MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)  v3.2.0
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Dialog and control messages


#define MSG_COMMAND   0x0120
 The command message, indicates a notification message from child window, or the user has selected a menu item. More...
#define MSG_SYSCOMMAND   0x0121
 The system command message. More...
#define MSG_GETDLGCODE   0x0122
 Get dialog code. More...
#define MSG_INITDIALOG   0x0123
 Ready to initialize the controls in a dialog box. More...
#define MSG_DLG_GETDEFID   0x0126
 Get default push button ID first. More...
#define MSG_DLG_SETDEFID   0x0127
 Set default push button ID first. More...
#define MSG_ISDIALOG   0x0128
 Sends to a window to query whether the window is a dialog window. More...
#define MSG_INITPAGE   0x0129
 Ready to initialize the controls in a property page. More...
#define MSG_SHOWPAGE   0x012A
 Indicates the page will be shown or hidden. More...
#define MSG_SHEETCMD   0x012B
 Indicates that a PSM_SHEETCMD message had been sent to the PropertySheet control. More...
#define MSG_INITCONTAINER   0x012C
 This message will be sent to the container window procedure after the container window is created. More...
#define MSG_SVCONTCMD   0x012D
 This message will be sent to the parent of the ScrollView control when the container of the ScrollView control reveived a MSG_COMMAND message. More...
#define MSG_FREEZECTRL   0x012E
 You can send this message to freeze or thaw the paint action of the control. More...
#define MSG_FONTCHANGING   0x0130
 Indicates the user is trying to change the font of the window. More...
#define MSG_FONTCHANGED   0x0131
 Indicates the window font has been changed. More...
#define MSG_GETTEXTLENGTH   0x0132
 Sent to the control to get the length of the text. More...
#define MSG_GETTEXT   0x0133
 Sent to the control to get the text. More...
#define MSG_SETTEXT   0x0134
 Sent to the control to set the text. More...
#define MSG_ENABLE   0x0135
 Indicates the window is disabled/enabled. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

#define MSG_COMMAND   0x0120

The command message, indicates a notification message from child window, or the user has selected a menu item.

This message sent to the window when the user has selected a menu item, or a child window has sent a notification message to the parent.

2 int id = LOWORD(wParam);
3 int code = HIWORD(wParam);
4 HWND hwnd = (HWND)lParam;
idThe identifier of the menu item or the child window.
codeThe notification code.
hwndThe handle to the control.
If you use MSG_COMMAND message to handle the notification sent from children controls, you should make sure the identifier value is small enough on 64-bit platform. If you use a pointer as the the identifier of a control, the code above will not work.

Instead, we recommend strongly that you use a NOTIFYPOROC callback to handle the notification generated by controls.

See also

Definition at line 1674 of file window.h.

#define MSG_DLG_GETDEFID   0x0126

Get default push button ID first.

Definition at line 1724 of file window.h.

#define MSG_DLG_SETDEFID   0x0127

Set default push button ID first.

Definition at line 1730 of file window.h.

#define MSG_ENABLE   0x0135

Indicates the window is disabled/enabled.

This message is sent to the window if the window has been disabled or enabled.

2 BOOL enabled = (BOOL)wParam;
enabledIndicates whether the window was disabled or enabled.

Definition at line 1983 of file window.h.

#define MSG_FONTCHANGED   0x0131

Indicates the window font has been changed.

This message is sent to the window after the window font has changed. Some window should be repainted to reflect the new window font.

Definition at line 1903 of file window.h.

#define MSG_FONTCHANGING   0x0130

Indicates the user is trying to change the font of the window.

This message is sent to the window when the user is trying to change the font of the window by calling SetWindowFont. If you return non-zero after handling this message, SetWindowFont will return immediately, i.e., the default window font will not change.

2 PLOGFONT log_font = (PLOGFONT)lParam;
log_fontThe pointer to the new window logical font.
See also

Definition at line 1893 of file window.h.

#define MSG_FREEZECTRL   0x012E

You can send this message to freeze or thaw the paint action of the control.

2 BOOL bFrozen;
4 wParam = bFrozen
5 lParam = 0;
Note that implemented only in scrollview and listview.
bFrozento freeze or to thaw.

Definition at line 1873 of file window.h.

#define MSG_GETDLGCODE   0x0122

Get dialog code.

Definition at line 1686 of file window.h.

#define MSG_GETTEXT   0x0133

Sent to the control to get the text.

This message is sent to the control when you calling GetWindowText function to get the text.

2 int max_len;
3 char* text_buf;
5 wParam = (WPARAM)max_len;
6 lParam = (LPARAM)text_buf;
max_lenThe maximal number of characters can be copied to the buffer.
text_bufThe pointer to a buffer receives the text.
The length of the window text string.
See also

Definition at line 1946 of file window.h.

#define MSG_GETTEXTLENGTH   0x0132

Sent to the control to get the length of the text.

This message is sent to the control when you calling GetWindowTextLength function to get the lenght of the text.

2 wParam = 0;
3 lParam = 0;
The length of the text.
See also

Definition at line 1922 of file window.h.

#define MSG_INITCONTAINER   0x012C

This message will be sent to the container window procedure after the container window is created.

This message is sent to the container in order that you can initialize the controls in the container.

2 DWORD add_data = (DWORD)lParam;
add_dataThe additional data in CONTAINERINFO structure passed through the argument of dwAddData when creating the ScrollView control by calling CreateWindowEx.
See also
ScrollView control, CONTAINERINFO

Definition at line 1823 of file window.h.

#define MSG_INITDIALOG   0x0123

Ready to initialize the controls in a dialog box.

This message is sent to the dialog in order that you can initialize the controls in the dialog box.

2 HWND focus_hwnd = (HWND)wParam;
3 LPARAM lparam = (LPARAM)lParam;
focus_hwndThe handle to the control which will gain the input focus.
lparamThe parameter passed into the dialog box through DialogBoxIndirectParam function.
Returns non-zero value to set the input focus to focus_hwnd, else do not set focus.
See also


static LRESULT DepInfoBoxProc (HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
struct _DepInfo *info;
switch(message) {
* Get the lParam passed to this dialog box, and assign it
* to the second private additional data assoiciated
* with the dialog box.
info = (struct _DepInfo*)lParam;
* Get the parameter from the second private data assoiciated
* with the dialog box.
info = (struct _DepInfo*) GetWindowAdditionalData2 (hDlg);
switch(wParam) {
case IDOK:
/* Use the data in the parameter. */
return DefaultDialogProc (hDlg, message, wParam, lParam);

Definition at line 1714 of file window.h.

#define MSG_INITPAGE   0x0129

Ready to initialize the controls in a property page.

This message is sent to the page in order that you can initialize the controls in the page.

2 DWORD add_data = (DWORD)lParam;
add_dataThe additional data in DLGTEMPLATE structure passed through PSM_ADDPAGE message.
See also
PropertySheet control

Definition at line 1759 of file window.h.

#define MSG_ISDIALOG   0x0128

Sends to a window to query whether the window is a dialog window.

This is a asynchronical message.

Definition at line 1740 of file window.h.

#define MSG_SETTEXT   0x0134

Sent to the control to set the text.

This message is sent to the control when you calling SetWindowText function to set the text.

2 char* text_buf;
4 wParam = 0;
5 lParam = (LPARAM)text_buf;
text_bufThe pointer to a buffer contains the text.
The return value is equal to zero if the text is set.
See also

Definition at line 1968 of file window.h.

#define MSG_SHEETCMD   0x012B

Indicates that a PSM_SHEETCMD message had been sent to the PropertySheet control.

This message is sent to the property page when the property sheet contains the page received the PSM_SHEETCMD message.

2 WPARAM param1 = wParam;
3 LPARAM param2 = lParam;
param1The wParam of PSM_SHEETCMD message.
param2The lParam of PSM_SHEETCMD message.
See also
PropertySheet control, PSM_SHEETCMD

Definition at line 1802 of file window.h.

#define MSG_SHOWPAGE   0x012A

Indicates the page will be shown or hidden.

This message is sent to the page when the page will be shown or hidden.

2 HWND focus_hwnd = (HWND)wParam;
3 int show_cmd = (int)lParam;
focus_hwndThe handle to the child which will gain the input focus if showing the page.
show_cmdThe show command, can be one of the following values:
    The page will be shown.
    The page will be hidden.
See also
PropertySheet control

Definition at line 1781 of file window.h.

#define MSG_SVCONTCMD   0x012D

This message will be sent to the parent of the ScrollView control when the container of the ScrollView control reveived a MSG_COMMAND message.

This message will be sent to the parent of the ScrollView when the container of the ScrollView control reveived a MSG_COMMAND message. Generally, the notification of the child control in the container will be sent via MSG_COMMAND to the container. If you have not defined your own window procedure for the container, this message gives a chance for the parent of the ScrollView control to handle the notifications come from the controls in the container.

Note that you can also define your window procedure for the container, and handle the notification from the child control in this procedure.

2 WPARAM param1 = wParam;
3 WPARAM param2 = lParam;
param1The wParam of MSG_COMMAND message.
param2The lParam of MSG_COMMAND message.
See also
ScrollView control, MSG_COMMAND

Definition at line 1853 of file window.h.

#define MSG_SYSCOMMAND   0x0121

The system command message.

Definition at line 1680 of file window.h.