MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs
menubutton.h File Reference

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Data Structures



#define CTRL_MENUBTN   ("menubutton")
 The class name of menubutton control. More...
#define CTRL_MENUBUTTON   ("menubutton")
 The class name of menubutton control. More...
#define MB_OKAY   0
#define MB_ERR   -1
#define MB_INV_ITEM   -2
#define MB_ERR_SPACE   -3
#define MB_WHICH_TEXT   0x01
#define MB_WHICH_BMP   0x02
#define MB_WHICH_ATTDATA   0x04
#define MBS_SORT   0x0001
 If this bit is set, the items listed in the control are displayed in a specified order. More...
#define MBS_LEFTARROW   0x0002
 The menu pull-down arrow will be display at the left of the text. More...
#define MBS_NOBUTTON   0x0004
 The control have not push button. More...
#define MBS_ALIGNLEFT   0x0000
 The text on menubutton is left-align (default). More...
#define MBS_ALIGNRIGHT   0x0010
 The text on menubutton is right-align. More...
#define MBS_ALIGNCENTER   0x0020
 The text on menubutton is center-align. More...
#define MBS_ALIGNMASK   0x00F0
 The align mask of menubutton. More...
#define MBM_ADDITEM   0xF200
 Sends to the control to add an item to the menu list. More...
#define MBM_DELITEM   0xF201
 Sends to the control to delete an item in the menu list. More...
#define MBM_RESETCTRL   0xF202
 Sends to the control to remove all items in the menu list. More...
#define MBM_SETITEMDATA   0xF203
 Sends to the control to set the data of a specific item. More...
#define MBM_GETITEMDATA   0xF204
 Sends to the control to retrive the data of a specific item. More...
#define MBM_GETCURITEM   0xF206
 Sends to get the index of the current selected item. More...
#define MBM_SETCURITEM   0xF207
 Sends to set the current selected item based on index. More...
#define MBM_SETSTRCMPFUNC   0xF208
 Set the STRCMP function used to sort items. More...
#define MBN_ERRSPACE   255
 Sends when memory space error occures. More...
#define MBN_CHANGED   1
 Sends when selected item changes. More...
#define MBN_SELECTED   2
 Sends when an item is selected. More...
#define MBN_STARTMENU   4
 Sends when starting tracking popup menu. More...
#define MBN_ENDMENU   5
 Sends when ending tracking popup menu. More...
#define MBN_CLICKED   6
 Sends when the user clicked the menubutton but not active the menu. More...


 Data type of the pointer to a MENUBUTTONITEM. More...

Detailed Description

Wei Yongming vince.nosp@m.nt@m.nosp@m.inigu.nosp@m.i.or.nosp@m.g
   This file is part of MiniGUI, a mature cross-platform windowing
   and Graphics User Interface (GUI) support system for embedded systems
   and smart IoT devices.

   Copyright (C) 2002~2018, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd.
   Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <>.


   As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow
   GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept
   GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft.

   If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it
   under the terms and conditions of the commercial license.

   For more information about the commercial license, please refer to

Definition in file menubutton.h.