mresmgr.h File Reference
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Data Structures
- MGNCS_EXPORT const char * ncsSetDefaultLocale (char *language, char *country)
- Set default locale information.
- MGNCS_EXPORT const char * ncsGetDefaultLocale (void)
- Get default locale information.
- MGNCS_EXPORT HPACKAGE ncsLoadResPackageFromFile (const char *fileName)
- Load a resource package from resource package file.
- MGNCS_EXPORT int ncsAddRefResPackage (HPACKAGE package)
- add the reference count for resource package
- MGNCS_EXPORT void ncsUnloadResPackage (HPACKAGE package)
- Unload a resource package.
- MGNCS_EXPORT HPACKAGE ncsLoadResPackageFromMem (const void *mem, int size)
- Load a resource package from memory. User get the information of incore resource package by getIncoreResPackInfo firstly, then call this function to load resource package.
- MGNCS_EXPORT const char * ncsGetImageFileName (HPACKAGE package, Uint32 resId)
- Get the name of image file.
- MGNCS_EXPORT int ncsGetBitmap (HDC hdc, HPACKAGE package, Uint32 resId, PBITMAP pBitmap)
- Load a device-dependent bitmap from resource id.
- MGNCS_EXPORT void ncsReleaseBitmap (PBITMAP pBitmap)
- Releases a bitmap.
- MGNCS_EXPORT int ncsGetMyBitmap (HPACKAGE package, Uint32 resId, PMYBITMAP myBmp, RGB *pal)
- Load a device-independent bitmap from resource id.
- MGNCS_EXPORT void ncsReleaseMyBitmap (PMYBITMAP myBmp)
- Releases a bitmap.
- MGNCS_EXPORT const char * ncsGetString (HPACKAGE package, Uint32 resId)
- Get string.
- MGNCS_EXPORT BOOL ncsSetSysRdr (HPACKAGE package, Uint32 rdrSetId)
- Set system renderer.
- MGNCS_EXPORT BOOL ncsSetWinRdr (HWND hWnd, HPACKAGE package, Uint32 rdrId)
- Set window renderer.
- MGNCS_EXPORT mMainWnd * ncsCreateMainWindowIndirectFromID (HPACKAGE package, Uint32 wndId, HWND owner, HICON hIcon, HMENU hMenu, NCS_EVENT_HANDLER_INFO *handlers, NCS_EVENT_CONNECT_INFO *connects, DWORD user_data)
- Create main window.
- MGNCS_EXPORT BOOL ncsGetWndTemplFromID (HPACKAGE package, Uint32 wndId, NCS_MNWND_TEMPLATE *ptempl, NCS_EVENT_HANDLER_INFO *handlers)
- get the window template from package
- MGNCS_EXPORT void ncsFreeWndTemplate (NCS_MNWND_TEMPLATE *ptempl)
- free the window template create by ncsGetWndTemplFromID
Detailed Description
- Author:
- XiaoweiYan
- Date:
- 2009/04/01
This file includes the definition of resource managerment.
Copyright (C) 2009 Feynman Software.
All rights reserved by Feynman Software.
This file is part of mgncs, which is new control
set of MiniGUI.
Definition in file mresmgr.h.