MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)  v3.2.0
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
BITMAP and blitting operations


MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI GetBitmapFromDC (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, BITMAP *bmp)
 Gets image box on a DC and saves it into a BITMAP object. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI FillBoxWithBitmap (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, const BITMAP *bmp)
 Fills a box with a BITMAP object. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI FillBoxWithBitmapPart (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int bw, int bh, const BITMAP *bmp, int xo, int yo)
 Fills a box with a part of a bitmap oject. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI FillBitmapPartInBox (HDC hdc, int box_x, int box_y, int box_w, int box_h, const BITMAP *pbmp, int bmp_x, int bmp_y, int bmp_w, int bmp_h)
 Fills a part of bitmap into a box, and the parts bitmap will be scaled if needed. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI BitBlt (HDC hsdc, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, HDC hddc, int dx, int dy, DWORD dwRop)
 Performs a bit-block transfer from a device context into another device context. More...
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI StretchBlt (HDC hsdc, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, HDC hddc, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, DWORD dwRop)
 Copies a bitmap from a source rectangle into a destination rectangle, streches the bitmap if necessary. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ScaleBitmapEx (BITMAP *dst, const BITMAP *src, HDC ref_dc)
 Scales a BITMAP object into another BITMAP object by specify algorithm. More...
MG_EXPORT gal_pixel GUIAPI GetPixelInBitmapEx (const BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, Uint8 *alpha)
 Returns the pixel value in a BITMAP object. More...
static gal_pixel GUIAPI GetPixelInBitmap (const BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y)
 Returns the pixel value in a BITMAP object. More...
static BOOL GUIAPI SetPixelInBitmap (const BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, gal_pixel pixel)
 Sets pixel value in a BITMAP object. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SaveScreenRectContent (const RECT *rcWin, const char *filename)
 Saves content of a rectangle in the screen to a file. More...
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SaveMainWindowContent (HWND hWnd, const char *filename)
 Saves content of a main window to a file. More...

Detailed Description


int tox = 800, toy = 800;
int count;
BITMAP bitmap;
unsigned int start_tick, end_tick;
/* Load the bitmap from the file. */
if (LoadBitmap (hdc, &bitmap, "res/icon.bmp"))
/* Fill a box with the bitmap with alpha channel. */
start_tick = GetTickCount ();
count = 1000;
while (count--) {
tox = rand() % 800;
toy = rand() % 800;
/* Set a random alpha channel. */
bitmap.bmAlpha = rand() % 256;
/* Fill the box. */
FillBoxWithBitmap (hdc, tox, toy, 0, 0, &bitmap);
end_tick = GetTickCount ();
TellSpeed (hwnd, start_tick, end_tick, "Alpha Blended Bitmap", 1000);
/* Set the color key (the transparent pixel) of the bitmap. */
bitmap.bmColorKey = GetPixelInBitmap (&bitmap, 0, 0);
/* Fill a box with the bitmap with alpha channel and color key. */
start_tick = GetTickCount ();
count = 1000;
while (count--) {
tox = rand() % 800;
toy = rand() % 800;
/* Set a random alpha channel. */
bitmap.bmAlpha = rand() % 256;
/* Fill the box. */
FillBoxWithBitmap (hdc, tox, toy, 0, 0, &bitmap);
end_tick = GetTickCount ();
TellSpeed (hwnd, start_tick, end_tick, "Alpha Blended Transparent Bitmap", 1000);
UnloadBitmap (&bitmap);
/* Create a memory DC which hanve alpha per-pixel. */
mem_dc = CreateMemDC (400, 100, 16, MEMDC_FLAG_HWSURFACE | MEMDC_FLAG_SRCALPHA,
0x0000F000, 0x00000F00, 0x000000F0, 0x0000000F);
/* Set brush color and fill a box. */
SetBrushColor (mem_dc, RGBA2Pixel (mem_dc, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF));
FillBox (mem_dc, 0, 0, 200, 50);
/* Set another brush color and fill a box */
SetBrushColor (mem_dc, RGBA2Pixel (mem_dc, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x40));
FillBox (mem_dc, 200, 0, 200, 50);
/* Set another brush color and fill a box */
SetBrushColor (mem_dc, RGBA2Pixel (mem_dc, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x80));
FillBox (mem_dc, 0, 50, 200, 50);
/* Set another brush color and fill a box */
SetBrushColor (mem_dc, RGBA2Pixel (mem_dc, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xC0));
FillBox (mem_dc, 200, 50, 200, 50);
SetBkMode (mem_dc, BM_TRANSPARENT);
/* Set a text color and output the text */
SetTextColor (mem_dc, RGBA2Pixel (mem_dc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80));
TabbedTextOut (mem_dc, 0, 0, "Memory DC with alpha.\n"
"The source DC have alpha per-pixel.");
/* Blitting to a client DC. */
start_tick = GetTickCount ();
count = 100;
while (count--) {
BitBlt (mem_dc, 0, 0, 400, 100, hdc, rand () % 800, rand () % 800);
end_tick = GetTickCount ();
TellSpeed (hwnd, start_tick, end_tick, "Alpha Blit", 100);
/* delete the momory DC. */
DeleteMemDC (mem_dc);

Function Documentation

void GUIAPI BitBlt ( HDC  hsdc,
int  sx,
int  sy,
int  sw,
int  sh,
HDC  hddc,
int  dx,
int  dy,
DWORD  dwRop 

Performs a bit-block transfer from a device context into another device context.

This function performs a bit-block transfer of the color data cooresponding to a rectangle of pixels from the specified source device context hsdc into a destination device context hddc. (sx,sy,sw,sh) specifies the rectangle in the source DC, and (dx,dy) specifies the position of the rectangle in the destination DC. Note that the size of the two rectangles are identical.

Note that all coordinates should be in the device space.

hsdcThe source device context.
sxThe x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in the source DC.
syThe y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in the source DC.
swThe width of the source rectangle.
shThe height of the source rectangle.
hddcThe destination device context hddc.
dxThe x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in the destination DC.
dyThe y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in the destination DC.
dwRopThe raster operation, currently ignored.
The alpha and color key settings of the source DC will come into play.
See also
StretchBlt, SetMemDCAlpha, SetMemDCColorKey
BOOL FillBitmapPartInBox ( HDC  hdc,
int  box_x,
int  box_y,
int  box_w,
int  box_h,
const BITMAP pbmp,
int  bmp_x,
int  bmp_y,
int  bmp_w,
int  bmp_h 

Fills a part of bitmap into a box, and the parts bitmap will be scaled if needed.

This function gives an intuitionistic way to use function FillBoxWidthBitmapPart.

hdcThe target DC to show bitmap
box_xThe left of target box
box_yThe top of target box
box_wThe width of target box
box_hThe height of target box
pbmpThe bitmap which will be showed in the hdc
bmp_xThe visible part's left of bitmap
bmp_yThe visible part's top of bitmap
bmp_wThe visible part's width of bitmap
bmp_hThe visible part's height of bitmap
See also
BOOL GUIAPI FillBoxWithBitmap ( HDC  hdc,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
const BITMAP bmp 

Fills a box with a BITMAP object.

This function fills a box with a BITMAP object pointed to by bmp. (x,y) is the upper-left corner of the box, and w, h are the width and the height of the box respectively.

This function will scale the bitmap when necessary; that is, when the width or the height of the box is not equal to the with or the height of the BITMAP object.

hdcThe device context.
xThe x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
yThe y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
wThe width of the box. Can be zero, means the width or the height will be equal to the width or the height of the BITMAP object.
hThe height of the box. Can be zero, means the width or the height will be equal to the width or the height of the BITMAP object.
bmpThe pointer to the BITMAP object.
TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
You can specify the alpha value or the color key of the BITMAP object, and the current raster operation was set by SetRasterOperation for the DC will override the alpha value of color key if ROP is not ROP_SET.
If the bitmap has BMP_TYPE_RLE, the target w and h will be ignored. That is, the scale of the bitmap is not supported for RLE encoded bitmap.
See also
FillBoxWithBitmapPart, GetBitmapFromDC, Bitmap file load/save operations
BOOL GUIAPI FillBoxWithBitmapPart ( HDC  hdc,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
int  bw,
int  bh,
const BITMAP bmp,
int  xo,
int  yo 

Fills a box with a part of a bitmap oject.

This function fills a box with a part of a bitmap object pointed to by bmp. (x,y) is the upper-left corner of the box, and w, h are the width and the height of the box respectively. (xo, yo) is the start position of the part box in the bitmap relative to upper-left corner of the bitmap, and bw, bh are the width and the height of the full bitmap expected.

If bw or bh is less than or equal to zero, this function will use the original width and height of the bitmap, else it will scale the BITMAP object when necessary; that is, when bw or bh is not equal to the width or the height of the BITMAP object.

hdcThe device context.
xThe x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
yThe y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
wThe width of the box.
hThe height of the box.
bwThe width of the full bitmap expected. Can be zero, means the width or the height will be equal to the width or the height of the BITMAP object.
bhThe height of the full bitmap expected. Can be zero, means the width or the height will be equal to the width or the height of the BITMAP object.
xoxo,yo: The start position of the part box in the bitmap relative to upper-left corner of the BITMAP object.
yoxo,yo: The start position of the part box in the bitmap relative to upper-left corner of the BITMAP object.
bmpThe pointer to the BITMAP object.
TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
1: You can specify the alpha value or the color key of the BITMAP object, and the current raster operation was set by SetRasterOperation for the DC will override the alpha value or the color key if ROP is not ROP_SET.
2: xo/yo must be greater zero and (xo + w) < bw, (yo + h) < bh. else with fill nothing.
3: xo/yo must be multiply scale factor when bitmap scaled.
4: if bw or bh is not equal to he width or the height of the BITMAP object, it will be scale bitmap, but fill box is also (0, 0, w,h).
The RLE encoded bitmap is not supported by this function so far.
See also
FillBoxWithBitmap, GetBitmapFromDC, Bitmap structure
BOOL GUIAPI GetBitmapFromDC ( HDC  hdc,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,

Gets image box on a DC and saves it into a BITMAP object.

This function gets image box on the specified device context hdc, and saves the image bits into the BITMAP object pointed to by bmp. The image box begins at (x,y), and is w wide and h high. You must make sure that bmp->bits is big enough to store the image.

hdcThe device context.
xThe x coordinate in pixels of upper-left corner of the image box.
yThe y coordinate in pixels of upper-left corner of the image box.
wThe width of the image box.
hThe height of the image box.
bmpThe pointer to the BITMAP object.
If BITMAP's bmPitch is zero or bmBits is NULL, it will be malloc bmBits internal, you need init the BITMAP surely(such as InitBitmap) or memset(bmp, 0, sizeof(BITMAP)).
See also
FillBoxWithBitmap, Bitmap structure
static inline gal_pixel GUIAPI GetPixelInBitmap ( const BITMAP bmp,
int  x,
int  y 

Returns the pixel value in a BITMAP object.

This function returns the pixel value at the position (x,y) in the BITMAP object bmp.

bmpThe BITMAP object.
xx,y: The position of the pixel in the bitmap relative to the upper-left corner of the bitmap.
yx,y: The position of the pixel in the bitmap relative to the upper-left corner of the bitmap.
The pixel value, if the position is out of the bitmap, zero returned.
See also
SetPixelInBitmap, Bitmap structure

Definition at line 4876 of file gdi.h.

References GetPixelInBitmapEx(), and NULL.

gal_pixel GUIAPI GetPixelInBitmapEx ( const BITMAP bmp,
int  x,
int  y,
Uint8 alpha 

Returns the pixel value in a BITMAP object.

This function returns the pixel value and alpha at the position (x,y) in the BITMAP object bmp.

bmpThe BITMAP object.
xx,y: The position of the pixel in the bitmap relative to the upper-left corner of the bitmap.
yx,y: The position of the pixel in the bitmap relative to the upper-left corner of the bitmap.
alphaThe point to alpha of position (x, y).
The pixel value, if the position is out of the bitmap, zero returned.
if the bitmap with BMP_TYPE_ALPHA_MASK flag, the alpha value will be read from bmp->AlphaMask(Bitmap Alpha Mask array).
See also
SetPixelInBitmapEx, Bitmap structure

Referenced by GetPixelInBitmap().

BOOL GUIAPI SaveMainWindowContent ( HWND  hWnd,
const char *  filename 

Saves content of a main window to a file.

This function saves the content of the main window hWnd to the image file filename. MiniGUI uses the extension name of the file to determine the format of the image file.

hWndHandle to the main window.
filenameThe name of the image file.
TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
Only defined for _MGMISC_SAVESCREEN.
See also
Bitmap file load/save operations

Referenced by SetPixelInBitmap().

BOOL GUIAPI SaveScreenRectContent ( const RECT rc,
const char *  filename 

Saves content of a rectangle in the screen to a file.

This function saves the content of the rect rc to the image file filename. MiniGUI uses the extension name of the file to determine the format of the image file.

rcThe RECT object defined the rectangle in the screen.
filenameThe name of the image file.
TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
Only defined for _MGMISC_SAVESCREEN.
See also
Bitmap file load/save operations

Referenced by SetPixelInBitmap().

BOOL GUIAPI ScaleBitmapEx ( BITMAP dst,
const BITMAP src,
HDC  ref_dc 

Scales a BITMAP object into another BITMAP object by specify algorithm.

This function scales a BITMAP object src into another BITMAO object dst by specify algorithm. The source rectangle and the destination rectangle both are defined in the BITMAP objects.

dstThe destination BITMAP object.
srcThe srouce BITMAP object.
ref_dcThe device context of Bitmap's relative device dc.
TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
you should init the dst Bitmap first, such as bmPitch and bmBits.
See also
FillBoxWithBitmap, StretchBlt, Bitmap structure
static inline BOOL GUIAPI SetPixelInBitmap ( const BITMAP bmp,
int  x,
int  y,
gal_pixel  pixel 

Sets pixel value in a BITMAP object.

This function sets the pixel value at the position (x,y) in the BITMAP object bmp.

bmpThe BITMAP object.
xx,y: The position of the pixel in the bitmap relative to the upper-left corner of the bitmap.
yx,y: The position of the pixel in the bitmap relative to the upper-left corner of the bitmap.
pixelThe pixel value.
TRUE on success. If the position is out of the bitmap, FALSE returned.
See also
GetPixelInBitmap, Bitmap structure

Definition at line 4928 of file gdi.h.

References CreateIconEx(), LoadIconFromFile(), LoadIconFromMem(), NULL, SaveMainWindowContent(), and SaveScreenRectContent().

void GUIAPI StretchBlt ( HDC  hsdc,
int  sx,
int  sy,
int  sw,
int  sh,
HDC  hddc,
int  dx,
int  dy,
int  dw,
int  dh,
DWORD  dwRop 

Copies a bitmap from a source rectangle into a destination rectangle, streches the bitmap if necessary.

This function copies a bitmap from a source rectangle into a destination rectangle, streching or compressing the bitmap to fit the dimension of the destination rectangle, if necessary. This function is similar with

See also
BitBlt function except the former scaling the bitmap. (dw,dh) specifies the size of the destination rectangle.
hsdcThe source device context.
sxThe x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in the source DC.
syThe y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in the source DC.
swThe width of the source rectangle.
shThe height of the source rectangle.
hddcThe destination device context hddc.
dxThe x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in the destination DC.
dyThe y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in the destination DC.
dwThe width of the destination rectangle.
dhThe height of the destination rectangle.
dwRopThe raster operation, currently ignored.
The source rect should be contained in the device space entirely, and all coordinates should be in the device space.
The source DC and dest DC must compatible, else will do nothing.
The alpha and color key settings of the source DC will not come into play.
See also
BitBlt, SetMemDCAlpha, SetMemDCColorKey