MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
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Data Structures | |
struct | _TEXTPOSINFO |
Macros | |
#define | CTRL_EDIT ("edit") |
The class name of simple single-line editor box. More... | |
#define | CTRL_SLEDIT ("sledit") |
The class name of single-line editor box. More... | |
#define | CTRL_BIDISLEDIT ("bidisledit") |
The class name of BIDI single-line editor box. More... | |
#define | CTRL_MLEDIT ("mledit") |
The class name of multiple-line editor box. More... | |
#define | CTRL_MEDIT ("medit") |
Another class name of multiple-line editor box. More... | |
#define | ES_LEFT 0x00000000L |
Left-aligned text. More... | |
#define | ES_CENTER 0x00000001L |
Center-aligned text. More... | |
#define | ES_RIGHT 0x00000002L |
Right-aligned text. More... | |
#define | ES_MULTILINE 0x00000004L |
Multi-line text. More... | |
#define | ES_UPPERCASE 0x00000008L |
Converts all characters to uppercase as they are typed into the edit control. More... | |
#define | ES_LOWERCASE 0x00000010L |
Converts all characters to lowercase as they are typed into the edit control. More... | |
#define | ES_PASSWORD 0x00000020L |
Displays an asterisk (*) for each character typed into the edit control. More... | |
#define | ES_AUTOVSCROLL 0x00000040L |
Show and hide the vertical scroll bar automatically. More... | |
#define | ES_AUTOHSCROLL 0x00000080L |
Show and hide the horizontal scroll bar automatically. More... | |
#define | ES_NOHIDESEL 0x00000100L |
Edit control with this style will remain selected when focus is lost. More... | |
#define | ES_AUTOSELECT 0x00000400L |
Selects all text when getting focus. More... | |
#define | ES_READONLY 0x00000800L |
Prevents the user from typing or editing text in the edit control. More... | |
#define | ES_BASELINE 0x00001000L |
Draws base line under input area instead of frame border. More... | |
#define | ES_AUTOWRAP 0x00002000L |
Automatically wraps against border when inputting. More... | |
#define | ES_TITLE 0x00004000L |
Shows specified title texts. More... | |
#define | ES_TIP 0x00008000L |
Shows specified tip texts. More... | |
#define | EM_GETSEL 0xF0B0 |
Get the selected string in the edit control. More... | |
#define | EM_SETSEL 0xF0B1 |
Set the selected point in the edit control and makes the text between insertion point and selection point selected. More... | |
#define | EM_SELECTALL 0xF0B2 |
Selects all the texts, the same meaning as ctrl+a. More... | |
#define | EM_GETSELPOS 0xF0B3 |
Get the position of the selection point. More... | |
#define | EM_INSERTCBTEXT 0xF0B4 |
Inserts the text in the clipboard to the current caret position. More... | |
#define | EM_COPYTOCB 0xF0B5 |
Copies the currently selected text to the clipboard. More... | |
#define | EM_CUTTOCB 0xF0B6 |
Cuts the currently selected text to the clipboard. More... | |
#define | EM_SETLFDISPCHAR 0xF0B7 |
Set the char used to represent the line seperator. More... | |
#define | EM_SETLINESEP 0xF0B8 |
Set the line seperator. More... | |
#define | EM_GETCARETPOS 0xF0B9 |
Get the position of the caret. More... | |
#define | EM_SETCARETPOS 0xF0BA |
Set the position of the caret. More... | |
#define | EM_GETLINECOUNT 0xF0BC |
Get the line number. More... | |
Get the height of a line. More... | |
Set the height of a line. More... | |
#define | EM_LINESCROLL 0xF0BF |
reserved. More... | |
#define | EM_INSERTTEXT 0xF0C0 |
Inserts the specified text to the current caret position. More... | |
#define | EM_LINELENGTH 0xF0C1 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | EM_REPLACESEL 0xF0C2 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | EM_GETMAXLIMIT 0xF0C3 |
Get text limit of a single-line edit control. More... | |
#define | EM_GETLINE 0xF0C4 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | EM_LIMITTEXT 0xF0C5 |
Set text limit of an edit control. More... | |
#define | EM_REDO 0xF0C6 |
Redo operation. More... | |
#define | EM_UNDO 0xF0C7 |
Undo operation. More... | |
#define | EM_FMTLINES 0xF0C8 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | EM_LINEFROMCHAR 0xF0C9 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | EM_SETTABSTOPS 0xF0CB |
reserved. More... | |
Defines the character that edit control uses in conjunction with the ES_PASSWORD style. More... | |
#define | EM_SETREADONLY 0xF0CF |
Set or removes the read-only style (ES_READONLY) in an edit control. More... | |
Set the callback function on drawing selected chars. More... | |
Set the callback function on getting caret width. More... | |
Returns the character that edit controls uses in conjunction with the ES_PASSWORD style. More... | |
#define | ED_CARETSHAPE_LINE 0 |
Line-shaped caret. More... | |
Block-shaped caret. More... | |
Changes the shape of the caret. More... | |
#define | EM_REFRESHCARET 0xF0D4 |
Refresh caret of the edit control. More... | |
#define | EM_ENABLECARET 0xF0D5 |
To enable or disable the input caret. More... | |
#define | EM_GETLIMITTEXT 0xF0D6 |
Get text limit value of the edit control. More... | |
#define | EM_SETTITLETEXT 0xF0DC |
Set the title text displayed before content text. More... | |
#define | EM_GETTITLETEXT 0xF0DD |
Get the title text displayed before content text. More... | |
#define | EM_SETTIPTEXT 0xF0DE |
Set the tip text displayed when content is empty. More... | |
#define | EM_GETTIPTEXT 0xF0DF |
Get the tip text displayed when content is empty. More... | |
Get the number of paragraphs in textedit control. More... | |
Get the specified paragraph length in textedit control. More... | |
Get the specified paragraph text from textedit control. More... | |
Set the selected point in the edit control and makes the text between insertion point and selection point selected. This is set by really line. That means if you set the TES_AUTOWRAP, the line number you set, the caret pos line number you see. This is different from EM_SETCARETPOS. More... | |
Get the position of the caret. More... | |
Get the position of the selection point. More... | |
Get the specified paragraph length in textedit control. in text not charactors. More... | |
Get the specified line length in textedit control. in charactors not byte. More... | |
#define | EM_GETLINELENGTH 0xF0E7 |
Get the specified line length in textedit control. More... | |
#define | EM_GETLINETEXT 0xF0E8 |
Get the specified line text from textedit control. More... | |
#define | EN_CLICKED 0x0001 |
Notifies a click in an edit control. More... | |
#define | EN_DBLCLK 0x0002 |
Notifies a double click in an edit control. More... | |
#define | EN_SETFOCUS 0x0100 |
Notifies the receipt of the input focus. More... | |
#define | EN_KILLFOCUS 0x0200 |
Notifies the lost of the input focus. More... | |
#define | EN_CHANGE 0x0300 |
Notifies that the text is altered by the user. More... | |
#define | EN_UPDATE 0x0400 |
Notifies that the text is altered by sending MSG_SETTEXT TEM_RESETCONTENT, or EM_SETLINEHEIGHT message to it. More... | |
#define | EN_MAXTEXT 0x0501 |
Notifies reach of maximum text limitation. More... | |
#define | EN_SELCHANGED 0x0603 |
Notifies that the current selection is changed in the text field. More... | |
#define | EN_CONTCHANGED 0x0604 |
Notifies that the current content is changed in the text field when text edit losts focus. More... | |
#define | EN_ENTER 0x0700 |
Notifies the user has type the ENTER key in a single-line edit control. More... | |
#define | EC_LEFTMARGIN 0x0001 |
Value of wParam. Specifies the left margins to set. More... | |
#define | EC_RIGHTMARGIN 0x0002 |
Value of wParam. Specifies the right margins to set. More... | |
#define | EC_USEFONTINFO 0xffff |
Value of wParam. Specifies the user font info to set. More... | |
Indicates the type of status to retrieve. More... | |
lParam for EMSIS_COMPOSITIONSTRING(reserved). More... | |
lParam for EMSIS_COMPOSITIONSTRING(reserved). More... | |
lParam for EMSIS_COMPOSITIONSTRING(reserved). More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef int(* | ED_DRAWSEL_FUNC) (HWND, HDC, int, int, const char *, int, int) |
Type of the edit control callback function on drawing selected strings. More... | |
This file is part of MiniGUI, a mature cross-platform windowing and Graphics User Interface (GUI) support system for embedded systems and smart IoT devices. Copyright (C) 2002~2018, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd. Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. Or, As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft. If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it under the terms and conditions of the commercial license. For more information about the commercial license, please refer to <>.
Definition in file edit.h.