MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
scrollview.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  _svitem_operations


#define CTRL_SCROLLVIEW   ("scrollview")
 The class name of scrollview control, uses this name to create a scrollable window that consists of items. More...
#define CTRL_SCROLLWND   ("scrollwnd")
 The class name of scrollwnd control, uses this name to create a scrollable window to which you can add controls. More...
#define SVS_UPNOTIFY   0x0001L
 Sends the notification messages to parent window when the keys is up. More...
#define SVS_NOTIFY   0x0002L
 reserved. More...
#define SVS_AUTOSORT   0x0004L
 Automatically sorts strings entered in the scrollview control. More...
#define SVS_LOOP   0x0008L
 Loops the item automatically when user select item with down or up key. More...
#define SVM_ADDITEM   0xF300
 Adds an item in the scrollview. More...
#define SVM_DELITEM   0xF301
 Deletes an item from the scrollview. More...
#define SVM_SETITEMDRAW   0xF302
 Set the drawing operation of an item. More...
#define SVM_ADDCTRLS   0xF303
 Adds controls to the scrollview. More...
#define SVM_SETCONTWIDTH   0xF306
 Set the scrollview content area (scrollable area) width. More...
#define SVM_SETCONTHEIGHT   0xF307
 Set the scrollview content area (scrollable area) height. More...
#define SVM_GETCTRL   0xF308
 Get the control handle in the scrollview window by control id. More...
#define SVM_RESETCONTENT   0xF309
 Clears all the controls and the items added to the scrollview window. More...
#define SVM_SETITEMOPS   0xF30a
 Set the item operations of the items in the scrollview. More...
#define SVM_GETMARGINS   0xF30b
 Get the margin values of the scrollview. More...
#define SVM_SETMARGINS   0xF311
 Set the margin values of the scrollview. More...
#define SVM_GETLEFTMARGIN   0xF312
 Get the left margin value of the scrollview. More...
#define SVM_GETTOPMARGIN   0xF313
 Get the top margin value of the scrollview. More...
 Get the right margin value of the scrollview. More...
 Get the bottom margin value of the scrollview. More...
 Get the width of the visible content area. More...
 Get the height of the visible content area. More...
#define SVM_GETCONTWIDTH   0xF318
 Get the width of the content area. More...
#define SVM_GETCONTHEIGHT   0xF319
 Get the height of the content area. More...
#define SVM_SETCONTRANGE   0xF31a
 Set the width and height of the content area. More...
#define SVM_GETCONTENTX   0xF31b
 Get the content x offset in the viewport. More...
#define SVM_GETCONTENTY   0xF31c
 Get the content y offset in the viewport. More...
#define SVM_SETCONTPOS   0xF31d
 Set the content offset position in the viewport. More...
#define SVM_GETCURSEL   0xF31e
 Get the index of the current hilighted scrollview item. More...
#define SVM_SELECTITEM   0xF31f
 Selects or unselects an item in the scrollview item. More...
#define SVM_SHOWITEM   0xF320
 Makes an item visible in the scrollview item. More...
#define SVM_CHOOSEITEM   0xF321
 Makes an item selected and visible in the scrollview item. More...
#define SVM_SETCURSEL   0xF322
 Makes an item as the current hilighted item in the scrollview item. More...
#define SVM_SETITEMINIT   0xF323
 Set the init operation of the items in the scrollview. More...
 Set the destroy operation of the items in the scrollview. More...
#define SVM_SETITEMCMP   0xF327
 Set the item compare function. More...
 Makes a position in the content area visible. More...
 Set the window procedure of the container window in the scrollview. More...
#define SVM_GETFOCUSCHILD   0xF32a
 Get the focus control in the scrollview. More...
#define SVM_GETHSCROLLVAL   0xF32b
 Get the horizontal scroll value. More...
#define SVM_GETVSCROLLVAL   0xF32c
 Get the vertical scroll value. More...
 Get the horizontal page scroll value. More...
 Get the vertical page scroll value. More...
#define SVM_SETSCROLLVAL   0xF32f
 Set the horizontal and vertical scroll value. More...
 Set the horizontal and vertical page value. More...
#define SVM_SORTITEMS   0xF331
 Sorts the items according to a specified comparision function. More...
#define SVM_GETITEMCOUNT   0xF332
 Get the total number of the items. More...
 Get the additional data of the item. More...
 Set the additional data of the item. More...
#define SVM_REFRESHITEM   0xF335
 Refresh the item. More...
#define SVM_SETITEMHEIGHT   0xF336
 Set the height of an item. More...
 Get the index of the first visible item. More...
#define SVN_CLICKED   1
#define SVN_SELCHANGED   2


typedef int(* SVITEM_INITFUNC) (HWND hWnd, HSVITEM hsvi)
 Type of the scrollview item initialization callback procedure. More...
typedef void(* SVITEM_DESTROYFUNC) (HWND hWnd, HSVITEM hsvi)
 Type of the scrollview item destroy callback procedure. More...
typedef void(* SVITEM_DRAWFUNC) (HWND hWnd, HSVITEM hsvi, HDC hdc, RECT *rcDraw)
 Type of the scrollview item drawing callback procedure. More...
typedef int(* SVITEM_CMP) (HSVITEM hsvi1, HSVITEM hsvi2)
 Type of the scrollview item compare function. More...
typedef struct _svitem_operations SVITEMOPS


MG_EXPORT LRESULT GUIAPI DefaultContainerProc (HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
MG_EXPORT DWORD mglist_get_item_adddata (GHANDLE hi)
 Use this to get additional data from a list item in a control, such as scrollview and iconview. More...
MG_EXPORT DWORD scrollview_get_item_adddata (HSVITEM hsvi)
 Use this to get additional data from scrollview item. More...
MG_EXPORT int scrollview_get_item_index (HWND hWnd, HSVITEM hsvi)
 To get item index. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL scrollview_is_item_hilight (HWND hWnd, HSVITEM hsvi)
 To decide whether an item is the current hilighted item. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL scrollview_is_item_selected (HSVITEM hsvi)
 To decide whether an item is a selected. More...
MG_EXPORT int scrollview_set_item_height (HWND hWnd, HSVITEM hsvi, int height)
 Set the height of an item. More...

Detailed Description

Wei Yongming vince.nosp@m.nt@m.nosp@m.inigu.nosp@m.i.or.nosp@m.g
   This file is part of MiniGUI, a mature cross-platform windowing
   and Graphics User Interface (GUI) support system for embedded systems
   and smart IoT devices.

   Copyright (C) 2002~2018, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd.
   Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <>.


   As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow
   GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept
   GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft.

   If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it
   under the terms and conditions of the commercial license.

   For more information about the commercial license, please refer to

Definition in file scrollview.h.