MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Macros | |
#define | TBM_SETRANGE 0xF090 |
Set the range of minimum and maximum logical positions for the slider in a trackbar. More... | |
#define | TBM_GETMIN 0xF091 |
Get the minimum logical position for the slider. More... | |
#define | TBM_SETPOS 0xF092 |
Set the current logical position of the slider. More... | |
#define | TBM_GETPOS 0xF093 |
Get the current logical position of the slider. More... | |
#define | TBM_SETLINESIZE 0xF094 |
Set the number of logical positions moved in response to keyboard input from the arrow keys. More... | |
#define | TBM_GETLINESIZE 0xF095 |
Get the number of logical positions moved in response to keyboard input from the arrow keys. More... | |
#define | TBM_SETPAGESIZE 0xF096 |
Set the number of logical positions moved in response to keyboard input from page keys.. More... | |
#define | TBM_GETPAGESIZE 0xF097 |
Get the number of logical positions moved in response to keyboard input from page keys.. More... | |
#define | TBM_SETTIP 0xF098 |
Set the start and end tip strings. More... | |
#define | TBM_GETTIP 0xF09A |
Get the start and end tip strings. More... | |
#define | TBM_SETTICKFREQ 0xF09B |
Set the interval frequency for tick marks in a trackbar. More... | |
#define | TBM_GETTICKFREQ 0xF09C |
Get the interval frequency for tick marks in a trackbar. More... | |
#define | TBM_SETMIN 0xF09D |
Set the minimum logical position for the slider in a trackbar. More... | |
#define | TBM_SETMAX 0xF09E |
Set the maximum logical position for the slider in a trackbar. More... | |
#define | TBM_GETMAX 0xF09F |
Get the maximum logical position for the slider in a trackbar. More... | |
#define TBM_GETLINESIZE 0xF095 |
Get the number of logical positions moved in response to keyboard input from the arrow keys.
Get the number of logical positions the trackbar's slider moves in response to keyboard input from the arrow keys. The logical positions are the integer increments in the trackbar's range of minimum to maximum slider positions.
Definition at line 248 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_GETMAX 0xF09F |
Get the maximum logical position for the slider in a trackbar.
Definition at line 419 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_GETMIN 0xF091 |
Get the minimum logical position for the slider.
Definition at line 172 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_GETPAGESIZE 0xF097 |
Get the number of logical positions moved in response to keyboard input from page keys..
Get the number of logical positions the trackbar's slider moves in response to keyboard input form page keys, such as PAGE DOWN or PAGE UP keys. The logical positions are the integer increments in the trackbar's range of minimum to maximum slider positions.
Definition at line 293 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_GETPOS 0xF093 |
Get the current logical position of the slider.
Definition at line 205 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_GETTICKFREQ 0xF09C |
Get the interval frequency for tick marks in a trackbar.
Definition at line 368 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_GETTIP 0xF09A |
Get the start and end tip strings.
starttip | Buffer receives the start tip string. It should be length enough to save (TBLEN_TIP + 1) characters. |
endtip | Buffer receives the end tip string. It should be length enough to save (TBLEN_TIP + 1) characters. |
Definition at line 335 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_SETLINESIZE 0xF094 |
Set the number of logical positions moved in response to keyboard input from the arrow keys.
Set the number of logical positions the trackbar's slider moves in response to keyboard input from the arrow keys. The logical positions are the integer increments in the trackbar's range of minimum to maximum slider positions.
linesize | New line size. |
Definition at line 228 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_SETMAX 0xF09E |
Set the maximum logical position for the slider in a trackbar.
min | The new maximum logical position for the slider in a trackbar. |
Definition at line 404 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_SETMIN 0xF09D |
Set the minimum logical position for the slider in a trackbar.
min | The new minimum logical position for the slider in a trackbar. |
Definition at line 386 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_SETPAGESIZE 0xF096 |
Set the number of logical positions moved in response to keyboard input from page keys..
Set the number of logical positions the trackbar's slider moves in response to keyboard input form page keys, such as PAGE DOWN or PAGE UP keys. The logical positions are the integer increments in the trackbar's range of minimum to maximum slider positions.
pagesize | New page size. |
Definition at line 272 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_SETPOS 0xF092 |
Set the current logical position of the slider.
pos | New logical position of the slider. |
Definition at line 190 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_SETRANGE 0xF090 |
Set the range of minimum and maximum logical positions for the slider in a trackbar.
min | Minimum position for the slider. |
max | Maximum position for the slider. |
Definition at line 157 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_SETTICKFREQ 0xF09B |
Set the interval frequency for tick marks in a trackbar.
tickfreq | New interval frequency for tick marks in a trackbar. |
Definition at line 353 of file trackbar.h.
#define TBM_SETTIP 0xF098 |
Set the start and end tip strings.
starttip | New start tip string. |
endtip | New end tip tip string. |
Definition at line 313 of file trackbar.h.