MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Standalone)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Data Structures | Functions
External Stubs for CommLCD NEWGAL Engine

The external stubs for COMMLCD NEWGAL engine. More...

Data Structures

struct  commlcd_info


int __commlcd_drv_init (void)
int __commlcd_drv_getinfo (struct commlcd_info *li, int width, int height, int depth)
int __commlcd_drv_release (void)
int __commlcd_drv_setclut (int firstcolor, int ncolors, GAL_Color *colors)
int __commlcd_drv_update (const RECT *rc_dirty)

Detailed Description

The external stubs for COMMLCD NEWGAL engine.

Function Documentation

◆ __commlcd_drv_getinfo()

int __commlcd_drv_getinfo ( struct commlcd_info li,
int  width,
int  height,
int  depth 

Implement this stub to initialize the CommLCD engine.

liThe pointer to struct commlcd_info. This structure will be used to return the LCD surface information.
widthThe desired horizontal resolution of the screen.
heightThe desired vertical resolution of the screen.
depthThe desired depth of the screen.

Return 0 for success, otherwise for failure.

◆ __commlcd_drv_init()

int __commlcd_drv_init ( void  )

Implement this stub to initialize the CommLCD engine. Return 0 for success.

◆ __commlcd_drv_release()

int __commlcd_drv_release ( void  )

Implement this stub to release (destroy) the CommLCD engine.

Return 0 for success, otherwise for failure.

◆ __commlcd_drv_setclut()

int __commlcd_drv_setclut ( int  firstcolor,
int  ncolors,
GAL_Color colors 

Implement this stub to set the pallete when the pixel type is COMMLCD_PSEUDO_RGB332.

firstcolorThe index value of the first entry of the pallete.
ncolorsThe number of entries of the pallete.
colorsThe array of the colors for each entries in the pallete.

Return 0 for success, otherwise for failure.

◆ __commlcd_drv_update()

int __commlcd_drv_update ( const RECT rc_dirty)

Implement this stub to update the screen.

rc_dirtyThe rectangle contains the dirty region.

Return 0 for success, otherwise for failure.