MiniGUI API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads)  v3.2.0
A mature and proven cross-platform GUI system for embedded and smart IoT devices
Data Fields
_MCCOLORINFO Struct Reference

#include <monthcal.h>

Data Fields

int clr_titlebk
int clr_titletext
int clr_arrow
int clr_arrowHibk
int clr_weekcaptbk
int clr_weekcapttext
int clr_daybk
int clr_dayHibk
int clr_daytext
int clr_trailingtext
int clr_dayHitext

Detailed Description

Struture of the color info of the monthcalendar control

Definition at line 93 of file monthcal.h.

Field Documentation

int clr_arrow

Color of the arrow

Definition at line 100 of file monthcal.h.

int clr_arrowHibk

Color of the hilighted arrow background

Definition at line 102 of file monthcal.h.

int clr_daybk

Color of the day text background

Definition at line 110 of file monthcal.h.

int clr_dayHibk

Color of the hilighted day text background

Definition at line 112 of file monthcal.h.

int clr_dayHitext

Color of the hilighted day text

Definition at line 118 of file monthcal.h.

int clr_daytext

Color of the day text

Definition at line 114 of file monthcal.h.

int clr_titlebk

Color of the titile background

Definition at line 96 of file monthcal.h.

int clr_titletext

Color of the titile text

Definition at line 98 of file monthcal.h.

int clr_trailingtext

Color of the trailing day text

Definition at line 116 of file monthcal.h.

int clr_weekcaptbk

Color of the week caption background

Definition at line 105 of file monthcal.h.

int clr_weekcapttext

Color of the week caption text

Definition at line 107 of file monthcal.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: