
 The no border style of button. More...
 The right style of button. More...
#define BST_POSE_MASK   0x0003
 The pose(normal, hilite, pushed and disable) mask of status of button. More...
#define BST_NORMAL   0x0000
 Specifies the normal state. More...
#define BST_HILITE   0x0001
 Specifies the hilite state. More...
#define BST_PUSHED   0x0002
 Specifies the pushed state. More...
#define BST_DISABLE   0x0003
 Specifies the disable state. More...
#define BST_CHECK_MASK   0x000c
 The check(unchecked, checked and indeterminate) mask of status of button. More...
#define BST_UNCHECKED   0x0000
 Indicates the button is unchecked. More...
#define BST_CHECKED   0x0004
 Indicates the button is checked. More...
#define BST_INDETERMINATE   0x0008
 Indicates the button is grayed because the state of the button is indeterminate. More...
#define BST_FOCUS   0x0010
 Specifies the focus state. More...
#define BM_GETCHECK   0xF0F0
 Retrieve the check state of a radio button or check box. More...
#define BM_SETCHECK   0xF0F1
 Set the check state of a radio button or check box. More...
#define BM_GETSTATE   0xF0F2
 Get the state of a button or check box. More...
#define BM_SETSTATE   0xF0F3
 Set the state of a button. More...
#define BM_SETSTYLE   0xF0F4
 Changes the style of a button. More...
#define BM_CLICK   0xF0F5
 Simulates the user clicking a button. More...
#define BM_ENABLE   0xF0F6
 enable or disable the button. If it is disabled, it can receive mouse and key messages but don't response them More...
#define BM_GETIMAGE   0xF0F7
 Retrieve the handle to the image. More...
#define BM_SETIMAGE   0xF0F8
 Associates a new image (icon or bitmap) with the button. More...
#define BN_CLICKED   0
 The BN_CLICKED notification message is sent when the user clicks a button. More...
 The BN_DBLCLK notification message is sent when the user double-clicks a button. More...
#define BN_HILITE   2
 The BN_HILITE notification message is sent when the user hilite a button (the user moves the mouse onto it) More...
#define BN_UNHILITE   3
 The BN_UNHILITE notification message is sent when the user unhilite a button, (the user moves the mouse leaving it) More...
#define BN_PUSHED   4
 The BN_PUSHED notification message is sent when the user pushes a button. More...
#define BN_UNPUSHED   5
 The BN_UNPUSHED notification message is sent when the user unpushes a button. More...
#define BN_DISABLE   6
 The BN_DISABLE notification message is sent when the user disables a button. (the user sends BM_ENABLE(wParam == FALSE) to it) More...
#define BN_ENABLE   7
 The BN_DISABLE notification message is sent when the user disables a button. (the user sends BM_ENABLE(wParam == TRUE) to it) More...
#define BN_SETFOCUS   8
 The BN_SETFOCUS notification message is sent when a button receives the keyboard focus. More...
#define BN_KILLFOCUS   9
 The BN_KILLFOCUS notification message is sent when a button loses the keyboard focus. More...

Detailed Description

Wei Yongming vince.nosp@m.nt@m.nosp@m.inigu.nosp@m.i.or.nosp@m.g
   This file is part of MiniGUI, a mature cross-platform windowing
   and Graphics User Interface (GUI) support system for embedded systems
   and smart IoT devices.

   Copyright (C) 2002~2018, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd.
   Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <>.


   As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow
   GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept
   GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft.

   If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it
   under the terms and conditions of the commercial license.

   For more information about the commercial license, please refer to

Definition in file button.h.