#define | BN_CLICKED 0 |
| The BN_CLICKED notification message is sent when the user clicks a button. More...
| The BN_DBLCLK notification message is sent when the user double-clicks a button. More...
#define | BN_HILITE 2 |
| The BN_HILITE notification message is sent when the user hilite a button (the user moves the mouse onto it) More...
#define | BN_UNHILITE 3 |
| The BN_UNHILITE notification message is sent when the user unhilite a button, (the user moves the mouse leaving it) More...
#define | BN_PUSHED 4 |
| The BN_PUSHED notification message is sent when the user pushes a button. More...
#define | BN_UNPUSHED 5 |
| The BN_UNPUSHED notification message is sent when the user unpushes a button. More...
#define | BN_DISABLE 6 |
| The BN_DISABLE notification message is sent when the user disables a button. (the user sends BM_ENABLE(wParam == FALSE) to it) More...
#define | BN_ENABLE 7 |
| The BN_DISABLE notification message is sent when the user disables a button. (the user sends BM_ENABLE(wParam == TRUE) to it) More...
#define | BN_SETFOCUS 8 |
| The BN_SETFOCUS notification message is sent when a button receives the keyboard focus. More...
#define | BN_KILLFOCUS 9 |
| The BN_KILLFOCUS notification message is sent when a button loses the keyboard focus. More...