MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
External Stubs for COMM IAL Engine

The external stubs for COMM IAL engine. More...


int __comminput_init (void)
int __comminput_ts_getdata (short *x, short *y, short *button)
int __comminput_kb_getdata (short *key, short *status)
int __comminput_wait_for_input (struct timeval *timeout)
void __comminput_deinit (void)

Detailed Description

The external stubs for COMM IAL engine.

Function Documentation

◆ __comminput_deinit()

void __comminput_deinit ( void  )

Implement this stub to de-initialize the COMM IAL engine.

◆ __comminput_init()

int __comminput_init ( void  )

Implement this stub to initialize the COMM IAL engine. Return 0 for success, otherwise for failure.

◆ __comminput_kb_getdata()

int __comminput_kb_getdata ( short *  key,
short *  status 

Implement this stub to return the keyboard event data. The implementation should return the key scancode pressed or released through the pointer key, and the pressed or released status of the key through status.

Return 0 for success, otherwise for failure.

◆ __comminput_ts_getdata()

int __comminput_ts_getdata ( short *  x,
short *  y,
short *  button 

Implement this stub to return the mouse event data. The implementation should return the position of mouse or touch, and the button status through the pointers x, y, and button. The position should be in absolute coordinates, and the button will have COMM_MOUSELBUTTON set if left button was pressed, and COMM_MOUSERBUTTON set if right button was pressed.

Return 0 for success, otherwise for failure.

◆ __comminput_wait_for_input()

int __comminput_wait_for_input ( struct timeval *  timeout)

Implement this stub to wait for an event.

Return values
0The timeout period expires.
COMM_MOUSEINPUTThere is an mouse moved, button pressed, or button released event.
COMM_KBINPUTThere is a key pressed or released event.