System messages


Define Documentation

#define MSG_DOESNEEDIME   0x0150

Sends to a window to query whether the window needs to open IME window.

The system will send this message when the window gain the input focus to determine whether the window needs to open IME window.

The application should handle this message and return TRUE when the window need IME window. Default window procedure returns FALSE.

This is an asynchronical message.

Definition at line 2034 of file window.h.

#define MSG_FDEVENT   0x0146

Indicates an event of registered file descriptor occurred.

You can use RegisterListenFD to register a file desciptor to MiniGUI-Processes for listening.

When there is a read/write/except event on the fd, MiniGUI will post a MSG_FDEVENT message with wParam being equal to MAKELONG (fd, type), and the lParam being set to be the context to the target window.

 int fd = LOWORD(wParam);
 int type = HIWORD(wParam);
 void* context = (void*)lParam;
fd The listened file descriptor.
type The event type.
context A context value.
Only available on MiniGUI-Processes.
See also:

Definition at line 1998 of file window.h.

#define MSG_IDLE   0x0142

Indicates the system enters idle loop.

This message is sent to the all main windows when the system enters idle loop.

Definition at line 1946 of file window.h.

#define MSG_SRVNOTIFY   0x0147

Indicates a notification from the server of MiniGUI-Processes.

This message will be broadcasted to all of the main windows in a client process when the client receives a MSG_SRVNOTIFY message from the server.

The server, i.e. 'mginit' defines the meaning of two parameters of this message.

Only available on MiniGUI-Processes.

Definition at line 2013 of file window.h.

#define MSG_TIMER   0x0144

Indicates a timer has expired.

This message is sent to the window when a timer expired.

 int timer_id = (int)wParam;
 DWORD tick_count = (DWORD)lParam;
timer_id The identifier of the timer has expired.
tick_count The tick count when the timer had expired.

Definition at line 1965 of file window.h.

Generated on Thu Apr 7 16:01:50 2011 for MiniGUI V3.0.12 API Reference by  doxygen 1.6.3