mGUtils API Reference
A component of MiniGUI providing users with a number of common dialog templates
This file includes interfaces of mGUtils. More...
#include "mgutilsconfig.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | _myWinButton |
struct | _myWinEntry |
struct | _CHILDINFO |
struct | _COLORDATA |
struct | skin_item_s |
struct | skin_item_ops_s |
struct | sie_slider_s |
struct | si_nrmlabel_s |
struct | si_bmplabel_s |
struct | si_nrmslider_s |
struct | si_rotslider_s |
struct | skin_head_s |
Macros | |
#define | FILE_ERROR_OK 0 |
Open file success. More... | |
#define | FILE_ERROR_PARAMERR -1 |
Wrong parameters. More... | |
#define | MAX_FILTER_LEN 255 |
The maximum length of filter string. More... | |
#define | MY_NAMEMAX 127 |
The maximum length of name. More... | |
#define | MY_PATHMAX 255 |
The maximum length of path. More... | |
#define | SI_TYPE_NRMLABEL 0x10000000 |
#define | SI_TYPE_BMPLABEL 0x20000000 |
#define | SI_TYPE_CMDBUTTON 0x30000000 |
#define | SI_TYPE_CHKBUTTON 0x40000000 |
#define | SI_TYPE_NRMSLIDER 0x50000000 |
#define | SI_TYPE_ROTSLIDER 0x60000000 |
#define | SI_TYPE_CONTROL 0x70000000 |
The item is a control. More... | |
#define | SI_TYPE_MASK 0xF0000000 |
The item type mask. More... | |
#define | SI_TEST_SHAPE_RECT 0x01000000 |
#define | SI_TEST_SHAPE_ELLIPSE 0x02000000 |
#define | SI_TEST_SHAPE_LOZENGE 0x03000000 |
#define | SI_TEST_SHAPE_LTRIANGLE 0x04000000 |
#define | SI_TEST_SHAPE_RTRIANGLE 0x05000000 |
#define | SI_TEST_SHAPE_UTRIANGLE 0x06000000 |
#define | SI_TEST_SHAPE_DTRIANGLE 0x07000000 |
#define | SI_STATUS_OK 0x00000001 |
#define | SI_STATUS_VISIBLE 0x00000002 |
#define | SI_STATUS_DISABLED 0x00000004 |
#define | SI_STATUS_HILIGHTED 0x00000008 |
#define | SI_BTNSTATUS_CLICKED 0x00000010 |
#define | SI_CMDBUTTON_2STATE 0x00000100 |
#define | SI_NRMSLIDER_HORZ 0x00000100 |
#define | SI_NRMSLIDER_VERT 0x00000200 |
#define | SI_NRMSLIDER_STATIC 0x00000400 |
#define | SI_ROTSLIDER_CW 0x00000100 |
#define | SI_ROTSLIDER_ANTICW 0x00000200 |
#define | SI_ROTSLIDER_STATIC 0x00000400 |
#define | CTRL_SKIN "skin" |
The class name of skin control. More... | |
#define | SIE_BUTTON_CLICKED 0x00000001 |
#define | SIE_SLIDER_CHANGED 0x00000002 |
#define | SIE_GAIN_FOCUS 0x00010000 |
#define | SIE_LOST_FOCUS 0x00020000 |
#define | MSG_CB_GOON 0 |
#define | MSG_CB_DEF_GOON 1 |
#define | MSG_CB_STOP 2 |
#define | SKIN_STYLE_NONE 0x00000000 |
The style of the skin is none. More... | |
#define | SKIN_STYLE_TOOLTIP 0x00000001 |
#define | SKIN_STYLE_MODAL 0x00000002 |
The skin has modal window. More... | |
#define | create_skin_main_window(skin, hosting, lx, ty, rx, by, modal) create_skin_main_window_ex (skin, hosting, lx, ty, rx, by, 0, modal) |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct _myWinButton | myWINBUTTON |
typedef struct _myWinEntry | myWINENTRY |
typedef struct _CHILDINFO | CHILDINFO |
typedef struct _COLORDATA | COLORDATA |
typedef struct skin_item_ops_s | skin_item_ops_t |
typedef struct skin_head_s | skin_head_t |
typedef struct skin_item_s | skin_item_t |
typedef struct sie_slider_s | sie_slider_t |
typedef struct si_nrmlabel_s | si_nrmlabel_t |
typedef struct si_bmplabel_s | si_bmplabel_t |
typedef struct si_nrmslider_s | si_nrmslider_t |
typedef struct si_rotslider_s | si_rotslider_t |
typedef int(* | skin_event_cb_t) (HWND hwnd, skin_item_t *item, int event, void *data) |
typedef int(* | skin_msg_cb_t) (HWND hwnd, int message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, int *result) |
Functions | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | myMessageBox (HWND hwnd, DWORD dwStyle, const char *title, const char *text,...) |
Creates a message box. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | myWinMessage (HWND hwnd, const char *title, const char *button1, const char *text,...) |
Creates a message box within only one button. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | myWinChoice (HWND hwnd, const char *title, const char *button1, const char *button2, const char *text,...) |
Creates a message box within two buttons. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | myWinTernary (HWND hwnd, const char *title, const char *button1, const char *button2, const char *button3, const char *text,...) |
Creates a message box within three buttons. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT void | errorWindow (HWND hwnd, const char *str, const char *title) |
A MiniGUI edition of perror. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT HWND | createStatusWin (HWND hParentWnd, int width, int height, const char *title, const char *text,...) |
Creates a status main window. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT void | destroyStatusWin (HWND hwnd) |
Destroies a status window. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT HWND | createProgressWin (HWND hParentWnd, const char *title, const char *label, int id, int range) |
Creates a main window within a progress bar. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT void | destroyProgressWin (HWND hwnd) |
Destroies progress window. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | myWinMenu (HWND hParentWnd, const char *title, const char *label, int width, int listboxheight, char **items, int *listItem, myWINBUTTON *buttons) |
Creates a menu main window for the user to select an item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | myWinEntries (HWND hParentWnd, const char *title, const char *label, int width, int editboxwidth, BOOL fIME, myWINENTRY *items, myWINBUTTON *buttons) |
Creates a entry main window for the user to enter something. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | myWinHelpMessage (HWND hwnd, int width, int height, const char *help_title, const char *help_msg) |
Creates a help message window. More... | |
void * | VCOnMiniGUI (void *data) |
Creates a vcongui main window. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | ShowCommonDialog (PDLGTEMPLATE dlg_template, HWND hwnd, WNDPROC proc, void *private_data) |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | FileOpenSaveDialog (PDLGTEMPLATE dlg_template, HWND hwnd, WNDPROC proc, PFILEDLGDATA pfdd) |
MGUTILS_EXPORT LRESULT | DefFileDialogProc (HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | ShowOpenDialog (HWND hWnd, int lx, int ty, int w, int h, PNEWFILEDLGDATA pnfdd) |
Creates an Open File Dialog Box. More... | |
void | RGB2HSV (Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint16 *hout, Uint8 *sout, Uint8 *vout) |
Converts r/g/b values of a color in RGB color space to h/s/v of the color in HSV color space. More... | |
void | HSV2RGB (Uint16 hin, Uint8 sin, Uint8 vin, Uint8 *rout, Uint8 *gout, Uint8 *bout) |
Converts h/s/v values of a color to r/g/b values of the color. More... | |
void | YUV2RGB (int y, int u, int v, Uint8 *r, Uint8 *g, Uint8 *b) |
Converts y/u/v values of a color in YUV color space to to r/g/b values of the color in RGB color space. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void | RGB2YUV (Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, int *y, int *u, int *v) |
Converts r/g/b values of a color in RGB color space to y/u/v values of the color in YUV color space. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | ColorSelectDialog (PDLGTEMPLATE dlg_template, HWND hwnd, WNDPROC proc, PCOLORDLGDATA pcdd) |
MGUTILS_EXPORT LRESULT | DefColorDialogProc (HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | ColorSelDialog (HWND hWnd, int x, int y, int w, int h, PCOLORDATA pClrData) |
Creates a Color Selection Dialog Box. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | FontSelectDialog (PDLGTEMPLATE dlg_template, HWND hwnd, WNDPROC proc, PFONTDLGDATA pfsd) |
MGUTILS_EXPORT LRESULT | DefFontDialogProc (HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | InfoShowDialog (PDLGTEMPLATE dlg_template, HWND hwnd, WNDPROC proc, PINFODLGDATA pidd) |
MGUTILS_EXPORT LRESULT | DefInfoDialogProc (HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | skin_init (skin_head_t *skin, skin_event_cb_t event_cb, skin_msg_cb_t msg_cb) |
Initializes a skin. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT void | skin_deinit (skin_head_t *skin) |
Deinitializes an initialized skin. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT HWND | create_skin_main_window_ex (skin_head_t *skin, HWND hosting, int lx, int ty, int rx, int by, DWORD dwExStyle, BOOL modal) |
Creates a main window for a skin. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT HWND | create_skin_control (skin_head_t *skin, HWND parent, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h) |
Creates a control for a skin. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | is_skin_main_window (HWND hwnd) |
Determines whether a window is a skin main window or not. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT void | destroy_skin_window (HWND hwnd) |
Destroys a skin window. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT skin_head_t * | set_window_skin (HWND hwnd, skin_head_t *new_skin) |
Sets new skin. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT skin_head_t * | get_window_skin (HWND hwnd) |
Gets new skin. More... | |
static skin_event_cb_t | skin_set_event_cb (skin_head_t *skin, skin_event_cb_t event_cb) |
Sets new event callback of a skin. More... | |
static skin_msg_cb_t | skin_set_msg_cb (skin_head_t *skin, skin_msg_cb_t msg_cb) |
Sets new message callback of a skin window. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT skin_item_t * | skin_get_item (skin_head_t *skin, int id) |
Retrives a skin item through its identifier. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT DWORD | skin_get_item_status (skin_head_t *skin, int id) |
Retrives the common status of a skin item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT DWORD | skin_set_item_status (skin_head_t *skin, int id, DWORD status) |
Set the common status of a skin item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT skin_item_t * | skin_get_hilited_item (skin_head_t *skin) |
Gets the current highlighted skin item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT DWORD | skin_show_item (skin_head_t *skin, int id, BOOL show) |
Showes or hides a skin item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT DWORD | skin_enable_item (skin_head_t *skin, int id, BOOL enable) |
Enables or disables a skin item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT skin_item_t * | skin_set_hilited_item (skin_head_t *skin, int id) |
Sets the current highlighted skin item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | skin_get_check_status (skin_head_t *skin, int id) |
Gets the check status of a check button item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT DWORD | skin_set_check_status (skin_head_t *skin, int id, BOOL check) |
Sets the check status of a check button item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT const char * | skin_get_item_label (skin_head_t *skin, int id) |
Gets the label string of a label item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | skin_set_item_label (skin_head_t *skin, int id, const char *label) |
Sets the label string of a label item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT HWND | skin_get_control_hwnd (skin_head_t *skin, int id) |
Gets the handle to a skin control item in the skin. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | skin_get_thumb_pos (skin_head_t *skin, int id) |
Gets the thumb position of a slider item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | skin_set_thumb_pos (skin_head_t *skin, int id, int pos) |
Sets the thumb position of a slider item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | skin_get_slider_info (skin_head_t *skin, int id, sie_slider_t *sie) |
Retrives the sliding information of a slider item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT BOOL | skin_set_slider_info (skin_head_t *skin, int id, const sie_slider_t *sie) |
Sets the sliding information of a slider item. More... | |
MGUTILS_EXPORT int | skin_scale_slider_pos (const sie_slider_t *org, int new_min, int new_max) |
Scales the sliding position. More... | |
This file includes interfaces of mGUtils.
This file is part of mGUtils, a component for MiniGUI. Copyright (C) 2002~2018, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd. Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. Or, As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft. If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it under the terms and conditions of the commercial license. For more information about the commercial license, please refer to <>.
Definition in file mgutils.h.