MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
This file includes graphics device interfaces (GDI) of MiniGUI. More...
#include "common.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "endianrw.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | _BLOCKHEAP |
struct | _CLIPRECT |
struct | _CLIPRGN |
struct | _STIPPLE |
struct | _ARC |
struct | _LOGFONT |
struct | _DEVFONT |
struct | _FONTMETRICS |
struct | _GLYPHBITMAP |
struct | _WORDINFO |
struct | _DTFIRSTLINE |
struct | _MYBITMAP |
struct | _BITMAP |
struct | _GLYPHEXTINFO |
struct | _GLYPHPOS |
struct | _DrmSurfaceInfo |
Macros | |
#define | PIXEL_invalid 0 |
#define | PIXEL_transparent SysPixelIndex[0] |
Transparent. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_darkblue SysPixelIndex[1] |
Dark blue. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_darkgreen SysPixelIndex[2] |
Dark green. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_darkcyan SysPixelIndex[3] |
Dark cyan. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_darkred SysPixelIndex[4] |
Dark red. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_darkmagenta SysPixelIndex[5] |
Dark magenta. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_darkyellow SysPixelIndex[6] |
Dark yellow. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_darkgray SysPixelIndex[7] |
Dark gray. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_lightgray SysPixelIndex[8] |
Light gray. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_blue SysPixelIndex[9] |
Blue. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_green SysPixelIndex[10] |
Green. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_cyan SysPixelIndex[11] |
Cyan. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_red SysPixelIndex[12] |
Red. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_magenta SysPixelIndex[13] |
Magenta. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_yellow SysPixelIndex[14] |
Yellow. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_lightwhite SysPixelIndex[15] |
Light white. More... | |
#define | PIXEL_black SysPixelIndex[16] |
Black. More... | |
#define | COLOR_invalid PIXEL_invalid |
#define | COLOR_transparent PIXEL_transparent |
#define | COLOR_darkred PIXEL_darkred |
#define | COLOR_darkgreen PIXEL_darkgreen |
#define | COLOR_darkyellow PIXEL_darkyellow |
#define | COLOR_darkblue PIXEL_darkblue |
#define | COLOR_darkmagenta PIXEL_darkmagenta |
#define | COLOR_darkcyan PIXEL_darkcyan |
#define | COLOR_lightgray PIXEL_lightgray |
#define | COLOR_darkgray PIXEL_darkgray |
#define | COLOR_red PIXEL_red |
#define | COLOR_green PIXEL_green |
#define | COLOR_yellow PIXEL_yellow |
#define | COLOR_blue PIXEL_blue |
#define | COLOR_magenta PIXEL_magenta |
#define | COLOR_cyan PIXEL_cyan |
#define | COLOR_lightwhite PIXEL_lightwhite |
#define | COLOR_black PIXEL_black |
#define | RGBA_transparent |
#define | RGBA_darkblue |
#define | RGBA_darkgreen |
#define | RGBA_darkcyan |
#define | RGBA_darkred |
#define | RGBA_darkmagenta |
#define | RGBA_darkyellow |
#define | RGBA_darkgray |
#define | RGBA_lightgray |
#define | RGBA_blue |
#define | RGBA_green |
#define | RGBA_cyan |
#define | RGBA_red |
#define | RGBA_magenta |
#define | RGBA_yellow |
#define | RGBA_lightwhite |
#define | RGBA_black |
#define | SysColorIndex SysPixelColor |
#define | InitFreeClipRectList(heap, size) InitBlockDataHeap (heap, sizeof (CLIPRECT), size) |
Initializes the private block data heap used to allocate clipping rectangles. More... | |
#define | ClipRectAlloc(heap) BlockDataAlloc (heap) |
Allocates a clipping rectangles from the private block data heap. More... | |
#define | FreeClipRect(heap, cr) BlockDataFree (heap, cr); |
Frees a clipping rectangle which is allocated from the private block data heap. More... | |
#define | DestroyFreeClipRectList(heap) DestroyBlockDataHeap (heap); |
Destroys the private block data heap used to allocate clipping rectangles. More... | |
#define | UnionRectWithRegion AddClipRect |
Is an alias of AddClipRect. More... | |
#define | CopyRegion ClipRgnCopy |
Is an alias of ClipRgnCopy. More... | |
#define | IntersectRegion ClipRgnIntersect |
Is an alias of ClipRgnIntersect. More... | |
#define | HDC_SCREEN ((HDC)0) |
Handle to the device context of the whole screen or the fake screen when MiniGUI is running under MiniGUI-Processes with compositing schema. More... | |
#define | HDC_INVALID ((HDC)-1) |
Indicates an invalid handle to device context. More... | |
#define | CreateCompatibleDC(hdc) CreateCompatibleDCEx(hdc, 0, 0) |
Creates a memory DC which is compatible with a given DC. More... | |
#define | DeleteCompatibleDC(hdc) DeleteMemDC(hdc) |
Deletes a memory DC. More... | |
#define | GetBkColor(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_BK_COLOR) |
Get the background color of a DC. More... | |
#define | GetBkMode(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_BK_MODE) |
Get the background mode of a DC. More... | |
#define | GetPenColor(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_PEN_COLOR) |
Get the pen color of a DC. More... | |
#define | GetBrushColor(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_BRUSH_COLOR) |
Get the brush color of a DC. More... | |
#define | GetTextColor(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_TEXT_COLOR) |
Get the text color of a DC. More... | |
#define | GetTabStop(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_TAB_STOP) |
Get the tabstop value of a DC. More... | |
#define | SetBkColor(hdc, color) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_BK_COLOR, (DWORD) color) |
Set the background color of a DC to a new value. More... | |
#define | SetBkMode(hdc, mode) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_BK_MODE, (DWORD) mode) |
Set the background color of a DC to a new mode. More... | |
#define | SetPenColor(hdc, color) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_PEN_COLOR, (DWORD) color) |
Set the pen color of a DC to a new value. More... | |
#define | SetBrushColor(hdc, color) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_BRUSH_COLOR, (DWORD) color) |
Set the brush color of a DC to a new value. More... | |
#define | SetTextColor(hdc, color) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_TEXT_COLOR, (DWORD) color) |
Set the text color of a DC to a new value. More... | |
#define | SetTabStop(hdc, value) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_TAB_STOP, (DWORD) value) |
Set the tabstop of a DC to a new value. More... | |
#define | DrawHDotLine(hdc, x, y, w) DrawHVDotLine (hdc, x, y, w, TRUE); |
Draws a horizontal dot dash line. More... | |
#define | DrawVDotLine(hdc, x, y, h) DrawHVDotLine (hdc, x, y, h, FALSE); |
Draws a vertical dot line. More... | |
#define | PolygonGenerator(context, pts, vertices, cb) PolygonGeneratorEx(context, pts, vertices, cb, NULL) |
This is a general polygon generator. More... | |
#define | GetPenType(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_PEN_TYPE) |
Get the pen type of a DC. More... | |
#define | SetPenType(hdc, type) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_PEN_TYPE, (DWORD) type) |
Set the pen type of a DC to a new type. More... | |
#define | GetPenCapStyle(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_PEN_CAP_STYLE) |
Get the pen cap style of a DC. More... | |
#define | SetPenCapStyle(hdc, style) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_PEN_CAP_STYLE, (DWORD) style) |
Set the pen type of a DC to a new type. More... | |
#define | GetPenJoinStyle(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_PEN_JOIN_STYLE) |
Get the pen join style of a DC. More... | |
#define | SetPenJoinStyle(hdc, style) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_PEN_JOIN_STYLE, (DWORD) style) |
Set the pen type of a DC to a new type. More... | |
#define | GetPenWidth(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_PEN_WIDTH) |
Get the pen width of a DC. More... | |
#define | SetPenWidth(hdc, width) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_PEN_WIDTH, (DWORD) width) |
Set the pen width of a DC to a new width. More... | |
#define | GetBrushType(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_BRUSH_TYPE) |
Get the brush type of a DC. More... | |
#define | SetBrushType(hdc, type) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_BRUSH_TYPE, (DWORD) type) |
Set the brush type of a DC to a new type. More... | |
#define | GetMapMode(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_MAP_MODE) |
Retrieve the current mapping mode of a DC. More... | |
#define | SetMapMode(hdc, mapmode) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_MAP_MODE, (DWORD)mapmode) |
Set the mapping mode of a display context. More... | |
#define | GetViewportOrg(hdc, pPt) GetDCLCS(hdc, DC_LCS_VORG, pPt) |
Retrieve the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the viewport origin for a device context. More... | |
#define | GetViewportExt(hdc, pPt) GetDCLCS(hdc, DC_LCS_VEXT, pPt) |
Retrieve the x-extents and y-extents of the current viewport for a device context. More... | |
#define | GetWindowOrg(hdc, pPt) GetDCLCS(hdc, DC_LCS_WORG, pPt) |
Retrieve the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the window for a device context. More... | |
#define | GetWindowExt(hdc, pPt) GetDCLCS(hdc, DC_LCS_WEXT, pPt) |
Retrieve the x-extents and y-extents of the current window for a device context. More... | |
#define | SetViewportOrg(hdc, pPt) SetDCLCS(hdc, DC_LCS_VORG, pPt) |
Set the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the viewport origin for a device context. More... | |
#define | SetViewportExt(hdc, pPt) SetDCLCS(hdc, DC_LCS_VEXT, pPt) |
Set the x-extents and y-extents of the current viewport for a device context. More... | |
#define | SetWindowOrg(hdc, pPt) SetDCLCS(hdc, DC_LCS_WORG, pPt) |
Set the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the window for a device context. More... | |
#define | SetWindowExt(hdc, pPt) SetDCLCS(hdc, DC_LCS_WEXT, pPt) |
Set the x-extents and y-extents of the current window for a device context. More... | |
#define | CreateIcon(hdc, w, h, AndBits, XorBits, colornum) CreateIconEx(hdc, w, h, AndBits, XorBits, colornum, NULL) |
#define | RECTWP(prc) ((prc)->right - (prc)->left) |
Get the width of a RECT object by using the pointer to it. More... | |
#define | RECTHP(prc) ((prc)->bottom - (prc)->top) |
Get the height of a RECT object by using the pointer to it. More... | |
#define | RECTW(rc) ((rc).right - (rc).left) |
Get the width of a RECT object. More... | |
#define | RECTH(rc) ((rc).bottom - (rc).top) |
Get the height of a RECT object. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_GB1988_0 "GB1988-0" |
EUC encoding of GB1988 charset, treat as ISO8859-1. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_GB2312_0 "GB2312-0" |
EUC encoding of GB2312 charset. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_GB18030_0 "GB18030-0" |
EUC encoding of GB18030 charset. More... | |
EUC encoding of CNS11643 charset, not supported. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_KSC5636_0 "KSC5636-0" |
EUC encoding of KSC5636 charset, treat as ISO8859-1. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_KSC5601_0 "KSC5601-0" |
EUC encoding of KSC5601 charset. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_JISX0201_0 "JISX0201-0" |
EUC encoding of JISX0201 charset. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_JISX0208_0 "JISX0208-0" |
EUC encoding of JISX0208 charset. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_JISX0201_1 "JISX0201-1" |
Shift-JIS encoding of JISX0201 charset. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_JISX0208_1 "JISX0208-1" |
Shift-JIS encoding of JISX0208 charset. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_ISO_10646_1 "ISO-10646-1" |
UCS-2 encoding of UNICODE. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_UTF8 "UTF-8" |
UTF-8 encoding of UNICODE. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_UTF16LE "UTF-16LE" |
UTF-16 encoding (Little-Endian) of UNICODE. More... | |
#define | FONT_CHARSET_UTF16BE "UTF-16BE" |
UTF-16 encoding (Big-Endian) of UNICODE. More... | |
Extract the basic type from an abstract character type. More... | |
Extract the UNICODE general category from an abstract character type. More... | |
Extract the UNICODE break class from an abstract character type. More... | |
Unknown abstract character type. More... | |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_CTRL1 0x0100 |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_BEL 0x0200 |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_BS 0x0300 |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_HT 0x0400 |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_LF 0x0500 |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_VT 0x0600 |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_FF 0x0700 |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_CR 0x0800 |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_CTRL2 0x0900 |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_SPACE 0x0A00 |
#define | ACHAR_BASIC_ZEROWIDTH 0x0B00 |
#define | INV_LOGFONT 0 |
Invalid logfont. More... | |
#define | SYSLOGFONT_FIXED 2 |
#define | SYSLOGFONT_MENU 4 |
#define | MB2WC(log_font, dest, mstr, n) MB2WCEx (log_font, dest, sizeof(wchar_t) == 4, mstr, n) |
The backward compatibility version of MB2WCEx. More... | |
#define | WC2MB(log_font, s, wc) WC2MBEx (log_font, s, (Uchar32)wc) |
The backward compatibility version of WC2MBEx. More... | |
#define | MBS2WCS(log_font, dest, mstr, mstr_len, n) |
The backward compatibility version of MBS2WCSEx. More... | |
#define | WCS2MBS(log_font, dest, wcs, wcs_len, n) |
The backward compatibility version of WCS2MBSEx. More... | |
Strong left to right. More... | |
Right to left characters. More... | |
Arabic characters. More... | |
Left-To-Right embedding. More... | |
Right-To-Left embedding. More... | |
Left-To-Right override. More... | |
Right-To-Left override. More... | |
Pop directional override. More... | |
European digit. More... | |
Arabic digit. More... | |
European number separator. More... | |
European number terminator. More... | |
Common Separator. More... | |
Non spacing mark. More... | |
Boundary neutral. More... | |
Block separator (Paragraph separator) More... | |
Segment separator. More... | |
Whitespace. More... | |
Other Neutral. More... | |
Left-to-Right Isolate. More... | |
Right-to-Left Isolate. More... | |
First Strong Isolate. More... | |
Pop Directional Isolate. More... | |
#define | CTR_NONE 0x00 |
No effects. More... | |
#define | CTR_CAPITALIZE 0x01 |
Puts the first typographic letter unit of each word, if lowercase, in titlecase; other characters are unaffected. More... | |
#define | CTR_UPPERCASE 0x02 |
Puts all letters in uppercase. More... | |
#define | CTR_LOWERCASE 0x03 |
Puts all letters in lowercase. More... | |
#define | CTR_FULL_WIDTH 0x10 |
Puts all typographic character units in fullwidth form. If a character does not have a corresponding fullwidth form, it is left as is. This value is typically used to typeset Latin letters and digits as if they were ideographic characters. More... | |
#define | CTR_FULL_SIZE_KANA 0x20 |
Converts all small Kana characters to the equivalent full-size Kana. This value is typically used for ruby annotation text, where authors may want all small Kana to be drawn as large Kana to compensate for legibility issues at the small font sizes typically used in ruby. More... | |
#define | WBR_NORMAL 0x00 |
Words break according to their customary rules, as defined by UNICODE LINE BREAKING ALGORITHM. More... | |
#define | WBR_BREAK_ALL 0x01 |
Breaking is allowed within “words”. More... | |
#define | WBR_KEEP_ALL 0x02 |
Breaking is forbidden within “words”. More... | |
#define | LBP_NORMAL 0x00 |
Breaks text using the most common set of line-breaking rules. More... | |
#define | LBP_LOOSE 0x01 |
Breaks text using the least restrictive set of line-breaking rules. Typically used for short lines, such as in newspapers. More... | |
#define | LBP_STRICT 0x02 |
Breaks text using the most stringent set of line-breaking rules. More... | |
#define | LBP_ANYWHERE 0x03 |
There is a soft wrap opportunity around every typographic character unit, including around any punctuation character or preserved spaces, or in the middle of words, disregarding any prohibition against line breaks, even those introduced by characters with the GL, WJ, or ZWJ breaking class or mandated by the word breaking rule. The different wrapping opportunities must not be prioritized. Hyphenation is not applied. More... | |
#define | BOV_UNKNOWN 0x0000 |
#define | BOV_WHITESPACE 0x8000 |
#define | BOV_EXPANDABLE_SPACE 0x0800 |
#define | BOV_ZERO_WIDTH 0x0080 |
#define | BOV_GB_CHAR_BREAK 0x1000 |
#define | BOV_GB_CURSOR_POS 0x2000 |
#define | BOV_GB_BACKSPACE_DEL_CH 0x4000 |
#define | BOV_WB_WORD_BOUNDARY 0x0100 |
#define | BOV_WB_WORD_START 0x0200 |
#define | BOV_WB_WORD_END 0x0400 |
#define | BOV_SB_SENTENCE_BOUNDARY 0x0010 |
#define | BOV_SB_SENTENCE_START 0x0020 |
#define | BOV_SB_SENTENCE_END 0x0040 |
#define | BOV_LB_ALLOWED (BOV_LB_BREAK_FLAG | 0x0001) |
#define | BOV_LB_NOTALLOWED 0x0003 |
#define | GetTextCharacterExtra(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_CHAR_EXTRA) |
Retrieve the current inter-character spacing for the DC. More... | |
#define | GetTextWordExtra(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_WORD_EXTRA) |
Retrieve the current inter-word spacing for the DC. More... | |
#define | GetTextAboveLineExtra(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_ALINE_EXTRA) |
Retrieve the current spacing above line for the DC. More... | |
#define | GetTextBellowLineExtra(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_BLINE_EXTRA) |
Retrieve the current spacing bellow line for the DC. More... | |
#define | SetTextCharacterExtra(hdc, extra) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_CHAR_EXTRA, (DWORD) extra) |
Set the inter-character spacing for the DC and returns the old spacing value. More... | |
#define | SetTextWordExtra(hdc, extra) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_WORD_EXTRA, (DWORD) extra) |
Set the inter-word spacing for the DC and returns the old spacing value. More... | |
#define | SetTextAboveLineExtra(hdc, extra) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_ALINE_EXTRA, (DWORD) extra) |
Set the spacing above line for the DC and returns the old value. More... | |
#define | SetTextBellowLineExtra(hdc, extra) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_BLINE_EXTRA, (DWORD) extra) |
Set the spacing bellow line for the DC and returns the old value. More... | |
#define | GetTextAlign(hdc) GetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_TEXT_ALIGN) |
Retrieve the current text-alignment flags of a DC. More... | |
#define | SetTextAlign(hdc, ta_flags) SetDCAttr (hdc, DC_ATTR_TEXT_ALIGN, (DWORD)ta_flags) |
Set text-alignment flags of a DC. More... | |
#define | TextOut(hdc, x, y, text) TextOutLen (hdc, x, y, text, -1) |
Outputs text. More... | |
#define | TabbedTextOut(hdc, x, y, text) TabbedTextOutLen (hdc, x, y, text, -1) |
Outputs formatted text. More... | |
#define | DrawText(hdc, text, n, rc, format) DrawTextEx2 (hdc, text, n, rc, 0, format, NULL) |
Draws a formatted text in a rectangle. More... | |
#define | DrawTextEx(hdc, text, n, rc, indent, format) DrawTextEx2 (hdc, text, n, rc, indent, format, NULL) |
Draws a formatted text in a rectangle. More... | |
#define | MLS_BLENDMODE_NONE 0x00 |
#define | LoadBitmap LoadBitmapFromFile |
An alias of LoadBitmapFromFile. More... | |
#define | LoadMyBitmap LoadMyBitmapFromFile |
Alias of LoadMyBitmapFromFile. More... | |
#define | GLYPHBMP_TYPE_MONO 0x00 |
#define | GLYPHBMP_TYPE_GREY 0x01 |
#define | GLYPHBMP_TYPE_GREY4b 0x02 |
#define | WSR_NORMAL 0x00 |
This value directs GetUCharsUntilParagraphBoundary collapses sequences of white space into a single character. Lines may wrap at allowed soft wrap opportunities. More... | |
#define | WSR_PRE 0x01 |
This value prevents GetUCharsUntilParagraphBoundary from collapsing sequences of white space. Segment breaks such as line feeds are preserved as forced line breaks. Lines only break at forced line breaks; content that does not fit within the specified extent overflows it. More... | |
#define | WSR_NOWRAP 0x02 |
Like WSR_NORMAL, this value collapses white spaces; but like WSR_PRE, it does not allow wrapping. More... | |
#define | WSR_PRE_WRAP 0x03 |
Like WSR_PRE, this value preserves white space; but like WSR_NORMAL, it allows wrapping. More... | |
#define | WSR_BREAK_SPACES 0x04 |
The behavior is identical to that of WSR_PRE_WRAP, except that: More... | |
#define | WSR_PRE_LINE 0x05 |
Like WS_NORMAL, this value collapses consecutive spaces and allows wrapping, but preserves segment breaks in the source as forced line breaks. More... | |
#define | UCHAR2ACHAR(uc) ((uc) | 0x80000000) |
The macro to convert a Uchar32 value to Achar32 value. More... | |
#define | GRF_WRITING_MODE_HORIZONTAL_TB 0x00000000 |
#define | GRF_WRITING_MODE_HORIZONTAL_BT 0x10000000 |
#define | GRF_WRITING_MODE_VERTICAL_RL 0x20000000 |
#define | GRF_WRITING_MODE_VERTICAL_LR 0x30000000 |
#define | GRF_TEXT_ORIENTATION_UPRIGHT 0x00000000 |
#define | GRF_TEXT_ORIENTATION_SIDEWAYS 0x01000000 |
#define | GRF_TEXT_ORIENTATION_AUTO 0x04000000 |
#define | GRF_TEXT_ORIENTATION_MIXED 0x05000000 |
#define | GRF_LINE_EXTENT_FIXED 0x00000000 |
#define | GRF_LINE_EXTENT_VARIABLE 0x00400000 |
#define | GRF_INDENT_NONE 0x00000000 |
#define | GRF_INDENT_FIRST_LINE 0x00100000 |
#define | GRF_INDENT_HANGING 0x00200000 |
#define | GRF_OVERFLOW_WRAP_NORMAL 0x00000000 |
#define | GRF_OVERFLOW_WRAP_BREAK_WORD 0x00040000 |
#define | GRF_OVERFLOW_WRAP_ANYWHERE 0x00080000 |
#define | GRF_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_NONE 0x00000000 |
#define | GRF_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_START 0x00010000 |
#define | GRF_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE 0x00020000 |
#define | GRF_OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIZE_END 0x00030000 |
#define | GRF_ALIGN_START 0x00000000 |
#define | GRF_ALIGN_END 0x00001000 |
#define | GRF_ALIGN_LEFT 0x00002000 |
#define | GRF_ALIGN_RIGHT 0x00003000 |
#define | GRF_ALIGN_CENTER 0x00004000 |
#define | GRF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY 0x00005000 |
#define | GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_NONE 0x00000000 |
#define | GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_AUTO 0x00000100 |
#define | GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_INTER_WORD 0x00000200 |
#define | GRF_TEXT_JUSTIFY_INTER_CHAR 0x00000300 |
#define | GRF_HANGING_PUNC_NONE 0x00000000 |
#define | GRF_HANGING_PUNC_FORCE_END 0x00000010 |
#define | GRF_HANGING_PUNC_ALLOW_END 0x00000020 |
#define | GRF_HANGING_PUNC_OPEN 0x00000040 |
#define | GRF_HANGING_PUNC_CLOSE 0x00000080 |
#define | GRF_SPACES_KEEP 0x00000000 |
#define | GRF_SPACES_REMOVE_START 0x00000001 |
#define | GRF_SPACES_REMOVE_END 0x00000002 |
#define | GRF_SPACES_HANGE_END 0x00000004 |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct _BLOCKHEAP | BLOCKHEAP |
Data type of the pointer to a BLOCKHEAP. More... | |
typedef struct _BITMAP | BITMAP |
typedef BITMAP * | PBITMAP |
Data type of pointer to a BITMAP. More... | |
typedef struct _MYBITMAP | MYBITMAP |
typedef struct _MYBITMAP * | PMYBITMAP |
Data type of pointer to a struct _MYBITMAP. More... | |
typedef struct _CLIPRECT | CLIPRECT |
typedef struct _CLIPRGN | CLIPRGN |
typedef CLIPRGN * | PCLIPRGN |
Data type of the pointer to a CLIPRGN. More... | |
typedef void(* | CB_DIRECT_DRAW_RECT) (HDC hdc, Uint8 *pixels, int pitch, int bytesPerPixel, const RECT *rc, void *context) |
Type of directly access pixels hook function. More... | |
typedef int(* | ON_UPDATE_SECONDARYDC) (HWND hwnd, HDC secondary_dc, HDC real_dc, const RECT *secondary_rc, const RECT *real_rc, const RECT *main_update_rc) |
The callback type of on updating secondary DC. More... | |
typedef void(* | CB_LINE) (void *context, int stepx, int stepy) |
The type of line generator callback. More... | |
typedef void(* | CB_CIRCLE) (void *context, int x1, int x2, int y) |
The type of circle generator callback. More... | |
typedef void(* | CB_ELLIPSE) (void *context, int x1, int x2, int y) |
The type of ellipse generator callback. More... | |
typedef void(* | CB_ARC) (void *context, int x, int y) |
The type of arc generator callback. More... | |
typedef void(* | CB_POLYGON) (void *context, int x1, int x2, int y) |
The type of polygon generator callback. More... | |
typedef BOOL(* | CB_EQUAL_PIXEL) (void *context, int x, int y) |
Flodd filling generator's equation callback. More... | |
typedef void(* | CB_FLOOD_FILL) (void *context, int x1, int x2, int y) |
Flodd filling generator's scan line callback. More... | |
typedef struct _STIPPLE | STIPPLE |
typedef struct _ARC | ARC |
typedef struct _LOGFONT | LOGFONT |
typedef LOGFONT * | PLOGFONT |
Data type of pointer to a LOGFONT. More... | |
typedef struct _WORDINFO | WORDINFO |
Date type of _WORDINFO. More... | |
typedef Sint8 | BidiLevel |
typedef Uint16 | BidiType |
typedef Uint32 | BidiBracketType |
typedef Uint8 | BidiJoiningType |
typedef Uint8 | BidiArabicProp |
typedef Uint16 | ParagraphDir |
typedef Uint16 | BreakOppo |
typedef BOOL(* | CB_ALLOC_BITMAP_BUFF) (void *context, BITMAP *bmp) |
The type of callback to allocate pixel buffer for BITMAP object. More... | |
typedef void(* | CB_ONE_SCANLINE) (void *context, MYBITMAP *my_bmp, int y) |
The type of scanline loaded callback. More... | |
Data type of struct _ACHARMAPINFO. More... | |
typedef struct _GLYPHINFO | GLYPHINFO |
Data type of struct _GLYPHINFO. More... | |
typedef struct _GLYPHPOS | GLYPHPOS |
typedef struct _TEXTRUNS | TEXTRUNS |
typedef struct _LAYOUT | LAYOUT |
typedef struct _LAYOUTLINE | LAYOUTLINE |
typedef struct _DrmSurfaceInfo | DrmSurfaceInfo |
Functions | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL | InitBlockDataHeap (PBLOCKHEAP heap, size_t bd_size, size_t heap_size) |
Initializes a private block data heap. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void * | BlockDataAlloc (PBLOCKHEAP heap) |
Allocates a data block from private heap. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void | BlockDataFree (PBLOCKHEAP heap, void *data) |
Frees an allocated data block. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void | DestroyBlockDataHeap (PBLOCKHEAP heap) |
Destroys a private block data heap. More... | |
Initializes a clipping region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | EmptyClipRgn (PCLIPRGN pRgn) |
Empties a clipping region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT PCLIPRGN GUIAPI | CreateClipRgn (void) |
Creates a clipping region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DestroyClipRgn (PCLIPRGN pRgn) |
Empties and destroys a clipping region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | ClipRgnCopy (PCLIPRGN pDstRgn, const CLIPRGN *pSrcRgn) |
Copies one region to another. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | ClipRgnIntersect (PCLIPRGN pRstRgn, const CLIPRGN *pRgn1, const CLIPRGN *pRgn2) |
Intersects two region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetClipRgnBoundRect (PCLIPRGN pRgn, PRECT pRect) |
Get the bounding rectangle of a region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SetClipRgn (PCLIPRGN pRgn, const RECT *pRect) |
Set a region to contain only one rect. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsEmptyClipRgn (const CLIPRGN *pRgn) |
Determine whether a region is an empty region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | AddClipRect (PCLIPRGN pRgn, const RECT *pRect) |
Unions one rectangle to a region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IntersectClipRect (PCLIPRGN pRgn, const RECT *pRect) |
Intersects a rectangle with a region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SubtractClipRect (PCLIPRGN pRgn, const RECT *pRect) |
Subtracts a rectangle from a region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | PtInRegion (const PCLIPRGN region, int x, int y) |
Determine whether a point is in a region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | RectInRegion (const PCLIPRGN region, const RECT *rect) |
Determine whether a rectangle is intersected with a region. More... | |
static BOOL GUIAPI | AreRegionsIntersected (const PCLIPRGN s1, const PCLIPRGN s2) |
Determine whether two regions are intersected. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | OffsetRegionEx (PCLIPRGN region, const RECT *rcClient, const RECT *rcScroll, int x, int y) |
Offsets the region in the specified window's scroll area. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | OffsetRegion (PCLIPRGN region, int x, int y) |
Offsets the region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | UnionRegion (PCLIPRGN dst, const CLIPRGN *src1, const CLIPRGN *src2) |
Unions two regions. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SubtractRegion (CLIPRGN *rgnD, const CLIPRGN *rgnM, const CLIPRGN *rgnS) |
Substrcts a region from another. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | XorRegion (CLIPRGN *dst, const CLIPRGN *src1, const CLIPRGN *src2) |
Does the XOR operation between two regions. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | InitCircleRegion (PCLIPRGN dst, int x, int y, int r) |
Initializes a region to be an enclosed circle. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | InitEllipseRegion (PCLIPRGN dst, int x, int y, int rx, int ry) |
Initializes a region to be an enclosed ellipse. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | InitPolygonRegion (PCLIPRGN dst, const POINT *pts, int vertices) |
Initializes a region to be an enclosed polygon. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Uint32 GUIAPI | GetGDCapability (HDC hdc, int iItem) |
Returns a capability of a DC. More... | |
Get a window or client DC of a window. More... | |
static HDC GUIAPI | GetDC (HWND hWnd) |
Get a window DC of a window. More... | |
static HDC GUIAPI | GetClientDC (HWND hWnd) |
Get a client DC of a window. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | GetSubDC (HDC hdc, int off_x, int off_y, int width, int height) |
This function gets a sub DC which is compliant to the specified client DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | ReleaseDC (HDC hdc) |
Releases a DC from DC pool. More... | |
Get the window handle from DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SaveDC (HDC hdc) |
Saves the current state of a device context. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | RestoreDC (HDC hdc, int saved_dc) |
Restores a device context (DC) to the specified state. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | CreateCompatibleDCEx (HDC hdc, int width, int height) |
Creates a memory DC which is compatible with the specified reference DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsCompatibleDC (HDC hdc1, HDC hdc2) |
Check whether a given DC is compliant to a specific DC. More... | |
Check whether a given DC is a memory DC. More... | |
Check whether a given DC is a screen DC. More... | |
Check whether a given DC is a window DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | CreateMemDCEx (int width, int height, int depth, DWORD flags, Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask, void *bits, int pitch) |
Creates a memory DC. More... | |
static HDC GUIAPI | CreateMemDC (int width, int height, int depth, DWORD flags, Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask) |
Creates a memory DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | CreateSubMemDC (HDC parent, int off_x, int off_y, int width, int height, BOOL comp_to_parent) |
Creates a sub memory DC in the given memory DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | CreateMemDCFromBitmap (HDC hdc, const BITMAP *bmp) |
Creates a memory DC from a reference DC and a BITMAP object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | CreateMemDCFromMyBitmap (const MYBITMAP *my_bmp, const RGB *pal) |
Creates a memory DC from a device independent MYBITMAP object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | ConvertMemDC (HDC mem_dc, HDC ref_dc, DWORD flags) |
Converts a memory DC to have a same format as a reference DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SetMemDCAlpha (HDC mem_dc, DWORD flags, Uint8 alpha) |
Set the alpha value for the entire surface of a DC, as opposed to using the alpha component of each pixel. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SetMemDCColorKey (HDC mem_dc, DWORD flags, Uint32 color_key) |
Set the color key (transparent pixel) of a memory DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DeleteMemDC (HDC mem_dc) |
Deletes a memory DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Uint8 *GUIAPI | LockDC (HDC hdc, const RECT *rw_rc, int *width, int *height, int *pitch) |
Locks a dc to get direct access to pixels in the DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | LockDCEx (HDC hdc, const PCLIPRGN region, void *context, CB_DIRECT_DRAW_RECT cb) |
directly access the pixels in a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | UnlockDC (HDC hdc) |
Unlocks a locked DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | CreatePrivateDC (HWND hwnd) |
Creates a private window DC of a window. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | CreatePrivateClientDC (HWND hwnd) |
Creates a private client DC of a window. More... | |
HDC GUIAPI | CreatePrivateSubDC (HDC hdc, int off_x, int off_y, int width, int height) |
Creates a private SubDC of a window. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | GetPrivateClientDC (HWND hwnd) |
Returns the private client DC of a window. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DeletePrivateDC (HDC hdc) |
Deletes the DC returned by CreatePrivateDC or CreatePrivateClientDC or CreatePrivateSubDC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | CreateSecondaryDC (HWND hwnd) |
Creates a secondary DC for a main window. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | SetSecondaryDC (HWND hwnd, HDC secondary_dc, ON_UPDATE_SECONDARYDC on_update_secondarydc) |
Set a window's secondary DC and the callback procedure for the secondary DC update. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | GetSecondaryDC (HWND hwnd) |
Retrieve and return the secondary DC of a specific window. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | GetDCInSecondarySurface (HWND hWnd, BOOL bClient) |
Get a window or client DC by using the secondary surface if possible. More... | |
static HDC GUIAPI | GetSecondaryClientDC (HWND hwnd) |
Get a client DC of a window by using the secondary surface if possible. More... | |
static void GUIAPI | ReleaseSecondaryDC (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc) |
Release the DC returned by GetSecondaryClientDC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DeleteSecondaryDC (HWND hwnd) |
Deletes the secondary DC of the window. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | GetEffectiveCDC (HWND hwnd) |
Get the effective client DC of a window. More... | |
Synchronize the update rectangles of the surface corresponding to a DC to screen. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SyncUpdateSurface (HWND hwnd) |
Synchronize the update rectangles of the backing surface of a window to screen. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Uint32 GUIAPI | GetDCAttr (HDC hdc, int attr) |
Get a specified attribute value of a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Uint32 GUIAPI | SetDCAttr (HDC hdc, int attr, Uint32 value) |
Set a specified attribute value of a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetRasterOperation (HDC hdc) |
Get the raster operation of a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SetRasterOperation (HDC hdc, int rop) |
Set the raster operation of a DC to a new value. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetPalette (HDC hdc, int start, int len, GAL_Color *cmap) |
Get palette entries of a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SetPalette (HDC hdc, int start, int len, GAL_Color *cmap) |
Set palette entries of a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SetColorfulPalette (HDC hdc) |
Set a DC with colorful palette. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HPALETTE GUIAPI | CreatePalette (GAL_Palette *pal) |
Creates a logical palette. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SelectPalette (HDC hdc, HPALETTE hpal, BOOL reserved) |
Selects a palette for a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | RealizePalette (HDC hdc) |
This function maps palette entries from the current logical palette to the system palette. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | ResizePalette (HPALETTE hpal, int len) |
Resizes a logical palette. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DestroyPalette (HPALETTE hpal) |
Destroy a logical palette. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HPALETTE GUIAPI | GetDefaultPalette (void) |
Get the system default logical palette. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetPaletteEntries (HPALETTE hpal, int start, int len, GAL_Color *cmap) |
Get palette entries of a logical palette. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SetPaletteEntries (HPALETTE hpal, int start, int len, GAL_Color *cmap) |
Set palette entries of a logical palette. More... | |
MG_EXPORT UINT GUIAPI | GetNearestPaletteIndex (HPALETTE hpal, Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue) |
Get the nearest palette index in the logical palette for a spefici color. More... | |
MG_EXPORT RGBCOLOR GUIAPI | GetNearestColor (HDC hdc, Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue) |
Get the nearest color compliant to a DC for a spefici color. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | SetPixel (HDC hdc, int x, int y, gal_pixel pixel) |
Set the pixel with a new pixel value at the specified position on a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT gal_pixel GUIAPI | SetPixelRGB (HDC hdc, int x, int y, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b) |
Set the pixel by a RGB triple at the specified position on a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT gal_pixel GUIAPI | SetPixelRGBA (HDC hdc, int x, int y, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a) |
Set the pixel by a RGBA quarter at the specified position on a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT gal_pixel GUIAPI | GetPixel (HDC hdc, int x, int y) |
Get the pixel value at the specified position on a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT gal_pixel GUIAPI | GetPixelRGB (HDC hdc, int x, int y, Uint8 *r, Uint8 *g, Uint8 *b) |
Get the pixel value at the specified position on a DC in RGB triple. More... | |
MG_EXPORT gal_pixel GUIAPI | GetPixelRGBA (HDC hdc, int x, int y, Uint8 *r, Uint8 *g, Uint8 *b, Uint8 *a) |
Get the pixel value at the specified position on a DC in RGBA quarter. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | RGBA2Pixels (HDC hdc, const RGB *rgbs, gal_pixel *pixels, int count) |
Get the pixel values from a color array in RGBA quarter under a DC. More... | |
static gal_pixel | RGBA2Pixel (HDC hdc, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a) |
Get the pixel value from a color in RGBA quarter under a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | RGB2Pixels (HDC hdc, const RGB *rgbs, gal_pixel *pixels, int count) |
Get the pixel values from a color array in RGB triple under a DC. More... | |
static gal_pixel | RGB2Pixel (HDC hdc, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b) |
Get the pixel value from a color in RGB triple under a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | Pixel2RGBs (HDC hdc, const gal_pixel *pixels, RGB *rgbs, int count) |
Get the colors in RGB triple from a pixel value array under a DC. More... | |
static void | Pixel2RGB (HDC hdc, gal_pixel pixel, Uint8 *r, Uint8 *g, Uint8 *b) |
Get the color in RGB triple from a pixel value under a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | Pixel2RGBAs (HDC hdc, const gal_pixel *pixels, RGB *rgbs, int count) |
Get the colors in RGBA quarter from a array of pixel values under a DC. More... | |
static void | Pixel2RGBA (HDC hdc, gal_pixel pixel, Uint8 *r, Uint8 *g, Uint8 *b, Uint8 *a) |
Get the color in RGBA quarter from a pixel value under a DC. More... | |
static DWORD | Pixel2DWORD (HDC hdc, gal_pixel pixel) |
An inline function to convert pixel value to DWORD color. More... | |
static gal_pixel | DWORD2Pixel (HDC hdc, DWORD dword) |
An inline function to convert DWORD color to gal_pixel. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | FocusRect (HDC hdc, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) |
Draws a focus rectangle. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DrawHVDotLine (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w_h, BOOL H_V) |
Draws a horizontal or vertical dot dash line. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | LineClipper (const RECT *cliprc, int *_x0, int *_y0, int *_x1, int *_y1) |
The line clipper using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | LineGenerator (void *context, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, CB_LINE cb) |
A line generator based-on Breshenham algorithm. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | CircleGenerator (void *context, int sx, int sy, int r, CB_CIRCLE cb) |
A circle generator. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | EllipseGenerator (void *context, int sx, int sy, int rx, int ry, CB_ELLIPSE cb) |
An ellipse generator. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | CircleArcGenerator (void *context, int sx, int sy, int r, int ang1, int ang2, CB_ARC cb) |
An arc generator. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | MonotoneVerticalPolygonGenerator (void *context, const POINT *pts, int vertices, CB_POLYGON cb) |
A monotone vertical polygon generator. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | PolygonIsMonotoneVertical (const POINT *pts, int vertices) |
Check a polygon is monotone vertical or not. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | PolygonGeneratorEx (void *context, const POINT *pts, int vertices, CB_POLYGON cb, RECT *rc_output) |
A general polygon generator. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | FloodFillGenerator (void *context, const RECT *src_rc, int x, int y, CB_EQUAL_PIXEL cb_equal_pixel, CB_FLOOD_FILL cb_flood_fill) |
A flood filling generator. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SetBitmapScalerType (HDC hdc, int scaler_type) |
Set bitmap scaler algorithm callback of DC according by scaler_type. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | MoveTo (HDC hdc, int x, int y) |
Moves the current zero pen position. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | LineTo (HDC hdc, int x, int y) |
Draws a zero line to a position. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | Rectangle (HDC hdc, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) |
Draws a rectangle. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | PolyLineTo (HDC hdc, const POINT *pts, int vertices) |
Draws a polyline. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | SplineTo (HDC hdc, const POINT *pts) |
Draws a bezier spline. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | Circle (HDC hdc, int sx, int sy, int r) |
Draws a circle. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | Ellipse (HDC hdc, int sx, int sy, int rx, int ry) |
Draws a ellipse. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | CircleArc (HDC hdc, int sx, int sy, int r, int ang1, int ang2) |
Draws an arc. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | FillBox (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h) |
Fills a rectangle box. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | FillCircle (HDC hdc, int sx, int sy, int r) |
Fills a circle. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | FillEllipse (HDC hdc, int sx, int sy, int rx, int ry) |
Fills an ellipse. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | FillPolygon (HDC hdc, const POINT *pts, int vertices) |
Fills an polygon. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | FloodFill (HDC hdc, int x, int y) |
Fills an enclosed area starting at point (x,y). More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | SetPenDashes (HDC hdc, int dash_offset, const unsigned char *dash_list, int n) |
Set the way dashed-lines are drawn. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | SetBrushInfo (HDC hdc, const BITMAP *tile, const STIPPLE *stipple) |
Set the tile or stipple with the DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | SetBrushOrigin (HDC hdc, int x, int y) |
Set the origin when using tiles or stipples with the DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | LineEx (HDC hdc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) |
Draws a line with the current pen in the DC hdc. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | ArcEx (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int width, int height, int ang1, int ang2) |
Draws an arc with the current pen in a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | FillArcEx (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int width, int height, int ang1, int ang2) |
Fills an arc with the current brush in a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | PolyLineEx (HDC hdc, const POINT *pts, int nr_pts) |
Draws a polyline with the current pen in a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | PolyArcEx (HDC hdc, const ARC *arcs, int nr_arcs) |
Draws a polyarc with the current pen in a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | PolyFillArcEx (HDC hdc, const ARC *arcs, int nr_arcs) |
Fill a polyarc with the current brush in a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | RoundRect (HDC hdc, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int cw, int ch) |
Draw and fill a rectangle with rounded corners in a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetDCLCS (HDC hdc, int which, POINT *pt) |
Retrieve mapping parameters of a device context. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | SetDCLCS (HDC hdc, int which, const POINT *pt) |
Set mapping parameters of a device context. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DPtoLP (HDC hdc, POINT *pPt) |
Converts device coordinates into logical coordinates. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | LPtoDP (HDC hdc, POINT *pPt) |
Converts logical coordinates into device coordinates. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | SPtoLP (HDC hdc, POINT *pPt) |
Converts screen coordinates into logical coordinates. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | LPtoSP (HDC hdc, POINT *pPt) |
Converts logical coordinates into screen coordinates. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | ExcludeClipRect (HDC hdc, const RECT *prc) |
Excludes the specified rectangle from the current visible region of a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | IncludeClipRect (HDC hdc, const RECT *prc) |
Includes the specified rectangle to the current visible region of a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | PtVisible (HDC hdc, int x, int y) |
Check whether a point is visible. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | ClipRectIntersect (HDC hdc, const RECT *prc) |
Intersects the specified rectangle with the visible region of the DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | SelectClipRect (HDC hdc, const RECT *prc) |
Set the visible region of a DC to be a rectangle. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SelectClipRegionEx (HDC hdc, const CLIPRGN *pRgn, int fnMode) |
Combines the specified region with the current clipping region using the specified mode. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | SelectClipRegion (HDC hdc, const CLIPRGN *pRgn) |
Set the visible region of a DC to be a region. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | OffsetClipRegion (HDC hdc, int nXOffset, int nYOffset) |
Moves the clipping region of a device context by the specified offsets. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetBoundsRect (HDC hdc, RECT *pRect) |
Retrieve the bounding rectangle of the current visible region of a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | RectVisible (HDC hdc, const RECT *pRect) |
Check whether the specified rectangle is visible. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetClipBox (HDC hdc, RECT *clipbox) |
Retrieve the bounding rectangle of the current clipping region of a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetClipRegion (HDC hdc, CLIPRGN *cliprgn) |
Get the current clipping region of a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | GetBitmapFromDC (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, BITMAP *bmp) |
Get image box on a DC and saves it into a BITMAP object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | FillBoxWithBitmap (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, const BITMAP *bmp) |
Fills a box with a BITMAP object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | FillBoxWithBitmapPart (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int bw, int bh, const BITMAP *bmp, int xo, int yo) |
Fills a box with a part of a bitmap oject. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | FillBitmapPartInBox (HDC hdc, int box_x, int box_y, int box_w, int box_h, const BITMAP *pbmp, int bmp_x, int bmp_y, int bmp_w, int bmp_h) |
Fills a part of bitmap into a box, and the parts bitmap will be scaled if needed. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | BitBlt (HDC hsdc, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, HDC hddc, int dx, int dy, DWORD dwRop) |
Performs a bit-block transfer from a device context into another device context. More... | |
static void GUIAPI | StretchBlt (HDC hsdc, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, HDC hddc, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, DWORD dwRop) |
Copies a bitmap from a source rectangle into a destination rectangle, streches the bitmap if necessary. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | ScaleBitmapEx (BITMAP *dst, const BITMAP *src, HDC ref_dc) |
Scales a BITMAP object into another BITMAP object by specify algorithm. More... | |
MG_EXPORT gal_pixel GUIAPI | GetPixelInBitmapEx (const BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, Uint8 *alpha) |
Returns the pixel value in a BITMAP object. More... | |
static gal_pixel GUIAPI | GetPixelInBitmap (const BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y) |
Returns the pixel value in a BITMAP object. More... | |
static BOOL GUIAPI | SetPixelInBitmap (const BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, gal_pixel pixel) |
Set pixel value in a BITMAP object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SaveScreenRectContent (const RECT *rcWin, const char *filename) |
Saves content of a rectangle in the screen to a file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SaveMainWindowContent (HWND hWnd, const char *filename) |
Saves content of a main window to a file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HICON GUIAPI | LoadIconFromFile (HDC hdc, const char *filename, int which) |
Load an icon from a Windows ICO file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HICON GUIAPI | LoadIconFromMem (HDC hdc, const void *area, int which) |
Load an icon from a memory area. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HICON GUIAPI | CreateIconEx (HDC hdc, int w, int h, const BYTE *AndBits, const BYTE *XorBits, int colornum, const RGB *pal) |
Creates an icon object from the memory. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HICON GUIAPI | LoadBitmapIconFromFile (HDC hdc, const char *file_name) |
Load an icon from a bitmap file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HICON GUIAPI | LoadBitmapIconFromMem (HDC hdc, const void *mem, size_t size, const char *ext) |
Load an icon from memory. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | DestroyIcon (HICON hicon) |
Destroys an icon object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | GetIconSize (HICON hicon, int *w, int *h) |
Get the size of an icon object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DrawIcon (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, HICON hicon) |
Draws an icon into a box. More... | |
static void | SetRect (RECT *prc, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) |
Set a rectangle. More... | |
static void | SetRectEmpty (RECT *prc) |
Empties a rectangle. More... | |
static void | CopyRect (RECT *pdrc, const RECT *psrc) |
Copies one rectangle to another. More... | |
static void | OffsetRect (RECT *prc, int x, int y) |
Moves a rectangle by offsets. More... | |
static void | InflateRect (RECT *prc, int cx, int cy) |
Increases or decreases the width and height of an rectangle. More... | |
static void | InflateRectToPt (RECT *prc, int x, int y) |
Inflates a rectangle to contain a point. More... | |
static BOOL | PtInRect (const RECT *prc, int x, int y) |
Determine whether a point lies within an rectangle. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsRectEmpty (const RECT *prc) |
Determine whether an rectangle is empty. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | EqualRect (const RECT *prc1, const RECT *prc2) |
Determine whether two rectangles are equal. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | NormalizeRect (RECT *pRect) |
Normalizes a rectangle. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IntersectRect (RECT *pdrc, const RECT *psrc1, const RECT *psrc2) |
Calculates the intersection of two rectangles. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsCovered (const RECT *prc1, const RECT *prc2) |
Determine whether one rectangle is covered by another. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | DoesIntersect (const RECT *psrc1, const RECT *psrc2) |
Determine whether two rectangles intersect. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | UnionRect (RECT *pdrc, const RECT *psrc1, const RECT *psrc2) |
Unions two source rectangles. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetBoundRect (PRECT pdrc, const RECT *psrc1, const RECT *psrc2) |
Get the bound rectangle of two source rectangles. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SubtractRect (RECT *rc, const RECT *psrc1, const RECT *psrc2) |
Obtains the rectangles when substracting one rectangle from another. More... | |
MG_EXPORT LanguageCode GUIAPI | LanguageCodeFromISO639s1 (Uint16 iso639_1) |
Get MiniGUI language code from an encoded ISO639-1 language code. More... | |
static LanguageCode GUIAPI | LanguageCodeFromISO639s1Code (const char *iso639_1) |
Get MiniGUI language code from an ISO639-1 language code string. More... | |
const MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI | LanguageCodeToISO639s1 (LanguageCode lc) |
MG_EXPORT LanguageCode GUIAPI | GetSampleLanguageForScript (ScriptType st) |
const MG_EXPORT ScriptType *GUIAPI | GetScriptsForLang (const char *lang_name, LanguageCode *lang_code, int *nr_scripts) |
MG_EXPORT ScriptType GUIAPI | NormalizeScriptType (LanguageCode cl, ScriptType ws) |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetFontMetrics (LOGFONT *log_font, FONTMETRICS *font_metrics) |
Get metrics information of a logical font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetGlyphBitmap (LOGFONT *log_font, const char *mchar, int mchar_len, GLYPHBITMAP *glyph_bitmap) |
Get the glyph bitmap information when uses a logical font to output a multi-byte character. More... | |
static BOOL GUIAPI | InitVectorialFonts (void) |
Initializes vectorial font renderer. More... | |
static void GUIAPI | TermVectorialFonts (void) |
Terminates vectorial font renderer. More... | |
MG_EXPORT PLOGFONT GUIAPI | CreateLogFont (const char *type, const char *family, const char *charset, char weight, char slant, char flip, char other, char underline, char struckout, int size, int rotation) |
Creates a logical font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT PLOGFONT GUIAPI | CreateLogFontEx (const char *type, const char *family, const char *charset, char weight, char slant, char flip, char other, char decoration, char rendering, int size, int rotation) |
Creates a logical font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT PLOGFONT GUIAPI | CreateLogFontByName (const char *font_name) |
Creates a logical font by a font name. More... | |
MG_EXPORT PLOGFONT GUIAPI | CreateLogFontForMChar2UChar (const char *charset) |
Create a logical font for conversion from multi-byte character string to Uchar32 string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT PLOGFONT GUIAPI | CreateLogFontIndirect (LOGFONT *logfont) |
Creates a logical font indirectly from a LOGFONT structure. More... | |
MG_EXPORT PLOGFONT GUIAPI | CreateLogFontIndirectEx (LOGFONT *logfont, int rotation) |
Creates a new logical font indirectly from a LOGFONT structure with a rotation degrees. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DestroyLogFont (PLOGFONT log_font) |
Destroys a logical font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetLogFontInfo (HDC hdc, LOGFONT *log_font) |
Get logical font information of a DC. More... | |
Get the pointer to the current logical font of a DC. More... | |
Selects a logical font into a DC. More... | |
const MG_EXPORT DEVFONT *GUIAPI | GetNextDevFont (const DEVFONT *dev_font) |
Get next devfont information. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | ft2SetLcdFilter (LOGFONT *logfont, FT2LCDFilter filter) |
Set freetype2 smooth mode. More... | |
MG_EXPORT DEVFONT *GUIAPI | LoadDevFontFromIncoreData (const char *devfont_name, const void *data) |
Load device font from incore data. More... | |
MG_EXPORT DEVFONT *GUIAPI | LoadDevFontFromFile (const char *devfont_name, const char *file_name) |
Load device font from font file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DestroyDynamicDevFont (DEVFONT **devfont) |
Destroy device font loaded dynamically from font file. More... | |
static PLOGFONT GUIAPI | GetSystemFont (int font_id) |
Get the system logical font through an font identifier. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetSysFontMaxWidth (int font_id) |
Get the maximal width of a single-byte character of a system font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetSysFontAveWidth (int font_id) |
Get the average width of a single-byte character of a system font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetSysFontHeight (int font_id) |
Get the height of a single-byte character of a system font. More... | |
const MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI | GetSysCharset (BOOL wchar) |
Get the current system charset. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetSysCharHeight (void) |
Get the height of a character of the default system font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetSysCharWidth (void) |
Get the width of a single-byte character of the default system font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetSysCCharWidth (void) |
Get the width of a multi-byte character of the default system font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetTextMCharInfo (PLOGFONT log_font, const char *mstr, int len, int *pos_chars) |
Retrieve positions of multi-byte characters in a string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetTextWordInfo (PLOGFONT log_font, const char *mstr, int len, int *pos_words, WORDINFO *info_words) |
Retrieve information of multi-byte words in a string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetFirstMCharLen (PLOGFONT log_font, const char *mstr, int len) |
Retrieve the length of the first multi-byte character in a string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetFirstWord (PLOGFONT log_font, const char *mstr, int len, WORDINFO *word_info) |
Retrieve the length and info of the first multi-byte word in a string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetTextExtentPoint (HDC hdc, const char *text, int len, int max_extent, int *fit_chars, int *pos_chars, int *dx_chars, SIZE *size) |
Computes the extent of a string when output the string in a limited space. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetTabbedTextExtentPoint (HDC hdc, const char *text, int len, int max_extent, int *fit_chars, int *pos_chars, int *dx_chars, SIZE *size) |
Computes the extent of a string when output the formatted string in a limited space. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | MB2WCEx (PLOGFONT log_font, void *dest, BOOL wc32, const unsigned char *mstr, int n) |
Converts a multibyte character to a wide character in UCS according to the charset/encoding of the logical font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | WC2MBEx (PLOGFONT log_font, unsigned char *s, Uchar32 wc) |
Converts a wide character in UCS to a multibyte character according to the charset/encoding of the logical font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | MBS2WCSEx (PLOGFONT log_font, void *dest, BOOL wc32, const unsigned char *mstr, int mstr_len, int n, int *conved_mstr_len) |
Converts a multibyte string to a wide character string in UC16 according to the charset/encoding of the logical font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT UCharGeneralCategory GUIAPI | UCharGetCategory (Uchar32 uc) |
Get the general category of a Unicode character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT UCharBreakType GUIAPI | UCharGetBreakType (Uchar32 uc) |
Get the break property of a Unicode character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BidiType GUIAPI | UCharGetBidiType (Uchar32 uc) |
Get bidi type of a Unicode character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | UStrGetBidiTypes (const Uchar32 *ucs, int nr_ucs, BidiType *bdts) |
Get bidi types for an string of Unicode characters. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BidiBracketType GUIAPI | UCharGetBracketType (Uchar32 ch) |
Get bracketed character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | UStrGetBracketTypes (const Uchar32 *ucs, const BidiType *bidi_types, int len_ucs, BidiBracketType *bracket_types) |
Get bracketed characters of a Uchar32 string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | UCharGetMirror (Uchar32 uc, Uchar32 *mirrored) |
Get mirrored character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BidiJoiningType GUIAPI | UCharGetJoiningType (Uchar32 uc) |
Get character joining type. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | UStrGetJoiningTypes (const Uchar32 *ucs, int nr_ucs, BidiJoiningType *joining_types) |
Get joining types for a string of Unicode characters. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BidiType GUIAPI | UBidiGetParagraphDir (const BidiType *bidi_types, int len) |
Get the base paragraph direction. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BidiLevel GUIAPI | UBidiGetParagraphEmbeddingLevelsAlt (const Uchar32 *ucs, int nr_ucs, ParagraphDir *paragraph_dir, BidiLevel *embedding_levels) |
An alternative of UBidiGetParagraphEmbeddingLevels(). More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | UBidiShapeMirroring (const BidiLevel *embedding_levels, int len, Uchar32 *ucs) |
Do mirroring shaping. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | UBidiJoinArabic (const BidiType *bidi_types, const BidiLevel *embedding_levels, int len, BidiArabicProp *ar_props) |
Do Arabic joining. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | UBidiShapeArabic (Uint32 shaping_flags, const BidiLevel *embedding_levels, int len, BidiArabicProp *ar_props, Uchar32 *ucs) |
Do Arabic shaping. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | UStrGetBreaks (LanguageCode lang_code, Uint8 ctr, Uint8 wbr, Uint8 lbp, Uchar32 *ucs, int nr_ucs, BreakOppo **break_oppos) |
Calculate the breaking opportunities of a Uchar32 string under the specified rules and line breaking policy. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharAlnum (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharAlpha (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharControl (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharDigit (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharGraph (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharLowercase (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharPrint (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharUppercase (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharPunct (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharSpace (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharMark (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharTitle (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharXDigit (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharDefined (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharZeroWidth (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharWide (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | IsUCharWideCJK (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT Uchar32 | UCharToUpper (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT Uchar32 GUIAPI | UCharToLower (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT Uchar32 GUIAPI | UCharToTitle (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT Uchar32 GUIAPI | UCharToFullWidth (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT Uchar32 GUIAPI | UCharToSingleWidth (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT Uchar32 GUIAPI | UCharToFullSizeKana (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT Uchar32 GUIAPI | UCharToSmallKana (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | UCharIsArabicVowel (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | UCharCombiningClass (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | UCharCanonicalOrdering (Uchar32 *string, int len) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | UCharCompose (Uchar32 a, Uchar32 b, Uchar32 *ch) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | UCharDecompose (Uchar32 ch, Uchar32 *a, Uchar32 *b) |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | UCharFullyDecompose (Uchar32 ch, BOOL compat, Uchar32 *result, int result_len) |
MG_EXPORT ScriptType GUIAPI | UCharGetScriptType (Uchar32 ch) |
MG_EXPORT Uint32 GUIAPI | ScriptTypeToISO15924 (ScriptType script) |
MG_EXPORT ScriptType GUIAPI | ScriptTypeFromISO15924 (Uint32 iso15924) |
Get the ScriptType value from an encoded ISO15924 script code. More... | |
static ScriptType GUIAPI | ScriptTypeFromISO15924Code (const char *iso15924) |
MG_EXPORT UVerticalOrient GUIAPI | UCharGetVerticalOrientation (Uchar32 uc) |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetFontHeight (HDC hdc) |
Retrieve the height of the current logical font in a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetMaxFontWidth (HDC hdc) |
Retrieve the maximal character width of the current logical font in a DC. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetTextExtent (HDC hdc, const char *spText, int len, SIZE *pSize) |
Computes the output extent of a string of text. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetTabbedTextExtent (HDC hdc, const char *spText, int len, SIZE *pSize) |
Computes the output extent of a formatted text. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | TextOutLen (HDC hdc, int x, int y, const char *spText, int len) |
Outputs a string of text. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | TextOutOmitted (HDC hdc, int x, int y, const char *mtext, int len, int max_extent) |
Outputs a string of text with omitted format. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | TabbedTextOutLen (HDC hdc, int x, int y, const char *spText, int len) |
Outputs a formatted text. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | TabbedTextOutEx (HDC hdc, int x, int y, const char *spText, int nCount, int nTabPositions, int *pTabPositions, int nTabOrigin) |
Writes a character string at a specified location, expanding tabs to the values specified in an anrry of tab-stop positions. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetLastTextOutPos (HDC hdc, POINT *pt) |
Retrieve the last text output position. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | DrawTextEx2 (HDC hdc, const char *pText, int nCount, RECT *pRect, int nIndent, UINT nFormat, DTFIRSTLINE *firstline) |
Draws a formatted text in a rectangle. More... | |
const MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI | CheckBitmapType (MG_RWops *fp) |
Check the type of the bitmap in a data source. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | mlsEnableSlaveScreen (HDC dc_mls, BOOL enable) |
Enable or Disable a MLShadow slave screen. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | LoadBitmapEx2 (HDC hdc, PBITMAP pBitmap, MG_RWops *area, const char *ext, CB_ALLOC_BITMAP_BUFF cb_alloc_buff, void *context) |
Load a device-dependent bitmap from a general data source. More... | |
static int | LoadBitmapEx (HDC hdc, PBITMAP pBitmap, MG_RWops *area, const char *ext) |
Load a device-dependent bitmap from a general data source. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | LoadBitmapFromFile (HDC hdc, PBITMAP pBitmap, const char *spFileName) |
Load a device-dependent bitmap from a file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | LoadBitmapFromMem (HDC hdc, PBITMAP pBitmap, const void *mem, size_t size, const char *ext) |
Load a device-dependent bitmap from memory. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | UnloadBitmap (PBITMAP pBitmap) |
Unloads a bitmap. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SetBitmapKeyColor (HDC hdc, PBITMAP bmp, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b) |
Set the bitmap color key. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | ReplaceBitmapColor (HDC hdc, PBITMAP pBitmap, gal_pixel iOColor, gal_pixel iNColor) |
Replaces a specific pixels in a bitmap with another pixel. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | HFlipBitmap (BITMAP *bmp, unsigned char *inter_buff) |
Horizontal Flip the special Bitmap object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | VFlipBitmap (BITMAP *bmp, unsigned char *inter_buff) |
Vertical Flip the special Bitmap object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void *GUIAPI | InitMyBitmapSL (MG_RWops *area, const char *ext, MYBITMAP *my_bmp, RGB *pal) |
Initializes scanline loader of the MYBITMAP object from a data source. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | LoadMyBitmapSL (MG_RWops *area, void *load_info, MYBITMAP *my_bmp, CB_ONE_SCANLINE cb, void *context) |
Load MYBITMAP scanlines from a data source one by one. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | CleanupMyBitmapSL (MYBITMAP *my_bmp, void *load_info) |
Cleanups the scanline loader. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | LoadMyBitmapEx (PMYBITMAP my_bmp, RGB *pal, MG_RWops *area, const char *ext) |
Load a MYBITMAP object from a data source. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | LoadMyBitmapFromFile (PMYBITMAP my_bmp, RGB *pal, const char *file_name) |
Load a MYBITMAP object from a file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | LoadMyBitmapFromMem (PMYBITMAP my_bmp, RGB *pal, const void *mem, size_t size, const char *ext) |
Load a MYBITMAP object from memory. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | UnloadMyBitmap (PMYBITMAP my_bmp) |
Unloads a bitmap. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SaveMyBitmapToFile (PMYBITMAP my_bmp, RGB *pal, const char *spFileName) |
Saves a MYBITMAP object to a bitmap file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SaveBitmapToFile (HDC hdc, PBITMAP pBitmap, const char *spFileName) |
Saves a BITMAP object to a bitmap file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | InitBitmap (HDC hdc, Uint32 w, Uint32 h, Uint32 pitch, BYTE *bits, PBITMAP bmp) |
Initializes a BITMAP object as a normal bitmap. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HDC GUIAPI | InitSlaveScreenEx (const char *name, const char *mode, int dpi) |
Initializes slave screen. More... | |
static HDC | InitSlaveScreen (const char *name, const char *mode) |
Initializes slave screen. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | TerminateSlaveScreen (HDC hdc) |
Terminates slave screen. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | InitBitmapPixelFormat (HDC hdc, PBITMAP bmp) |
Initializes the bitmap pixel format information of a BITMAP object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DeleteBitmapAlphaPixel (PBITMAP bmp) |
Deletes the bitmap alpha pixel format information of a BITMAP object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | ExpandMyBitmap (HDC hdc, PBITMAP bmp, const MYBITMAP *my_bmp, const RGB *pal, int frame) |
Expands a MYBITMAP object to a BITMAP object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | ExpandMonoBitmap (HDC hdc, BYTE *bits, Uint32 pitch, const BYTE *my_bits, Uint32 my_pitch, Uint32 w, Uint32 h, DWORD flags, Uint32 bg, Uint32 fg) |
Convert a mono color MYBITMAP pixel data to a BITMAP pixel data. More... | |
static void GUIAPI | Expand16CBitmap (HDC hdc, BYTE *bits, Uint32 pitch, const BYTE *my_bits, Uint32 my_pitch, Uint32 w, Uint32 h, DWORD flags, const RGB *pal) |
Convert a 16 color MYBITMAP pixel data to a BITMAP pixel data. More... | |
static void GUIAPI | Expand256CBitmap (HDC hdc, BYTE *bits, Uint32 pitch, const BYTE *my_bits, Uint32 my_pitch, Uint32 w, Uint32 h, DWORD flags, const RGB *pal, CB_DRAW_PIXEL cb_draw, MYBITMAP_CONTXT *mybmp) |
Convert a 256 color MYBITMAP pixel data to a BITMAP pixel data. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | CompileRGBABitmap (HDC hdc, BYTE *bits, Uint32 pitch, const BYTE *my_bits, Uint32 my_pitch, Uint32 w, Uint32 h, DWORD flags, void *pixel_format, CB_DRAW_PIXEL cb_draw, MYBITMAP_CONTXT *mybmp) |
Convert a MYBITMAP pixel data to a BITMAP pixel data. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | CompileRGBABitmapEx (HDC hdc, BYTE *bits, Uint32 pitch, const BYTE *my_bits, Uint32 my_pitch, Uint32 w, Uint32 h, DWORD flags, void *pixel_format, CB_DRAW_PIXEL cb_draw, MYBITMAP_CONTXT *mybmp, BYTE *alpha_mask) |
Compile a MYBITMAP pixel data to a BITMAP pixel data. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | PaintImageEx (HDC hdc, int x, int y, MG_RWops *area, const char *ext) |
Paints an image from data source on device directly. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | PaintImageFromFile (HDC hdc, int x, int y, const char *spFileName) |
Paints an image from file on device directly. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | PaintImageFromMem (HDC hdc, int x, int y, const void *mem, size_t size, const char *ext) |
Paints an image from memory on device directly. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | StretchPaintImageEx (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, MG_RWops *area, const char *ext) |
Paints an image from data source on device directly. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | StretchPaintImageFromFile (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *spFileName) |
Paints an image from file on device directly. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | StretchPaintImageFromMem (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, const void *mem, size_t size, const char *ext) |
Paints an image from memory on device directly. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | RotateBitmap (HDC hdc, const BITMAP *bmp, int lx, int ty, int angle) |
Rotate a bitmap object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | RotateBitmapVFlip (HDC hdc, const BITMAP *bmp, int lx, int ty, int angle) |
Flips vertically and rotates a bitmap object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | RotateBitmapHFlip (HDC hdc, const BITMAP *bmp, int lx, int ty, int angle) |
Flips horizontally and rotates a bitmap object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | RotateScaledBitmap (HDC hdc, const BITMAP *bmp, int lx, int ty, int angle, int w, int h) |
Stretches or shrinks a bitmap object at the same as rotating it. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | RotateScaledBitmapVFlip (HDC hdc, const BITMAP *bmp, int lx, int ty, int angle, int w, int h) |
Flip vertically, rotates, stretch or shrinks a bitmap object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | RotateScaledBitmapHFlip (HDC hdc, const BITMAP *bmp, int lx, int ty, int angle, int w, int h) |
Flip horizontaly, rotates, stretch or shrinks a bitmap object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | PivotBitmap (HDC hdc, const BITMAP *bmp, int lx, int ty, int cx, int cy, int angle) |
Pivot a bitmap object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | PivotScaledBitmapFlip (HDC hdc, const BITMAP *bmp, fixed x, fixed y, fixed cx, fixed cy, int angle, fixed scale_x, fixed scale_y, BOOL h_flip, BOOL v_flip) |
Rotates, stretches or shrinks, flips a bitmap object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | AddGlyphsToBMPFont (DEVFONT *dev_font, BITMAP *glyph_bmp, const char *start_mchar, int nr_glyphs, int glyph_width) |
Add a new segment in device font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DestroyBMPFont (DEVFONT *dev_font) |
Destroy the bitmap device font. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Achar32 GUIAPI | GetACharValue (LOGFONT *logfont, const char *mchar, int mchar_len, const char *pre_mchar, int pre_len) |
Get the character value of a multi-byte character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetNextUChar (LOGFONT *logfont, const char *mchar, int mchar_len, Uchar32 *uc) |
Get the Uchar32 value (Unicode code point) of a multi-byte character in specified LOGFONT object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Uint32 GUIAPI | GetACharType (LOGFONT *logfont, Achar32 chv) |
Retrieve the basic type, the general cateory of Unicode, and the break class of Unicode of an abstract character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Achar32 GUIAPI | GetShapedAChar (LOGFONT *logfont, const char *mchar, int mchar_len, ACHARSHAPETYPE shape_type) |
Get the glyph shape of a character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | GetMirrorAChar (LOGFONT *logfont, Achar32 chv, Achar32 *mirrored) |
Get the mirrored abstract character if possible. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BidiType GUIAPI | GetACharBidiType (LOGFONT *log_font, Achar32 chv) |
Retrieve the BIDI type of an abstract character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | BIDIGetTextLogicalAChars (LOGFONT *log_font, const char *text, int text_len, Achar32 **achars, ACHARMAPINFO **achars_map) |
Get logical achars string of the text. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | BIDIGetTextRangesLog2Vis (LOGFONT *log_font, const char *text, int text_len, int start_index, int end_index, int **ranges, int *nr_ranges) |
Get a list of visual ranges corresponding to a given logical range. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | BIDIGetTextVisualAChars (LOGFONT *log_font, const char *text, int text_len, Achar32 **achars, ACHARMAPINFO **achars_map) |
Get visual achars and glyph_map info relative with logical string byte index. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | BIDILogAChars2VisACharsEx (LOGFONT *log_font, Achar32 *achars, int nr_achars, int pel, void *extra, CB_REVERSE_ARRAY cb_reverse_extra) |
Reorder the specified logical glyph string in visual order and reorder an extra array to reflect the visule order of the achars. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Achar32 *GUIAPI | BIDILogAChars2VisAChars (LOGFONT *log_font, Achar32 *achars, int nr_achars, ACHARMAPINFO *achars_map) |
Reorder the specified logical glyph string in visual order and reorder glyph map if specified. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetACharsExtent (HDC hdc, Achar32 *achars, int nr_achars, SIZE *size) |
Get visual extent value of an achar string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetACharsExtentPoint (HDC hdc, Achar32 *achars, int nr_achars, int max_extent, SIZE *size) |
Get the visual extent value of an achar string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Glyph32 GUIAPI | GetGlyphValue (LOGFONT *logfont, const char *mchar, int mchar_len, const char *pre_mchar, int pre_len) |
Get the glyph value of a multi-byte character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Glyph32 GUIAPI | GetGlyphValueAlt (LOGFONT *logfont, Achar32 chv) |
Get the LOGFONT glyph value of an abstract character. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | DrawGlyph (HDC hdc, int x, int y, Glyph32 glyph_value, int *adv_x, int *adv_y) |
Draw a glyph. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetGlyphsExtent (HDC hdc, Glyph32 *glyphs, int nr_glyphs, SIZE *size) |
Get visual extent value of a glyph string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetGlyphsExtentPoint (HDC hdc, Glyph32 *glyphs, int nr_glyphs, int max_extent, SIZE *size) |
Get the visual extent value of an glyph string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetGlyphInfo (LOGFONT *logfont, Glyph32 glyph_value, GLYPHINFO *glyph_info) |
Retrieve the information of a glyph. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetUCharsUntilParagraphBoundary (LOGFONT *logfont, const char *mstr, int mstr_len, Uint8 wsr, Uchar32 **uchars, int *nr_uchars) |
Convert a multi-byte character string to a Unicode character (Uchar32) string until the end of text (null character) or an explicit paragraph boundary encountered. More... | |
MG_EXPORT Uchar32 GUIAPI | AChar2UChar (LOGFONT *logfont, Achar32 chv) |
Get Uchar32 value (Unicode wide character value) from a LOGFONT abstract character value. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | AChars2UChars (LOGFONT *logfont, const Achar32 *chs, Uchar32 *ucs, int n) |
Convert an Achar32 array to Unicode character array. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | UChar2AChar (LOGFONT *logfont, Uchar32 uc, Achar32 *ac) |
Get the LOGFONT Achar32 value from a Unicode character value. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | UChars2AChars (LOGFONT *logfont, const Uchar32 *ucs, Achar32 *acs, int n) |
Convert an Uchar32 array to Unicode character array. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetGlyphsExtentFromUChars (LOGFONT *logfont_upright, const Achar32 *uchars, int nr_uchars, const BreakOppo *break_oppos, Uint32 render_flags, int x, int y, int letter_spacing, int word_spacing, int tab_size, int max_extent, SIZE *line_size, Glyph32 *glyphs, GLYPHEXTINFO *glyph_ext_info, GLYPHPOS *glyph_pos, LOGFONT **logfont_sideways) |
Get the visual extent info of all glyphs fitting in the specified maximal output extent. More... | |
MG_EXPORT TEXTRUNS *GUIAPI | CreateTextRuns (const Uchar32 *ucs, int nr_ucs, LanguageCode lang_code, ParagraphDir base_dir, const char *logfont_name, RGBCOLOR color, RGBCOLOR bg_color, BreakOppo *break_oppos) |
Split a Uchar32 paragraph string in mixed scripts into text runs. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SetFontNameInTextRuns (TEXTRUNS *truns, int start_index, int length, const char *logfont_name) |
Set logfont name of text runs. More... | |
const MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI | GetFontNameInTextRuns (const TEXTRUNS *truns, int index) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SetTextColorInTextRuns (TEXTRUNS *truns, int start_index, int length, RGBCOLOR color) |
Set text color in a TEXTRUNS object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT RGBCOLOR GUIAPI | GetTextColorInTextRuns (const TEXTRUNS *truns, int index) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SetBackgroundColorInTextRuns (TEXTRUNS *truns, int start_index, int length, RGBCOLOR color) |
Set background color in a TEXTRUNS object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT RGBCOLOR GUIAPI | GetBackgroundColorInTextRuns (const TEXTRUNS *truns, int index) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | DestroyTextRuns (TEXTRUNS *truns) |
Destroy the glyph run info object. It also frees all data allocated for shapping and layouting the glyphs. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | InitBasicShapingEngine (TEXTRUNS *truns) |
Initialize the base shaping engine for a TEXTRUNS object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | InitComplexShapingEngine (TEXTRUNS *truns) |
Initialize the complex shaping engine for a TEXTRUNS object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT LAYOUT *GUIAPI | CreateLayout (const TEXTRUNS *truns, Uint32 render_flags, const BreakOppo *break_oppos, BOOL persist_lines, int max_line_extent, int indent, int letter_spacing, int word_spacing, int tab_size, int *tabs, int nr_tabs) |
Create layout information structure for laying out a paragraph. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | DestroyLayout (LAYOUT *layout) |
Destroy the specified layout information structure. More... | |
MG_EXPORT LAYOUTLINE *GUIAPI | LayoutNextLine (LAYOUT *layout, LAYOUTLINE *prev_line, int max_extent, BOOL last_line, CB_GLYPH_LAID_OUT cb_laid_out, GHANDLE ctxt) |
Layout the next line of a paragraph according to the layout information. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | GetLayoutLineSize (const LAYOUTLINE *line, SIZE *line_size) |
Get the size of a layout line. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | CalcLayoutBoundingRect (LAYOUT *layout, int max_line_extent, int max_height, int line_height, int x, int y, RECT *bounding) |
Calculate the bounding rectangle of a layout. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int | DrawLayoutLine (HDC hdc, const LAYOUTLINE *line, int x, int y) |
Draw a laid out line at the specific position. More... | |
MG_EXPORT GHANDLE | GetVideoHandle (HDC hdc) |
MG_EXPORT int | drmGetDeviceFD (GHANDLE video) |
MG_EXPORT BOOL | drmGetSurfaceInfo (GHANDLE video, HDC hdc, DrmSurfaceInfo *info) |
MG_EXPORT HDC | drmCreateDCFromNameEx (GHANDLE video, uint32_t name, uint32_t drm_format, off_t offset, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t pitch) |
MG_EXPORT HDC | drmCreateDCFromPrimeFdEx (GHANDLE video, int prime_fd, size_t size, uint32_t drm_format, off_t offset, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t pitch) |
MG_EXPORT HDC | drmCreateDCFromHandleEx (GHANDLE video, uint32_t handle, size_t size, uint32_t drm_format, off_t offset, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t pitch) |
Variables | |
const typedef LOGFONT * | CPLOGFONT |
Data type of pointer to a LOGFONT. More... | |
MG_EXPORT gal_pixel | SysPixelIndex [] |
The pre-defined system pixel values. More... | |
const MG_EXPORT RGB | SysPixelColor [] |
The pre-defined system RGB colors. More... | |
This file includes graphics device interfaces (GDI) of MiniGUI.
This file is part of MiniGUI, a mature cross-platform windowing and Graphics User Interface (GUI) support system for embedded systems and smart IoT devices. Copyright (C) 2002~2020, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd. Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. Or, As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft. If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it under the terms and conditions of the commercial license. For more information about the commercial license, please refer to <>.
Definition in file gdi.h.
BOOL GUIAPI AddGlyphsToBMPFont | ( | DEVFONT * | dev_font, |
BITMAP * | glyph_bmp, | ||
const char * | start_mchar, | ||
int | nr_glyphs, | ||
int | glyph_width | ||
) |
Add a new segment in device font.
This function add a new segment to the device font pointed by dev_font.
dev_font | The pointer to the device font. |
glyph_bmp | The pointer to the segment glyph bitmap object. |
start_mchar | The pointer to the first char of the segment. |
nr_glyphs | The character count of the segment. |
glyph_width | The character width in the segment. |
void GUIAPI DestroyBMPFont | ( | DEVFONT * | dev_font | ) |
Destroy the bitmap device font.
This function destroy the bitmap device font pointed by dev_font.
dev_font | The pointer to the device font which will be destroyed. |