MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
This file includes global and miscellaneous interfaces of MiniGUI. More...
#include <stdio.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | _DESKTOPOPS |
struct | _ETCSECTION |
struct | _ETC_S |
Macros | |
#define | g_rcDesktop g_rcScr |
Contains the rectangle of desktop of the application. More... | |
#define | ReinitDesktop() ReinitDesktopEx (TRUE) |
Re-initializes the desktop including the local system text. More... | |
#define | MiniGUIMain |
The main entry of a MiniGUI application. More... | |
#define | IDM_DTI_FIRST (300) |
The minimum interger value of command ID when user customize desktop menu. More... | |
#define | ETC_MAXLINE 1024 |
The max line number of etc file. More... | |
#define | ETC_FILENOTFOUND -1 |
No found etc file. More... | |
No found section in etc file. More... | |
#define | ETC_KEYNOTFOUND -3 |
No found key in etc file. More... | |
#define | ETC_TMPFILEFAILED -4 |
Create tmpfile failed. More... | |
#define | ETC_FILEIOFAILED -5 |
IO operation failed to etc file. More... | |
#define | ETC_INTCONV -6 |
Convert the value string to an integer failed. More... | |
#define | ETC_INVALIDOBJ -7 |
Invalid object to etc file. More... | |
#define | ETC_READONLYOBJ -8 |
Read only to etc file. More... | |
#define | ETC_OK 0 |
Operate success to etc file. More... | |
#define | SetValueToEtc(hEtc, pSection, pKey, pValue) GetValueFromEtc(hEtc, pSection, pKey, pValue, -1) |
Sets the value in the etc object. More... | |
#define | LEN_CLIPBOARD_NAME 15 |
The maximum length of the name of clipboard. More... | |
#define | NR_CLIPBOARDS 4 |
The maximum number of clipboard. More... | |
#define | CBNAME_TEXT ("text") |
The default clipboard name of text control. More... | |
#define | CBERR_OK 0 |
Operate clipboard success. More... | |
#define | CBERR_BADNAME 1 |
Bad name to clipboard. More... | |
#define | CBERR_NOMEM 2 |
No enough memory to clipboard. More... | |
#define | CBOP_NORMAL 0 |
Overwrite operation to clipboard. More... | |
#define | CBOP_APPEND 1 |
Append the new data to clipboarda after the old data. More... | |
#define | Beep Ping |
Alias of Ping. More... | |
#define | IDC_ARROW 0 |
#define | IDC_IBEAM 1 |
#define | IDC_PENCIL 2 |
#define | IDC_CROSS 3 |
#define | IDC_MOVE 4 |
#define | IDC_SIZENWSE 5 |
#define | IDC_SIZENESW 6 |
#define | IDC_SIZEWE 7 |
#define | IDC_SIZENS 8 |
#define | IDC_UPARROW 9 |
#define | IDC_NONE 10 |
#define | IDC_HELP 11 |
#define | IDC_BUSY 12 |
#define | IDC_WAIT 13 |
#define | IDC_RARROW 14 |
#define | IDC_COLOMN 15 |
#define | IDC_ROW 16 |
#define | IDC_DRAG 17 |
#define | IDC_NODROP 18 |
#define | IDC_HAND_POINT 19 |
#define | IDC_HAND_SELECT 20 |
#define | IDC_SPLIT_HORZ 21 |
#define | IDC_SPLIT_VERT 22 |
#define | SetCursor(hcsr) SetCursorEx (hcsr, FALSE) |
Changes the current cursor. More... | |
#define | SetDefaultCursor(hcsr) SetCursorEx (hcsr, TRUE) |
Changes the current cursor, and set it as the default cursor. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_WINDOW 0 |
The identifier of the window system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_START 1 |
The identifier of the start system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_REFRESH 2 |
The identifier of the refresh background system text. More... | |
The identifier of the close all windows system text. More... | |
The identifier of the end session system text. More... | |
The identifier of the operations system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_MINIMIZE 6 |
The identifier of the minimize system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_MAXIMIZE 7 |
The identifier of the maximize system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_RESTORE 8 |
The identifier of the restore system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_CLOSE 9 |
The identifier of the close system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_OK 10 |
The identifier of the ok system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_NEXT 11 |
The identifier of the next system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_CANCEL 12 |
The identifier of the cancel system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_PREV 13 |
The identifier of the previous system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_YES 14 |
The identifier of the yes system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_NO 15 |
The identifier of the no system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_ABORT 16 |
The identifier of the abort system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_RETRY 17 |
The identifier of the retry system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_IGNORE 18 |
The identifier of the ignore system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_ABOUTMG 19 |
The identifier of the about minigui system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_OPENFILE 20 |
The identifier of the open file system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_SAVEFILE 21 |
The identifier of the save file system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_COLORSEL 22 |
The identifier of the color selection system text. More... | |
The identifier of the switch layer system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_DELLAYER 24 |
The identifier of the delete layer system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_ERROR 25 |
The identifier of the error system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_LOGO 26 |
The identifier of the logo system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_CURRPATH 27 |
The identifier of the current path system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_FILE 28 |
The identifier of the file system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_LOCATION 29 |
The identifier of the location system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_UP 30 |
The identifier of the up system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_NAME 31 |
The identifier of the name system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_SIZE 32 |
The identifier of the size system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_ACCESSMODE 33 |
The identifier of the access mode system text. More... | |
The identifier of the last modify time system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_OPEN 35 |
The identifier of the open system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_FILENAME 36 |
The identifier of the file name system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_FILETYPE 37 |
The identifier of the file type system text. More... | |
The identifier of the show hide file system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_NOTFOUND 39 |
The identifier of the not found file system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_NR 40 |
The identifier of the can't read system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_NW 41 |
The identifier of the can't write system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_INFO 42 |
The identifier of the information system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_R 43 |
The identifier of the read system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_W 44 |
The identifier of the write system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_WR 45 |
The identifier of the read and write system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_SAVE 46 |
The identifier of the save system text. More... | |
#define | IDS_MGST_FILEEXIST 47 |
The identifier of the file exist system text. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct _DESKTOPOPS | DESKTOPOPS |
typedef struct _ETCSECTION | ETCSECTION |
typedef struct _ETC_S | ETC_S |
Functions | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | InitGUI (int, const char **) |
Initialize MiniGUI. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | TerminateGUI (int not_used) |
Terminate MiniGUI. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | MiniGUIPanic (int exitcode) |
The panic of MiniGUI application. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | ReinitDesktopEx (BOOL init_sys_text) |
Re-initializes the desktop. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | ExitGUISafely (int exitcode) |
Exits your MiniGUI application safely. More... | |
MG_EXPORT DESKTOPOPS *GUIAPI | SetCustomDesktopOperationSet (DESKTOPOPS *usr_dsk_ops) |
Set customer desktop operation set. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | DesktopUpdateAllWindow (void) |
Update all visible windows on the desktop. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | SetMouseCalibrationParameters (const POINT *src_pts, const POINT *dst_pts) |
Sets the parameters for doing mouse calibration. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetOriginalMousePosition (int *x, int *y) |
Gets the original mouse position. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | OpenAboutDialog (void) |
Opens or actives the 'About MiniGUI' dialog. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetValueFromEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile, const char *pSection, const char *pKey, char *pValue, int iLen) |
Gets value from a configuration file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetIntValueFromEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile, const char *pSection, const char *pKey, int *value) |
Gets integer value from a configuration file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SetValueToEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile, const char *pSection, const char *pKey, char *pValue) |
Sets a value in a configuration file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | RemoveSectionInEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile, const char *pSection) |
Removes a section in an etc file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SaveSectionToEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile, PETCSECTION psect) |
Saves a section to an etc file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT GHANDLE GUIAPI | LoadEtcFile (const char *pEtcFile) |
Loads an etc file into memory. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SaveEtcToFile (GHANDLE hEtc, const char *file_name) |
Saves an ETC object into a file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | UnloadEtcFile (GHANDLE hEtc) |
Unloads an etc file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetValueFromEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char *pSection, const char *pKey, char *pValue, int iLen) |
Gets value from a configuration etc object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetIntValueFromEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char *pSection, const char *pKey, int *pValue) |
Gets the integer value from a configuration etc object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT GHANDLE GUIAPI | FindSectionInEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char *pSection, BOOL bCreateNew) |
Finds/Creates a section from an etc object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetValueFromEtcSec (GHANDLE hSect, const char *pKey, char *pValue, int iLen) |
Gets value from an etc section object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetIntValueFromEtcSec (GHANDLE hSect, const char *pKey, int *pValue) |
Gets an integer value from an etc section object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SetValueToEtcSec (GHANDLE hSect, const char *pKey, char *pValue) |
Sets the value in the etc section object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | RemoveSectionInEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char *pSection) |
Removes a section in etc object. More... | |
static int | GetMgEtcValue (const char *pSection, const char *pKey, char *pValue, int iLen) |
Gets value from MiniGUI configuration etc object. More... | |
static int | GetMgEtcIntValue (const char *pSection, const char *pKey, int *value) |
Gets integer value from MiniGUI configuration etc object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | CreateClipBoard (const char *cb_name, size_t size) |
Creates a new clipboard. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | DestroyClipBoard (const char *cb_name) |
Destroys a new clipboard. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | SetClipBoardData (const char *cb_name, void *data, size_t n, int cbop) |
Sets the data of a clipboard. More... | |
MG_EXPORT size_t GUIAPI | GetClipBoardDataLen (const char *cb_name) |
Gets the length of the data of a clipboard. More... | |
MG_EXPORT size_t GUIAPI | GetClipBoardData (const char *cb_name, void *data, size_t n) |
Gets the data of a clipboard. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | GetClipBoardByte (const char *cb_name, int index, unsigned char *byte) |
Gets a byte from a clipboard. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | Ping (void) |
Makes a beep sound. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | Tone (int frequency_hz, int duration_ms) |
Makes a tone. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void *GUIAPI | GetOriginalTermIO (void) |
Gets termios structure of the original terminal before initializing MiniGUI. More... | |
MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI | FixStrAlloc (int len) |
Allocates a buffer for a length-fixed string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI | FixStrDup (const char *str) |
Duplicates a length-fixed string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | FreeFixStr (char *str) |
Frees a length-fixed string. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI | LoadCursorFromFile (const char *filename) |
Loads a cursor from a M$ Windows cursor file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI | LoadCursorFromMem (const void *area) |
Loads a cursor from a memory area. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI | CreateCursor (int xhotspot, int yhotspot, int w, int h, const BYTE *pANDBits, const BYTE *pXORBits, int colornum) |
Creates a cursor from memory data. More... | |
Copies a cursor object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI | DestroyCursor (HCURSOR hcsr) |
Destroys a cursor object. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI | GetSystemCursor (int csrid) |
Gets the handle to a system cursor by its identifier. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI | GetCurrentCursor (void) |
Gets the handle to the current cursor. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | ClipCursor (const RECT *prc) |
Clips the cursor range. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetClipCursor (RECT *prc) |
Gets the current cursor clipping rectangle. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetCursorPos (POINT *ppt) |
Gets position of the current cursor. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | SetCursorPos (int x, int y) |
Sets position of the current cursor. More... | |
Changes the current cursor. More... | |
MG_EXPORT HCURSOR GUIAPI | GetDefaultCursor (void) |
Gets the default cursor. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI | ShowCursor (BOOL fShow) |
Shows or hides cursor. More... | |
Gets a key or a mouse button status. More... | |
MG_EXPORT DWORD GUIAPI | GetShiftKeyStatus (void) |
Gets status of the shift keys. More... | |
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI | GetKeyboardState (BYTE *kbd_state) |
Gets status of all keys on keyboard. More... | |
MG_EXPORT const char *GUIAPI | GetSysText (unsigned int id) |
Translates system text to localized text. More... | |
MG_EXPORT const char **GUIAPI | GetSysTextInUTF8 (const char *language) |
Gets the localized system text array in UTF-8 for a specified language. More... | |
MG_EXPORT char * | strnchr (const char *s, size_t n, int c) |
Locates character in the first n characters of string s. More... | |
MG_EXPORT int | substrlen (const char *text, int len, int delimiter, int *nr_delim) |
Locates a substring delimited by one or more delimiters in the first len characters of string text. More... | |
MG_EXPORT char * | strtrimall (char *src) |
Deletes all space characters. More... | |
Variables | |
MG_EXPORT RECT | g_rcScr |
Contains the rectangle of the whole screen. More... | |
The path name of MiniGUI configuration file. More... | |
MG_EXPORT const char * | SysText [] |
Contains all text used by MiniGUI in English. More... | |
MG_EXPORT const char ** | local_SysText |
The pointer to the current localized system text array. More... | |
This file includes global and miscellaneous interfaces of MiniGUI.
This file is part of MiniGUI, a mature cross-platform windowing and Graphics User Interface (GUI) support system for embedded systems and smart IoT devices. Copyright (C) 2002~2018, Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd. Copyright (C) 1998~2002, WEI Yongming This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. Or, As this program is a library, any link to this program must follow GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). If you cannot accept GPLv3, you need to be licensed from FMSoft. If you have got a commercial license of this program, please use it under the terms and conditions of the commercial license. For more information about the commercial license, please refer to <>.
Definition in file minigui.h.
int GUIAPI InitGUI | ( | int | , |
const char ** | |||
) |
Initialize MiniGUI.
The meaning of two parameters is same with parameters of main function.
void GUIAPI MiniGUIPanic | ( | int | exitcode | ) |
The panic of MiniGUI application.
The function forces to close GAL and IAL engine.
exitcode | The value of exitcode, now it can be any values. |
void GUIAPI TerminateGUI | ( | int | not_used | ) |
Terminate MiniGUI.
not_used | not used |