MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Processes)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 common.hThis file includes macro definitions and typedefs that commonly used by MiniGUI
 control.hThis file includes interfaces of standard controls of MiniGUI
 customial.hThis file is the head file for Custom IAL Engine
 endianrw.hThis file includes functions for reading and writing data from general sources, such as file, memory, etc., and also includes functions for reading and writing endian-specific values
 exstubs.hThis file is the header for NEWGAL/IAL engines which should be implemented by an external module
 fixedmath.hThis file includes fixed point and three-dimension math routines
 gdi.hThis file includes graphics device interfaces (GDI) of MiniGUI
 minigui.hThis file includes global and miscellaneous interfaces of MiniGUI
 window.hThis file includes windowing interfaces of MiniGUI
 xvfb.hThis file includes global and miscellaneous interfaces of xVFB for MiniGUI