mGNCS API Reference
A new control set and a new framework for MiniGUI apps
hashtable.h | This file includes some functions for hashtable |
mabstractbuttonpiece.h | |
mabstractlist.h | This file includes the definition of mAbstractList |
manimate.h | This file includes declaration of mAnimate |
manimateframes.h | |
manimatepiece.h | |
marrowbuttonpiece.h | |
marrowpiece.h | |
mbmparrayanimateframes.h | |
mboxlayoutpiece.h | |
mbtree.h | |
mbutton.h | |
mbuttonboxpiece.h | |
mbuttongroup.h | |
mcheckboxpiece.h | |
mcheckbutton.h | |
mcheckbuttonpiece.h | |
mchecknode.h | |
mcolorbutton.h | |
mcombobox.h | |
mcommon.h | |
mcomponent.h | |
mcontainer.h | |
mcontainerpiece.h | |
mdatabinding.h | |
mdatasource.h | |
mdaygridpiece.h | |
mdblist.h | |
mdialog.h | |
mdownarrowpiece.h | |
medit.h | |
mem-slab.h | |
mgifanimateframes.h | |
mgncs.h | |
mgridboxpiece.h | |
mgroupbox.h | |
mhboxlayoutpiece.h | |
mhotpiece.h | |
mhspinboxpiece.h | |
miconview.h | |
mimage.h | |
mimagebutton.h | |
mimagelabelpiece.h | |
mimagepiece.h | |
mime-wordsel.h | |
mime.h | |
minvisible-component.h | |
mitem.h | |
mitem_manager.h | |
mitemview.h | |
mlabelpiece.h | |
mlayoutpiece.h | |
mledstatic.h | |
mledstaticpiece.h | |
mleftarrowpiece.h | |
mlinelayoutpiece.h | |
mlist.h | |
mlist_layout.h | |
mlistbox.h | |
mlistcolumn.h | |
mlistitem.h | |
mlistspinnedpiece.h | |
mlistview.h | |
mmainwnd.h | |
mmemanimateframes.h | |
mmenubutton.h | |
mmledit.h | |
mmonthcalendar.h | |
mmonthpiece.h | |
mnode.h | |
mnumspinnedpiece.h | |
mobject.h | |
mpage.h | |
mpairpiece.h | |
mpanel.h | |
mpopmenumgr.h | |
mprogressbar.h | |
mprogresspiece.h | |
mpropsheet.h | |
mpushbuttonpiece.h | |
mradioboxpiece.h | |
mradiobutton.h | |
mradiobuttonpiece.h | |
mradionode.h | |
mrdr.h | |
mrect.h | |
mrectpiece.h | |
mrenderablepiece.h | |
mresmgr.h | |
mrightarrowpiece.h | |
mscroll_widget.h | |
mscrollbar.h | |
mscrollbarpiece.h | |
mscrollthumbboxpiece.h | |
mscrollview.h | |
mseparator.h | |
mseparatorpiece.h | |
msimplelistpiece.h | |
msledit.h | |
mslider.h | |
msliderpiece.h | |
mspinbox.h | |
mspinboxpiece.h | |
mspinner.h | |
mspinnerpiece.h | |
mstatic.h | |
mstaticpiece.h | |
mtextedit.h | |
mtexteditbase.h | Base header for the new text edit module |
mthumbboxpiece.h | |
mtimer.h | |
mtoolbar.h | |
mtoolbaritems.h | |
mtoolimgitempiece.h | |
mtoolimgpiece.h | |
mtoolitem.h | |
mtrackbar.h | |
mtrackbarpiece.h | |
mtype.h | |
muparrowpiece.h | |
mvboxlayoutpiece.h | |
mvspinboxpiece.h | |
mweekheadpiece.h | |
mwidget.h | |
mwidgetwrapperpiece.h | |
piece-id.h | |
piece.h |