MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)  v5.0.6
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Notification code of ListView control


#define LVN_CLICKED   1 /* must be the same as SVN_CLICKED */
 This notification code informs parent window the mouse clicked. More...
#define LVN_SELCHANGE   2 /* must be the same as SVN_SELCHANGED */
 This notification code informs parent window the current selected item has changed. More...
#define LVN_ITEMRDOWN   4
 This notification code informs parent window the right mouse button down on a listview item. More...
#define LVN_ITEMRUP   5
 This notification code informs parent window the right mouse button up on a listview item. More...
#define LVN_HEADRDOWN   6
 This notification code informs parent window the right mouse button down on the listview header. More...
#define LVN_HEADRUP   7
 This notification code informs parent window the right mouse button up on the listview header. More...
#define LVN_KEYDOWN   8
 This notification code informs parent window that a key has been pressed. More...
#define LVN_ITEMDBCLK   9
 This notification code informs parent window the current selected item has be double clicked. More...
#define LVN_ITEMCLK   10
 This notification code informs parent window the current selected item has been clicked. More...
#define LVN_COLCHANGE   11
 This notification code informs parent window the current selected column has changed. More...
#define LVN_FOLDED   12
 This notification code informs that user folds an item by mouse clicking. More...
#define LVN_UNFOLDED   13
 This notification code informs that user unfolds an item by mouse clicking. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LVN_CLICKED   1 /* must be the same as SVN_CLICKED */

This notification code informs parent window the mouse clicked.

Definition at line 1223 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_COLCHANGE   11

This notification code informs parent window the current selected column has changed.

Definition at line 1286 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_FOLDED   12

This notification code informs that user folds an item by mouse clicking.

Definition at line 1293 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_HEADRDOWN   6

This notification code informs parent window the right mouse button down on the listview header.

Definition at line 1251 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_HEADRUP   7

This notification code informs parent window the right mouse button up on the listview header.

Definition at line 1258 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_ITEMCLK   10

This notification code informs parent window the current selected item has been clicked.

Definition at line 1279 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_ITEMDBCLK   9

This notification code informs parent window the current selected item has be double clicked.

Definition at line 1272 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_ITEMRDOWN   4

This notification code informs parent window the right mouse button down on a listview item.

Definition at line 1237 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_ITEMRUP   5

This notification code informs parent window the right mouse button up on a listview item.

Definition at line 1244 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_KEYDOWN   8

This notification code informs parent window that a key has been pressed.

Definition at line 1264 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_SELCHANGE   2 /* must be the same as SVN_SELCHANGED */

This notification code informs parent window the current selected item has changed.

Definition at line 1230 of file listview.h.


#define LVN_UNFOLDED   13

This notification code informs that user unfolds an item by mouse clicking.

Definition at line 1300 of file listview.h.