MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Processes)
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Macros | |
#define | SVM_ADDITEM 0xF300 |
Adds an item in the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_DELITEM 0xF301 |
Deletes an item from the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETITEMDRAW 0xF302 |
Set the drawing operation of an item. More... | |
#define | SVM_ADDCTRLS 0xF303 |
Adds controls to the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETCONTWIDTH 0xF306 |
Set the scrollview content area (scrollable area) width. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETCONTHEIGHT 0xF307 |
Set the scrollview content area (scrollable area) height. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETCTRL 0xF308 |
Get the control handle in the scrollview window by control id. More... | |
#define | SVM_RESETCONTENT 0xF309 |
Clears all the controls and the items added to the scrollview window. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETITEMOPS 0xF30a |
Set the item operations of the items in the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETMARGINS 0xF30b |
Get the margin values of the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETMARGINS 0xF311 |
Set the margin values of the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETLEFTMARGIN 0xF312 |
Get the left margin value of the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETTOPMARGIN 0xF313 |
Get the top margin value of the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETRIGHTMARGIN 0xF314 |
Get the right margin value of the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETBOTTOMMARGIN 0xF315 |
Get the bottom margin value of the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETVISIBLEWIDTH 0xF316 |
Get the width of the visible content area. More... | |
Get the height of the visible content area. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETCONTWIDTH 0xF318 |
Get the width of the content area. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETCONTHEIGHT 0xF319 |
Get the height of the content area. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETCONTRANGE 0xF31a |
Set the width and height of the content area. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETCONTENTX 0xF31b |
Get the content x offset in the viewport. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETCONTENTY 0xF31c |
Get the content y offset in the viewport. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETCONTPOS 0xF31d |
Set the content offset position in the viewport. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETCURSEL 0xF31e |
Get the index of the current hilighted scrollview item. More... | |
#define | SVM_SELECTITEM 0xF31f |
Selects or unselects an item in the scrollview item. More... | |
#define | SVM_SHOWITEM 0xF320 |
Makes an item visible in the scrollview item. More... | |
#define | SVM_CHOOSEITEM 0xF321 |
Makes an item selected and visible in the scrollview item. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETCURSEL 0xF322 |
Makes an item as the current hilighted item in the scrollview item. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETITEMINIT 0xF323 |
Set the init operation of the items in the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETITEMDESTROY 0xF324 |
Set the destroy operation of the items in the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETITEMCMP 0xF327 |
Set the item compare function. More... | |
#define | SVM_MAKEPOSVISIBLE 0xF328 |
Makes a position in the content area visible. More... | |
Set the window procedure of the container window in the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETFOCUSCHILD 0xF32a |
Get the focus control in the scrollview. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETHSCROLLVAL 0xF32b |
Get the horizontal scroll value. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETVSCROLLVAL 0xF32c |
Get the vertical scroll value. More... | |
Get the horizontal page scroll value. More... | |
Get the vertical page scroll value. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETSCROLLVAL 0xF32f |
Set the horizontal and vertical scroll value. More... | |
Set the horizontal and vertical page value. More... | |
#define | SVM_SORTITEMS 0xF331 |
Sorts the items according to a specified comparision function. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETITEMCOUNT 0xF332 |
Get the total number of the items. More... | |
#define | SVM_GETITEMADDDATA 0xF333 |
Get the additional data of the item. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETITEMADDDATA 0xF334 |
Set the additional data of the item. More... | |
#define | SVM_REFRESHITEM 0xF335 |
Refresh the item. More... | |
#define | SVM_SETITEMHEIGHT 0xF336 |
Set the height of an item. More... | |
Get the index of the first visible item. More... | |
#define SVM_ADDCTRLS 0xF303 |
Adds controls to the scrollview.
ctrlNr | Control number in the pctrls control array. |
pctrls | Points to a CTRLDATA array that defines controls. |
Definition at line 350 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_ADDITEM 0xF300 |
Adds an item in the scrollview.
&svii | Pointer to a scrollview item information structure. |
phsvi | Pointer to a HSVITEM var, used to store the item handle returned. |
Definition at line 288 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_CHOOSEITEM 0xF321 |
Makes an item selected and visible in the scrollview item.
nItem | Item index. Be useful when hsvi is zero. |
hsvi | Item handle. |
Definition at line 754 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_DELITEM 0xF301 |
Deletes an item from the scrollview.
nItem | Scrollview item index to delete. If hsvi is not zero, nItem will be ignored. |
hsvi | Scrollview item handle to delete. |
Definition at line 309 of file scrollview.h.
Get the bottom margin value of the scrollview.
Definition at line 544 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETCONTENTX 0xF31b |
Get the content x offset in the viewport.
Definition at line 641 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETCONTENTY 0xF31c |
Get the content y offset in the viewport.
Definition at line 656 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETCONTHEIGHT 0xF319 |
Get the height of the content area.
Definition at line 604 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETCONTWIDTH 0xF318 |
Get the width of the content area.
Definition at line 589 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETCTRL 0xF308 |
Get the control handle in the scrollview window by control id.
id | Control id. |
Definition at line 408 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETCURSEL 0xF31e |
Get the index of the current hilighted scrollview item.
An application sends an this message to a scrollview window to get the index of the currently selected item, if there is one, in a single-selection scrollview. For multiple-selection case, appliction send this message to a scrollview to get the index of the current highlighted item.
Definition at line 695 of file scrollview.h.
Get the index of the first visible item.
Definition at line 1100 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETFOCUSCHILD 0xF32a |
Get the focus control in the scrollview.
Definition at line 884 of file scrollview.h.
Get the horizontal page scroll value.
Definition at line 929 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETHSCROLLVAL 0xF32b |
Get the horizontal scroll value.
Definition at line 899 of file scrollview.h.
Get the additional data of the item.
nItem | Scrollview item index to access. If hsvi is not zero, nItem will be ignored. |
hsvi | Scrollview item handle to access. |
Definition at line 1028 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETITEMCOUNT 0xF332 |
Get the total number of the items.
Definition at line 1007 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETLEFTMARGIN 0xF312 |
Get the left margin value of the scrollview.
Definition at line 499 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETMARGINS 0xF30b |
Get the margin values of the scrollview.
Application should use a RECT structure to get left, top, right, and bottom margins.
rcMargin | A RECT for storing 4 margin values. |
Definition at line 463 of file scrollview.h.
Get the right margin value of the scrollview.
Definition at line 529 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETTOPMARGIN 0xF313 |
Get the top margin value of the scrollview.
Definition at line 514 of file scrollview.h.
Get the height of the visible content area.
Definition at line 574 of file scrollview.h.
Get the width of the visible content area.
Definition at line 559 of file scrollview.h.
Get the vertical page scroll value.
Definition at line 944 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_GETVSCROLLVAL 0xF32c |
Get the vertical scroll value.
Definition at line 914 of file scrollview.h.
Makes a position in the content area visible.
pos_x | X coordinate of the position to be made visible |
pos_y | Y coordinate of the position to be made visible |
Definition at line 851 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_REFRESHITEM 0xF335 |
Refresh the item.
nitem | Item index. If hsvi is not zero, nItem will be ignored. |
hsvi | Item handle. |
Definition at line 1068 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_RESETCONTENT 0xF309 |
Clears all the controls and the items added to the scrollview window.
Definition at line 423 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SELECTITEM 0xF31f |
Selects or unselects an item in the scrollview item.
nItem | Index of the item to select or unselect. |
bSel | To select or unselect. |
Definition at line 714 of file scrollview.h.
Set the window procedure of the container window in the scrollview.
pfn | New container procedure function. |
Definition at line 869 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETCONTHEIGHT 0xF307 |
Set the scrollview content area (scrollable area) height.
Scrollable area of a scrolled window is always larger than the visible area.
cont_h | Scrollview content height. |
Definition at line 390 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETCONTPOS 0xF31d |
Set the content offset position in the viewport.
cont_x | New content x offset |
cont_y | New content y offset |
Definition at line 675 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETCONTRANGE 0xF31a |
Set the width and height of the content area.
If you want to change width and height, give a value large than zero. If you give -1, this value will remain untouched.
cont_w | Width of the content area. |
cont_h | Height of the content area. |
Definition at line 626 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETCONTWIDTH 0xF306 |
Set the scrollview content area (scrollable area) width.
Scrollable area of a scrolled window is always larger than the visible area.
cont_w | Scrollview content width. |
Definition at line 370 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETCURSEL 0xF322 |
Makes an item as the current hilighted item in the scrollview item.
nitem | Item index. |
bVisible | If bVisible is TRUE, this item wille be made visible. |
Definition at line 774 of file scrollview.h.
Set the additional data of the item.
nitem | Item index. |
addData | Additional data |
Definition at line 1048 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETITEMCMP 0xF327 |
Set the item compare function.
pfn | New item compare function |
Definition at line 834 of file scrollview.h.
Set the destroy operation of the items in the scrollview.
Normally item operations should be set before adding items. The destroy callback function will be called when deleting an item
pfn | Item destroy operation function |
Definition at line 816 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETITEMDRAW 0xF302 |
Set the drawing operation of an item.
Scrollview item drawing function will be called when doing with MSG_PAINT message, scrollview window should define this function if it want to draw an customed item.
pfn | Scrollview item drawing function. |
Definition at line 330 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETITEMHEIGHT 0xF336 |
Set the height of an item.
nitem | Item index. |
height | New height of the item |
Definition at line 1088 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETITEMINIT 0xF323 |
Set the init operation of the items in the scrollview.
Normally item operations should be set before adding items. The initialization callback function will be called when adding an item.
pfn | Item init operation function |
Definition at line 795 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETITEMOPS 0xF30a |
Set the item operations of the items in the scrollview.
Normally item operations should be set before adding items.
iop | Points to a SVITEMOPS structure that defines item operations |
Definition at line 443 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETMARGINS 0xF311 |
Set the margin values of the scrollview.
Application should use a RECT structure to give left, top, right, and bottom margins. If you want to change a margin value, give a value large than zero, or else -1.
rcMargin | A RECT Containing 4 margin values. |
Definition at line 484 of file scrollview.h.
Set the horizontal and vertical page value.
hval | New horizontal page value. |
vval | New vertical page value. |
Definition at line 982 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SETSCROLLVAL 0xF32f |
Set the horizontal and vertical scroll value.
hval | New horizontal scroll value. |
vval | New vertical scroll value. |
Definition at line 963 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SHOWITEM 0xF320 |
Makes an item visible in the scrollview item.
nItem | Item index. Be useful when hsvi is zero. |
hsvi | Item handle. |
Definition at line 734 of file scrollview.h.
#define SVM_SORTITEMS 0xF331 |
Sorts the items according to a specified comparision function.
pfn | Comparision function. |
Definition at line 999 of file scrollview.h.