MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
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Data Structures | |
Macros | |
#define | CTRL_LISTBOX ("listbox") |
The class name of listbox control. More... | |
#define | LB_OKAY 0 |
#define | LB_ERR (-3) |
#define | LB_ERRSPACE (-2) |
#define | CMFLAG_MASK 0x000F |
The mask of check mark and image flag value. More... | |
#define | IMGFLAG_BITMAP 0x0010 |
Listbox item style that context of itme is bitmap. More... | |
#define | LBIS_SIGNIFICANT 0x0020 |
Listbox item style that item is rendered with WE_FGC_SIGNIFICANT_ITEM and WE_BGC_SIGNIFICANT_ITEM color. More... | |
#define | LBS_NOTIFY 0x0001L |
Notifies the parent window. More... | |
#define | LBS_SORT 0x0002L |
Sorts strings alphabetically. More... | |
#define | LBS_MULTIPLESEL 0x0008L |
Causes the list box to allow the user to select multiple items. More... | |
#define | LBS_CHECKBOX 0x1000L |
Displays a check box in an item. More... | |
#define | LBS_USEICON 0x2000L |
Displays an icon or bitmap in an item. More... | |
#define | LBS_AUTOCHECK 0x4000L |
If the list box has LBS_CHECKBOX style, this style tell the box to auto-switch the check box between checked or un-checked when the user click the check mark box of an item. More... | |
If the list box has LBS_AUTOCHECKBOX style, this style tell the box use LBS_CHECKBOX and BLS_AUTOCHECK style. More... | |
#define | LBS_SBALWAYS 0x8000L |
The list box with LBS_SBALWAYS style will always show vertical scrollbar. More... | |
#define | LBS_MOUSEFOLLOW 0x0010L |
The list box with LBS_MOUSEFOLLOW style will always change the selected item following mouse. More... | |
#define | LB_ADDSTRING 0xF180 |
Appends the specified string. More... | |
#define | LB_INSERTSTRING 0xF181 |
Inserts an item to the list box. More... | |
#define | LB_DELETESTRING 0xF182 |
Removes an item from the list box. More... | |
#define | LB_SELITEMRANGEEX 0xF183 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_RESETCONTENT 0xF184 |
Removes the contents of a list box. More... | |
#define | LB_GETSEL 0xF187 |
Get the selected state for an specified item. More... | |
#define | LB_SETSEL 0xF185 |
Selects an item in a multiple-selection list box. More... | |
#define | LB_GETCURSEL 0xF188 |
Get the index of the currently selected or highlighted item. More... | |
#define | LB_SETCURSEL 0xF186 |
Selects an item. More... | |
#define | LB_GETTEXT 0xF189 |
Retrieve the text of an item in list box. More... | |
#define | LB_GETTEXTLEN 0xF18A |
Get the length of text of item specified in a list box. More... | |
#define | LB_GETCOUNT 0xF18B |
Get the number of items in the list box. More... | |
#define | LB_SELECTSTRING 0xF18C |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_DIR 0xF18D |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_GETTOPINDEX 0xF18E |
Get the index to the first visible item in the list box. More... | |
#define | LB_FINDSTRING 0xF18F |
Searchs a specified string. More... | |
#define | LB_GETSELCOUNT 0xF190 |
Get the number of selected items in a multiple-selection list box. More... | |
#define | LB_GETSELITEMS 0xF191 |
Get the numbers of selected items. More... | |
reserved. More... | |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH 0xF195 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_ADDFILE 0xF196 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_SETTOPINDEX 0xF197 |
Ensures that a particular item in it is visible. More... | |
#define | LB_GETITEMRECT 0xF198 |
Retrieve the dimensions of the rectangle. More... | |
#define | LB_GETITEMDATA 0xF199 |
Get item data in a list box if the box has LBS_CHECKBOX and/or LBS_USEICON styles. More... | |
#define | LB_SETITEMDATA 0xF19A |
Set item data in a list box if the box has LBS_CHECKBOX and/or LBS_USEICON styles. More... | |
#define | LB_SETCARETINDEX 0xF19E |
Set the focus rectangle to the item at the specified index. More... | |
#define | LB_GETCARETINDEX 0xF19F |
Determine the index of the item that has the focus rectangle. More... | |
#define | LB_SETITEMHEIGHT 0xF1A0 |
Set the height of all items. More... | |
#define | LB_GETITEMHEIGHT 0xF1A1 |
Get the height in pixels of an item specified in the wParam parameter. More... | |
Searchs for an item that exactly matches the characters specified. More... | |
#define | LB_SETLOCALE 0xF1A5 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_GETLOCALE 0xF1A6 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_SETCOUNT 0xF1A7 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_INITSTORAGE 0xF1A8 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_ITEMFROMPOINT 0xF1A9 |
reserved. More... | |
#define | LB_SETTEXT 0xF1AA |
Set text of the specified item. More... | |
#define | LB_GETCHECKMARK 0xF1AB |
Get check mark status of an item. More... | |
#define | LB_SETCHECKMARK 0xF1AC |
Set check mark status of an item. More... | |
Get the 32-bit data value associated with an item. More... | |
Associates a 32-bit data value with an item. More... | |
Set the STRCMP function used to sort items. More... | |
#define | LB_SETITEMDISABLE 0xF1B0 |
Set the item disable. More... | |
#define | LB_GETITEMDISABLE 0xF1B1 |
Get the item disable status. More... | |
#define | LB_SETITEMBOLD 0xF1B2 |
Set the item display use bold font. More... | |
#define | LB_MULTIADDITEM 0xF1B3 |
Appends the multi strings. More... | |
#define | LBN_ERRSPACE 255 |
Indicates that memory is not enough. More... | |
#define | LBN_SELCHANGE 1 |
Indicates change due to mouse or keyboard user input. More... | |
#define | LBN_DBLCLK 2 |
Indicates double click on an item. More... | |
#define | LBN_SELCANCEL 3 |
Indicates cancel of the selection in the list box. More... | |
#define | LBN_SETFOCUS 4 |
Indicates gain of input focus. More... | |
#define | LBN_KILLFOCUS 5 |
Indicates loss of input focus. More... | |
Indicates click on the check mark. More... | |
#define | LBN_CLICKED 7 |
Indicates click on the string. More... | |
#define | LBN_ENTER 8 |
Indicates the user has pressed the ENTER key. More... | |
Typedefs | |
Data type of the pointer to a LISTBOXITEMINFO. More... | |
This file is part of MiniGUI, a mature cross-platform windowing and Graphics User Interface (GUI) support system for embedded systems and smart IoT devices. Copyright (C) 2002~2018, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd. Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. Or, As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft. If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it under the terms and conditions of the commercial license. For more information about the commercial license, please refer to <>.
Definition in file listbox.h.