MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Processes)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices

The glyph rendering flags indicate GetGlyphsExtentFromUChars and CreateLayout how to lay out the text: More...


#define GRF_WRITING_MODE_VERTICAL_RL   0x20000000
#define GRF_WRITING_MODE_VERTICAL_LR   0x30000000
#define GRF_TEXT_ORIENTATION_AUTO   0x04000000
#define GRF_TEXT_ORIENTATION_MIXED   0x05000000
#define GRF_LINE_EXTENT_FIXED   0x00000000
#define GRF_LINE_EXTENT_VARIABLE   0x00400000
#define GRF_INDENT_NONE   0x00000000
#define GRF_INDENT_FIRST_LINE   0x00100000
#define GRF_INDENT_HANGING   0x00200000
#define GRF_OVERFLOW_WRAP_NORMAL   0x00000000
#define GRF_OVERFLOW_WRAP_BREAK_WORD   0x00040000
#define GRF_OVERFLOW_WRAP_ANYWHERE   0x00080000
#define GRF_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_NONE   0x00000000
#define GRF_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_END   0x00030000
#define GRF_ALIGN_START   0x00000000
#define GRF_ALIGN_END   0x00001000
#define GRF_ALIGN_LEFT   0x00002000
#define GRF_ALIGN_RIGHT   0x00003000
#define GRF_ALIGN_CENTER   0x00004000
#define GRF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY   0x00005000
#define GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_NONE   0x00000000
#define GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_AUTO   0x00000100
#define GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_INTER_WORD   0x00000200
#define GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_INTER_CHAR   0x00000300
#define GRF_HANGING_PUNC_NONE   0x00000000
#define GRF_HANGING_PUNC_FORCE_END   0x00000010
#define GRF_HANGING_PUNC_ALLOW_END   0x00000020
#define GRF_HANGING_PUNC_OPEN   0x00000040
#define GRF_HANGING_PUNC_CLOSE   0x00000080
#define GRF_SPACES_KEEP   0x00000000
#define GRF_SPACES_REMOVE_START   0x00000001
#define GRF_SPACES_REMOVE_END   0x00000002
#define GRF_SPACES_HANGE_END   0x00000004

Detailed Description

The glyph rendering flags indicate GetGlyphsExtentFromUChars and CreateLayout how to lay out the text:

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GRF_ALIGN_CENTER   0x00004000

Text content is centered within the line box.

Definition at line 13419 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_ALIGN_END   0x00001000

Text content is aligned to the end edge of the line box.

Definition at line 13405 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY   0x00005000

All lines will be justified according to the method specified by GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_XXX, in order to exactly fill the line box.

If you specify only a valid justification method (not GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_NONE) without GRF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY, the last line will not be justified.

Definition at line 13427 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_ALIGN_LEFT   0x00002000

Text content is aligned to the line left edge of the line box. In vertical writing modes, this will be the physical top edge.

Definition at line 13410 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_ALIGN_RIGHT   0x00003000

Text content is aligned to the line right edge of the line box. In vertical writing modes, this will be the physical bottom edge.

Definition at line 13415 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_ALIGN_START   0x00000000

Text content is aligned to the start edge of the line box.

Definition at line 13401 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_HANGING_PUNC_ALLOW_END   0x00000020

A stop or comma at the end of a line hangs if it does not otherwise fit prior to justification.

Definition at line 13463 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_HANGING_PUNC_CLOSE   0x00000080

An closing bracket or quote at the end of the line hangs.

Definition at line 13471 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_HANGING_PUNC_FORCE_END   0x00000010

A stop or comma at the end of a line hangs.

Definition at line 13458 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_HANGING_PUNC_NONE   0x00000000

No character hangs.

Definition at line 13454 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_HANGING_PUNC_OPEN   0x00000040

An opening bracket or quote at the start of the line hangs.

Definition at line 13467 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_INDENT_FIRST_LINE   0x00100000

The first line is indented.

Definition at line 13357 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_INDENT_HANGING   0x00200000

Indent all the lines of a paragraph except the first line.

Definition at line 13361 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_INDENT_NONE   0x00000000

No indentation.

Definition at line 13353 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_LINE_EXTENT_FIXED   0x00000000

The maximal line extent is fixed. The maximal line extent value you passed to LayoutNextLine will be ignored.

Definition at line 13341 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_LINE_EXTENT_VARIABLE   0x00400000

The maximal line extent is variable. You should pass the desired maximal line extent value for a new line when calling LayoutNextLine. The intent mode will be ignored as well.

Definition at line 13347 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_END   0x00030000

Omit characters at the end of the text

Definition at line 13395 of file gdi.h.



Omit characters in the middle of the text

Definition at line 13391 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_NONE   0x00000000

No ellipsization

Definition at line 13383 of file gdi.h.



Omit characters at the start of the text

Definition at line 13387 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_OVERFLOW_WRAP_ANYWHERE   0x00080000

An otherwise unbreakable sequence of characters may be broken at an arbitrary point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line.

Definition at line 13377 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_OVERFLOW_WRAP_BREAK_WORD   0x00040000

Lines may break only at word seperators.

Definition at line 13371 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_OVERFLOW_WRAP_NORMAL   0x00000000

Lines may break only at allowed break points.

Definition at line 13367 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_SPACES_HANGE_END   0x00000004

A sequence of spaces at the end of a line hangs.

Definition at line 13489 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_SPACES_KEEP   0x00000000

All spaces are kept.

Definition at line 13477 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_SPACES_REMOVE_END   0x00000002

A sequence of spaces at the end of a line is removed.

Definition at line 13485 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_SPACES_REMOVE_START   0x00000001

A sequence of spaces at the start of a line is removed.

Definition at line 13481 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_AUTO   0x00000100

Justification adjusts primarily the spacing at word separators and between CJK typographic letter units along with secondarily between Southeast Asian typographic letter units.

Definition at line 13439 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_INTER_CHAR   0x00000300

Justification adjusts spacing between each pair of adjacent typographic character units.

Definition at line 13448 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_INTER_WORD   0x00000200

Justification adjusts spacing at word separators only.

Definition at line 13443 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_NONE   0x00000000

Do not justify.

Definition at line 13433 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_TEXT_ORIENTATION_AUTO   0x04000000

In vertical writing modes, all typographic character units keep in their intrinsic orientation.

Definition at line 13323 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_TEXT_ORIENTATION_MIXED   0x05000000

In vertical writing modes, typographic character units from horizontal-only scripts are typeset sideways, i.e. 90° clockwise from their standard orientation in horizontal text. Typographic character units from vertical scripts are typeset with their intrinsic orientation.

Definition at line 13331 of file gdi.h.



The glyphs typeset a run rotated 90° clockwise from their upright orientation.

Definition at line 13308 of file gdi.h.



The glyphs typeset a run rotated 90° counter-clockwise from their upright orientation.

Definition at line 13318 of file gdi.h.



The glyphs are individually typeset upright in vertical lines with vertical font metrics.

Definition at line 13303 of file gdi.h.



The glyphs are individually typeset upside down in vertical lines with vertical font metrics.

Definition at line 13313 of file gdi.h.



Bottom-to-top horizontal direction. Both the writing mode and the typographic mode are horizontal, but lines are generated from bottom to top.

Definition at line 13284 of file gdi.h.



Top-to-bottom horizontal direction. Both the writing mode and the typographic mode are horizontal.

Definition at line 13278 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_WRITING_MODE_VERTICAL_LR   0x30000000

Left-to-right vertical direction. Both the writing mode and the typographic mode are vertical. but the lines are generated from left to right.

Definition at line 13296 of file gdi.h.


#define GRF_WRITING_MODE_VERTICAL_RL   0x20000000

Right-to-left vertical direction. Both the writing mode and the typographic mode are vertical, but the lines are generated from right to left.

Definition at line 13290 of file gdi.h.