MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Processes)
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Macros | |
#define | ERR_OK 0 |
Return value error ok. More... | |
#define | ERR_INV_HWND -1 |
Return value invalid window handle error. More... | |
#define | ERR_QUEUE_FULL -2 |
Return value queue is full error. More... | |
#define | ERR_INVALID_HANDLE -3 |
Return value invalid handle error. More... | |
#define | ERR_INVALID_HMENU -4 |
Return value invalid menu handle error. More... | |
#define | ERR_INVALID_POS -5 |
Return value invalid postion error. More... | |
#define | ERR_INVALID_ID -6 |
Return value invalid id error. More... | |
#define | ERR_RES_ALLOCATION -7 |
Return value allocation resource error . More... | |
Return value invalid name of control class error. More... | |
Return value control class invalid length. More... | |
#define | ERR_CTRLCLASS_MEM -10 |
Return value control class memory error. More... | |
#define | ERR_CTRLCLASS_INUSE -11 |
Return value inuse control class error. More... | |
#define | ERR_ALREADY_EXIST -12 |
Return value already exit error. More... | |
#define | ERR_NO_MATCH -13 |
Return no match error. More... | |
#define | ERR_BAD_OWNER -14 |
Return bad owner error. More... | |
Return value too much IME window error. More... | |
#define | ERR_IME_NOSUCHIMEWND -16 |
Return value no such IME wondow error. More... | |
#define | ERR_IME_NOIMEWND -17 |
Return value no IME wondow error. More... | |
#define | ERR_CONFIG_FILE -18 |
Return value configure file error. More... | |
#define | ERR_FILE_IO -19 |
Return value file I/O error. More... | |
#define | ERR_GFX_ENGINE -20 |
Return value GFX engine error. More... | |
#define | ERR_INPUT_ENGINE -21 |
Return value input engine error. More... | |
#define | ERR_NO_ENGINE -22 |
Return value no engine error. More... | |
#define | ERR_INVALID_ARGS -23 |
Return value invalid arguments. More... | |
#define ERR_ALREADY_EXIST -12 |
#define ERR_CONFIG_FILE -18 |
#define ERR_CTRLCLASS_MEM -10 |
#define ERR_IME_NOIMEWND -17 |
#define ERR_INPUT_ENGINE -21 |
#define ERR_INV_HWND -1 |
#define ERR_INVALID_ARGS -23 |
#define ERR_INVALID_HMENU -4 |
#define ERR_INVALID_POS -5 |
#define ERR_QUEUE_FULL -2 |