MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Standalone)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Macros | Functions
System charset and font operations

MiniGUI creates a few system fonts to draw menu text, window caption, or other general items. MiniGUI at least creates two system fonts: one mono-space logical font for single-byte charset, and one mono-space logical font for multi-byte charset. For the multi-byte charset, the width of one multi-byte character should be equal to the width of two single-byte characters. More...




static PLOGFONT GUIAPI GetSystemFont (int font_id)
 Get the system logical font through an font identifier. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetSysFontMaxWidth (int font_id)
 Get the maximal width of a single-byte character of a system font. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetSysFontAveWidth (int font_id)
 Get the average width of a single-byte character of a system font. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetSysFontHeight (int font_id)
 Get the height of a single-byte character of a system font. More...
const MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI GetSysCharset (BOOL wchar)
 Get the current system charset. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetSysCharHeight (void)
 Get the height of a character of the default system font. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetSysCharWidth (void)
 Get the width of a single-byte character of the default system font. More...
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetSysCCharWidth (void)
 Get the width of a multi-byte character of the default system font. More...

Detailed Description

MiniGUI creates a few system fonts to draw menu text, window caption, or other general items. MiniGUI at least creates two system fonts: one mono-space logical font for single-byte charset, and one mono-space logical font for multi-byte charset. For the multi-byte charset, the width of one multi-byte character should be equal to the width of two single-byte characters.

Macro Definition Documentation


See also

Definition at line 8278 of file gdi.h.


See also

Definition at line 8290 of file gdi.h.


See also

Definition at line 8260 of file gdi.h.


See also

Definition at line 8272 of file gdi.h.


See also

Definition at line 8284 of file gdi.h.


See also

Definition at line 8266 of file gdi.h.

Function Documentation

◆ GetSysCCharWidth()

int GUIAPI GetSysCCharWidth ( void  )

Get the width of a multi-byte character of the default system font.

This function returns the width of a multi-byte character of the default system font. MiniGUI uses mono-space font as the system default font.

The width of multi-byte character of the default system font.
See also
GetSysCharHeight, GetSysCharWidth

◆ GetSysCharHeight()

int GUIAPI GetSysCharHeight ( void  )

Get the height of a character of the default system font.

This function returns the height of a character of the system default font. MiniGUI uses mono-space font as the default system font.

Normally, the width of one multi-byte character is equal to the width of two single-byte character when using the default system font.

The character height of the default system font.
See also
GetSysCharWidth, GetSysCCharWidth

◆ GetSysCharset()

const char *GUIAPI GetSysCharset ( BOOL  wchar)

Get the current system charset.

This function gets the current system charset and returns the charset name. By default, the system charset is ISO8859-1 (for single-byte charset) or GB2312.1980-0 (for wide charset), but you can change it by modifying MiniGUI.cfg.

wcharWhether to retrieve the wide charset supported currently.
The read-only buffer of charset name. If you pass wchar TRUE, This function may return NULL, if there is not any wide charset supported.

◆ GetSysCharWidth()

int GUIAPI GetSysCharWidth ( void  )

Get the width of a single-byte character of the default system font.

This function returns the width of a single-byte character of the default system font. MiniGUI uses mono-space font as the default system font, but you can specify a different font to output text in windows of MiniGUI.

The width of single-byte character of the default system font.
See also
GetSysCharHeight, GetSysCCharWidth, SelectFont, CreateLogFont

◆ GetSysFontAveWidth()

int GUIAPI GetSysFontAveWidth ( int  font_id)

Get the average width of a single-byte character of a system font.

This function returns the average width of a single-byte character of one system font.

font_idThe identifier of a system font.
The average width of single-byte character of the default system font.
See also

◆ GetSysFontHeight()

int GUIAPI GetSysFontHeight ( int  font_id)

Get the height of a single-byte character of a system font.

This function returns the height of a single-byte character of one system font.

font_idThe identifier of a system font.
The height of single-byte character of the default system font.
See also

◆ GetSysFontMaxWidth()

int GUIAPI GetSysFontMaxWidth ( int  font_id)

Get the maximal width of a single-byte character of a system font.

This function returns the maximal width of a single-byte character of one system font.

font_idThe identifier of a system font.
The maximal width of single-byte character of the default system font.
See also

◆ GetSystemFont()

PLOGFONT GUIAPI GetSystemFont ( int  font_id)

Get the system logical font through an font identifier.

This function returns the system logical font through the font identifier font_id.

font_idThe identifier of a system font, can be one of the following values:
    The default system logical font in single-byte charset, must be rbf.
    The default system logical font in multi-byte charset, must be rbf.
    The fixed space system logical font.
    The system logical font used to draw caption text.
    The system logical font used to draw menu items.
    The system logical font used to draw controls.
The pointer to the system logical font. NULL on error.

Definition at line 8320 of file gdi.h.