MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs
treeview.h File Reference

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Data Structures



#define CTRL_TREEVIEW   ("TreeView")
 The class name of treeview control. More...
#define TVS_NOTIFY   0x0001L
 Sends the parent window notification messages when the user clicks or double-clicks the control. More...
#define TVS_WITHICON   0x0002L
 The treeview item will use icons to indicate folded or unfolded status. More...
#define TVS_ICONFORSELECT   0x0000L
 The fold icon is used to indicate selected item. More...
#define TVS_SORT   0x0010L
 Enables sorting in the treeview. More...
#define TVM_ADDITEM   0xF110
 Adds a new item in a treeview control. More...
#define TVM_INSERTITEM   0xF111
 The same as TVM_ADDITEM message. More...
#define TVM_GETROOT   0xF112
 Get the root item of a treeview control. More...
#define TVM_DELTREE   0xF113
 Removes an item and its descendant items for the treeview control. More...
#define TVM_SEARCHITEM   0xF114
 Searches an item matching a specified string in a subtree rooted by a specific item. More...
#define TVM_FINDCHILD   0xF115
 Finds a child item matching a specified string in children of a specific item. More...
#define TVM_GETSELITEM   0xF116
 Get the selected item. More...
#define TVM_SETSELITEM   0xF117
 Set the selected item. More...
 Retrives the text length of the specified item in TreeView control. More...
#define TVM_GETITEMTEXT   0xF119
 Retrives the text of the specified item in TreeView control. More...
#define TVM_GETITEMINFO   0xF11A
 Retrives the information of an item in TreeView control. More...
#define TVM_SETITEMINFO   0xF11B
 Changes the information of an item. More...
 Retrives related item of specific item. More...
 Set the STRCMP function used to sort items. More...
#define TVN_ERRSPACE   255
 Indicates that memory is not enough. More...
#define TVN_SELCHANGE   1
 Notifies the change of selection. More...
#define TVN_DBLCLK   2
 Notifies the user has double-clicked an item. More...
#define TVN_SETFOCUS   4
 Indicates gain of input focus. More...
#define TVN_KILLFOCUS   5
 Indicates loss of input focus. More...
#define TVN_CLICKED   7
 Indicates the user has clicked an item. More...
#define TVN_ENTER   8
 Indicates the user has pressed the ENTER key. More...
#define TVN_FOLDED   9
 Indicates a sub-tree has folded. More...
#define TVN_UNFOLDED   10
 Indicates a sub-tree has unfolded. More...


 Data type of the pointer to a TVITEMINFO. More...

Detailed Description

Wei Yongming vince.nosp@m.nt@m.nosp@m.inigu.nosp@m.i.or.nosp@m.g
   This file is part of MiniGUI, a mature cross-platform windowing
   and Graphics User Interface (GUI) support system for embedded systems
   and smart IoT devices.

   Copyright (C) 2002~2018, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd.
   Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <>.


   As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow
   GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept
   GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft.

   If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it
   under the terms and conditions of the commercial license.

   For more information about the commercial license, please refer to

Definition in file treeview.h.