MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
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listbox.h File Reference

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#define CTRL_LISTBOX   ("listbox")
 The class name of listbox control. More...
#define LB_OKAY   0
#define LB_ERR   (-3)
#define LB_ERRSPACE   (-2)
#define CMFLAG_MASK   0x000F
 The mask of check mark and image flag value. More...
#define IMGFLAG_BITMAP   0x0010
 Listbox item style that context of itme is bitmap. More...
#define LBIS_SIGNIFICANT   0x0020
 Listbox item style that item is rendered with WE_FGC_SIGNIFICANT_ITEM and WE_BGC_SIGNIFICANT_ITEM color. More...
#define LBS_NOTIFY   0x0001L
 Notifies the parent window. More...
#define LBS_SORT   0x0002L
 Sorts strings alphabetically. More...
#define LBS_MULTIPLESEL   0x0008L
 Causes the list box to allow the user to select multiple items. More...
#define LBS_CHECKBOX   0x1000L
 Displays a check box in an item. More...
#define LBS_USEICON   0x2000L
 Displays an icon or bitmap in an item. More...
#define LBS_AUTOCHECK   0x4000L
 If the list box has LBS_CHECKBOX style, this style tell the box to auto-switch the check box between checked or un-checked when the user click the check mark box of an item. More...
 If the list box has LBS_AUTOCHECKBOX style, this style tell the box use LBS_CHECKBOX and BLS_AUTOCHECK style. More...
#define LBS_SBALWAYS   0x8000L
 The list box with LBS_SBALWAYS style will always show vertical scrollbar. More...
#define LBS_MOUSEFOLLOW   0x0010L
 The list box with LBS_MOUSEFOLLOW style will always change the selected item following mouse. More...
#define LB_ADDSTRING   0xF180
 Appends the specified string. More...
#define LB_INSERTSTRING   0xF181
 Inserts an item to the list box. More...
#define LB_DELETESTRING   0xF182
 Removes an item from the list box. More...
#define LB_SELITEMRANGEEX   0xF183
 reserved. More...
#define LB_RESETCONTENT   0xF184
 Removes the contents of a list box. More...
#define LB_GETSEL   0xF187
 Get the selected state for an specified item. More...
#define LB_SETSEL   0xF185
 Selects an item in a multiple-selection list box. More...
#define LB_GETCURSEL   0xF188
 Get the index of the currently selected or highlighted item. More...
#define LB_SETCURSEL   0xF186
 Selects an item. More...
#define LB_GETTEXT   0xF189
 Retrieve the text of an item in list box. More...
#define LB_GETTEXTLEN   0xF18A
 Get the length of text of item specified in a list box. More...
#define LB_GETCOUNT   0xF18B
 Get the number of items in the list box. More...
#define LB_SELECTSTRING   0xF18C
 reserved. More...
#define LB_DIR   0xF18D
 reserved. More...
#define LB_GETTOPINDEX   0xF18E
 Get the index to the first visible item in the list box. More...
#define LB_FINDSTRING   0xF18F
 Searchs a specified string. More...
#define LB_GETSELCOUNT   0xF190
 Get the number of selected items in a multiple-selection list box. More...
#define LB_GETSELITEMS   0xF191
 Get the numbers of selected items. More...
 reserved. More...
 reserved. More...
#define LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH   0xF195
 reserved. More...
#define LB_ADDFILE   0xF196
 reserved. More...
#define LB_SETTOPINDEX   0xF197
 Ensures that a particular item in it is visible. More...
#define LB_GETITEMRECT   0xF198
 Retrieve the dimensions of the rectangle. More...
#define LB_GETITEMDATA   0xF199
 Get item data in a list box if the box has LBS_CHECKBOX and/or LBS_USEICON styles. More...
#define LB_SETITEMDATA   0xF19A
 Set item data in a list box if the box has LBS_CHECKBOX and/or LBS_USEICON styles. More...
 Set the focus rectangle to the item at the specified index. More...
 Determine the index of the item that has the focus rectangle. More...
 Set the height of all items. More...
 Get the height in pixels of an item specified in the wParam parameter. More...
 Searchs for an item that exactly matches the characters specified. More...
#define LB_SETLOCALE   0xF1A5
 reserved. More...
#define LB_GETLOCALE   0xF1A6
 reserved. More...
#define LB_SETCOUNT   0xF1A7
 reserved. More...
#define LB_INITSTORAGE   0xF1A8
 reserved. More...
 reserved. More...
#define LB_SETTEXT   0xF1AA
 Set text of the specified item. More...
 Get check mark status of an item. More...
 Set check mark status of an item. More...
 Get the 32-bit data value associated with an item. More...
 Associates a 32-bit data value with an item. More...
 Set the STRCMP function used to sort items. More...
 Set the item disable. More...
 Get the item disable status. More...
#define LB_SETITEMBOLD   0xF1B2
 Set the item display use bold font. More...
#define LB_MULTIADDITEM   0xF1B3
 Appends the multi strings. More...
#define LBN_ERRSPACE   255
 Indicates that memory is not enough. More...
#define LBN_SELCHANGE   1
 Indicates change due to mouse or keyboard user input. More...
#define LBN_DBLCLK   2
 Indicates double click on an item. More...
#define LBN_SELCANCEL   3
 Indicates cancel of the selection in the list box. More...
#define LBN_SETFOCUS   4
 Indicates gain of input focus. More...
#define LBN_KILLFOCUS   5
 Indicates loss of input focus. More...
 Indicates click on the check mark. More...
#define LBN_CLICKED   7
 Indicates click on the string. More...
#define LBN_ENTER   8
 Indicates the user has pressed the ENTER key. More...


 Data type of the pointer to a LISTBOXITEMINFO. More...

Detailed Description

Wei Yongming vince.nosp@m.nt@m.nosp@m.inigu.nosp@m.i.or.nosp@m.g
   This file is part of MiniGUI, a mature cross-platform windowing
   and Graphics User Interface (GUI) support system for embedded systems
   and smart IoT devices.

   Copyright (C) 2002~2018, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd.
   Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <>.


   As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow
   GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept
   GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft.

   If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it
   under the terms and conditions of the commercial license.

   For more information about the commercial license, please refer to

Definition in file listbox.h.