Notification codes of treeview control
[TreeView control]


Define Documentation

#define TVN_CLICKED   7

Indicates the user has clicked an item.

Definition at line 490 of file treeview.h.

#define TVN_DBLCLK   2

Notifies the user has double-clicked an item.

Definition at line 466 of file treeview.h.

#define TVN_ENTER   8

Indicates the user has pressed the ENTER key.

Definition at line 496 of file treeview.h.

#define TVN_ERRSPACE   255

Indicates that memory is not enough.

A list box sends an TVN_ERRSPACE notification message to its parent window when it cannot allocate enough memory to complete the current operation.

Definition at line 454 of file treeview.h.

#define TVN_FOLDED   9

Indicates a sub-tree has folded.

This is an extended notification, the control calls NotifyParentEx function to notify the parent, and passes the handle to the folded item through add_data argument of NotifyParentEx function. You should define and set Notificaton Callback Procedure for the control in order to get the handle to the folded item.
See also:
SetNotificationCallback, NotifyParentEx

Definition at line 510 of file treeview.h.

#define TVN_KILLFOCUS   5

Indicates loss of input focus.

A TreeView control sends an TVN_KILLFOCUS notification message to its parent window when the list box loses the input focus.

Definition at line 484 of file treeview.h.

#define TVN_SELCHANGE   1

Notifies the change of selection.

Definition at line 460 of file treeview.h.

#define TVN_SETFOCUS   4

Indicates gain of input focus.

A TreeView control sends an TVN_SETFOCUS notification message to its parent window when the list box gains the input focus.

Definition at line 475 of file treeview.h.

#define TVN_UNFOLDED   10

Indicates a sub-tree has unfolded.

This is an extended notification, the control calls NotifyParentEx function to nofity the parent, and passes the handle to the unfolded item through add_data argument of NotifyParentEx function. You should define and set Notificaton Callback Procedure for the control in order to get the handle to the unfolded item.
See also:
SetNotificationCallback, NotifyParentEx

Definition at line 524 of file treeview.h.

Generated on Thu Apr 7 15:55:35 2011 for MiniGUI V3.0.12 API Reference by  doxygen 1.6.3