MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Standalone)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices

The line breaking policy specifies the strictness of line-breaking rules applied within an element: especially how wrapping interacts with punctuation and symbols. More...


#define LBP_NORMAL   0x00
 Breaks text using the most common set of line-breaking rules. More...
#define LBP_LOOSE   0x01
 Breaks text using the least restrictive set of line-breaking rules. Typically used for short lines, such as in newspapers. More...
#define LBP_STRICT   0x02
 Breaks text using the most stringent set of line-breaking rules. More...
#define LBP_ANYWHERE   0x03
 There is a soft wrap opportunity around every typographic character unit, including around any punctuation character or preserved spaces, or in the middle of words, disregarding any prohibition against line breaks, even those introduced by characters with the GL, WJ, or ZWJ breaking class or mandated by the word breaking rule. The different wrapping opportunities must not be prioritized. Hyphenation is not applied. More...

Detailed Description

The line breaking policy specifies the strictness of line-breaking rules applied within an element: especially how wrapping interacts with punctuation and symbols.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LBP_ANYWHERE   0x03

There is a soft wrap opportunity around every typographic character unit, including around any punctuation character or preserved spaces, or in the middle of words, disregarding any prohibition against line breaks, even those introduced by characters with the GL, WJ, or ZWJ breaking class or mandated by the word breaking rule. The different wrapping opportunities must not be prioritized. Hyphenation is not applied.

Definition at line 9961 of file gdi.h.


#define LBP_LOOSE   0x01

Breaks text using the least restrictive set of line-breaking rules. Typically used for short lines, such as in newspapers.

Definition at line 9942 of file gdi.h.


#define LBP_NORMAL   0x00

Breaks text using the most common set of line-breaking rules.

Definition at line 9934 of file gdi.h.


#define LBP_STRICT   0x02

Breaks text using the most stringent set of line-breaking rules.

Definition at line 9949 of file gdi.h.