mNodeClass Struct Reference
The virtual function table of mNodeClass.
#include <mnode.h>
Detailed Description
The virtual function table of mNodeClass.
- BOOL (*setProperty)(mNode *self, int id, DWORD value);
The function sets the value of the specified properties. - Parameters:
| id | The property id. |
| value | The property value. |
- Returns:
- TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- DWORD (*getProperty)(mNode *self, int id);
The function gets the value of the specified properties. - Parameters:
- Returns:
- the property value on success, otherwise -1.
- int (*addNode)(mNode *self, mNode *node);
Add a new node. - Parameters:
| node | The pointer to new node. |
- Returns:
- The index of new node in parent.
- int (*removeNode)(mNode *self, mNode *node);
Remove a child node. It deletes all chilren nodes of the specified node. - Parameters:
| node | The pointer to child node. |
- Returns:
- 0 on success, otherwise -1.
- int (*insertNode)(mNode *self, mNode *node, mNode *prev, mNode *next, int index);
Insert a node. - Parameters:
| node | The pointer to new node. |
| prev | The specified previous sibling node. It has the highest priority. |
| next | The specified next sibling node. The priority is less than prev. |
| index | The specified insert position. It has the lowest priority. |
- Returns:
- The position in which item has been inserted on success, otherwise -1.
- int (*moveNode)(mNode *self, mNode *curNode, int count, mNode *prevNode);
Move the specfied nodes to the specified position. - Parameters:
| curNode | The pointer to first moved node. |
| count | The count of moved nodes. |
| prevNode | The pointer to target previous sibling node. |
- Returns:
- Zero on success, otherwise -1.
- mNode* (*findNode)(mNode *self, DWORD info, int type, BOOL recursion, int startIndex);
Find the node which contains the specified information from start index to end of nodes. - Parameters:
| info | The valid information. |
| type | The type of valid information. |
| recursion | Whether find in children or not. |
| startIndex | The started index. |
- Returns:
- The pointer to found node.
- void (*removeAll)(mNode *self);
Remove all nodes.
- void (*sendEvent)(mNode *self, int eventId);
Send event to associated control.
- mNode* (*getNode)(mNode *self, int index);
Get the specified node. - Parameters:
| index | The specified index. |
- Returns:
- The pointer to the specified node.
- int (*indexOf)(mNode *self);
Get the index of the specified node in parent node. - Returns:
- The index of the specified node.
- mNode* (*getPrev)(mNode *self);
Get the privous sibling node.
- mNode* (*getNext)(mNode *self);
Get the next sibling node.
- BOOL (*isEnabled)(mNode *self);
Whether the current node is enabled or not.
- BOOL (*isSelected)(mNode *self);
Whether the current node is selected or not.
- BOOL (*hasChildren)(mNode *self);
Whether the current node has children node or not.
- BOOL (*setText)(mNode *self, const char* text);
Set the text of the current node. - Parameters:
- Returns:
- TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- BOOL (*setImage)(mNode *self, const PBITMAP image);
Set the image of the current node. - Parameters:
- Returns:
- TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- const char* (*getText)(mNode *self);
Get the text of the current node.
- PBITMAP (*getImage)(mNode *self);
Get the image of the current node.
- void (*paint)(mNode *self, HDC hdc, const RECT *rect, mObject *owner);
Paint the content of the current node in specified region.
- int (*msgHandler)(mNode *self, int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, mObject *owner);
Process the messge.
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