Messages of static control
[Static control]


Define Documentation

#define STM_GETIMAGE   0xF173

Retrieves a handle to the image.

An application sends an STM_GETIMAGE message to retrieve a handle to the image associated with a static control.

 wParam = 0;
 lParam = 0;
The handle to the icon if the type of static control type is SS_ICON, or the pointer to the BITMAP object if the type is SS_BITMAP.

Definition at line 254 of file static.h.

#define STM_SETIMAGE   0xF172

Associates a new image (icon or bitmap) with a static control.

An application sends an STM_SETIMAGE message to associate a new image (icon or bitmap) with a static control.

 HICON image;
 BITMAP* image;

 wParam = (WPARAM)image;
 lParam = 0;
image The handle to an icon if the type of static control type is SS_ICON, or the pointer to a BITMAP object if the type is SS_BITMAP.
The old image (handle or pointer).

Definition at line 236 of file static.h.

Generated on Thu Apr 7 16:01:46 2011 for MiniGUI V3.0.12 API Reference by  doxygen 1.6.3