window.h File Reference
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Data Structures
- #define MSG_LBUTTONDOWN 0x0001
- Left mouse button down message.
- #define MSG_LBUTTONUP 0x0002
- Left mouse button up message.
- #define MSG_LBUTTONDBLCLK 0x0003
- Left mouse button double clicked message.
- #define MSG_MOUSEMOVE 0x0004
- The mouse moved message.
- #define MSG_RBUTTONDOWN 0x0005
- Right mouse button down message.
- #define MSG_RBUTTONUP 0x0006
- Right mouse button up message.
- #define MSG_RBUTTONDBLCLK 0x0007
- Right mouse button double clicked message.
- #define MSG_NCLBUTTONDOWN 0x0008
- Left mouse button down message in the non-client area.
- #define MSG_NCLBUTTONUP 0x0009
- Left mouse button up message in the non-client area.
- Left mouse button double clicked in the non-client area.
- #define MSG_NCMOUSEMOVE 0x000B
- Mouse moves in the non-client area.
- #define MSG_NCRBUTTONDOWN 0x000C
- Right mouse button down message in the non-client area.
- #define MSG_NCRBUTTONUP 0x000D
- Right mouse button up message in the non-client area.
- Right mouse button double clicked in the non-client area.
- #define MSG_KEYDOWN 0x0010
- User presses a key down.
- #define MSG_CHAR 0x0011
- A character translated from MSG_KEYDOWN message.
- #define MSG_KEYUP 0x0012
- User releases up a key.
- #define MSG_SYSKEYDOWN 0x0013
- User presses down a key when <Alt> key is down.
- #define MSG_SYSCHAR 0x0014
- A system character translated from MSG_SYSKEYDOWN message.
- #define MSG_SYSKEYUP 0x0015
- User releases up a key when <Alt> key is down.
- #define MSG_KEYSYM 0x0016
- A key symbol translated from MSG_KEYDOWN messages.
- #define MSG_KEYLONGPRESS 0x0017
- A key is long pressed.
- #define MSG_KEYALWAYSPRESS 0x0018
- A key is always pressed.
- #define DEF_LPRESS_TIME 500
- Default long pressed time of a key.
- #define DEF_APRESS_TIME 1000
- Default always pressed time of a key.
- #define DEF_INTERVAL_TIME 200
- Default send MSG_KEYLONGPRESS in interval value.
- #define SetKeyLongPressTime(time)
- User set default long pressed time of a key.
- #define SetKeyAlwaysPressTime(time)
- User set default always pressed time of a key.
- #define SetIntervalTime(time)
- User set default interval time that MSG_KEYLONGPRESS is sent.
- #define MSG_SETCURSOR 0x0020
- Sets cursor shape in the client area.
- #define MSG_NCHITTEST 0x0021
- Hit test in non-client area. This is an async message.
- Hit test in non-client area.
- #define MSG_CHANGESIZE 0x0022
- Change window size.
- #define MSG_QUERYCLIENTAREA 0x0024
- Query client area.
- #define MSG_SIZECHANGING 0x0025
- Indicates the size of the window is being changed.
- #define MSG_SIZECHANGED 0x0026
- Indicates the size of the window has been changed.
- #define MSG_CSIZECHANGED 0x0027
- Indicates the size of the client area of the window has been changed.
- #define MSG_SETFOCUS 0x0030
- Indicates that the window has gained the input focus.
- #define MSG_KILLFOCUS 0x0031
- Indicates that the window has lost the input focus.
- #define MSG_MOUSEACTIVE 0x0032
- Indicates that the window has gained the input focus because the user clicked the window.
- #define MSG_ACTIVE 0x0033
- Indicates that the window has gained the input focus because the user clicked the window.
- #define MSG_CHILDHIDDEN 0x0034
- Hide child window.
- #define MSG_ACTIVEMENU 0x0040
- Indicates that the user activates the menu bar and tracks it.
- #define MSG_DEACTIVEMENU 0x0041
- Indicates the end of the tracking of a menu bar or a popup menu.
- #define SB_LINEUP 0x01a
- The SB_LINEUP notification message is sent when the user clicked the up arrow on the bar.
- #define SB_LINEDOWN 0x02
- The SB_LINEDOWN notification message is sent when the user clicked the down arrow on the bar.
- #define SB_LINELEFT 0x03
- The SB_LINELEFT notification message is sent when the user clicked the left arrow on the bar.
- #define SB_LINERIGHT 0x04
- The SB_LINERIGHT notification message is sent when the user clicked the right arrow on the bar.
- #define SB_PAGEUP 0x05
- The SB_PAGEUP notification message is sent when the user clicked the page up area on the bar.
- #define SB_PAGEDOWN 0x06
- The SB_PAGEDOWN notification message is sent when the user clicked the page down area on the bar.
- #define SB_PAGELEFT 0x07
- The SB_PAGELEFT notification message is sent when the user clicked the page left area on the bar.
- #define SB_PAGERIGHT 0x08
- The SB_PAGERIGHT notification message is sent when the user clicked the page right area on the bar.
- #define SB_THUMBPOSITION 0x09
- The SB_THUMBPOSITION notification message is sent when the user set a new thumb position.
- #define SB_THUMBTRACK 0x0A
- The SB_THUMBTRACK notification message is sent when the user is draging and tracking the thumb.
- #define SB_TOP 0x0B
- The SB_TOP notification message is sent when the user move thumb to minimum position.
- #define SB_BOTTOM 0x0C
- The SB_BOTTOM notification message is sent when the user move thumb to maximum position.
- #define SB_ENDSCROLL 0x0D
- The SB_ENDSCROLL notification message is sent when the thumb at the end of bar.
- #define MSG_HSCROLL 0x0042
- Indicates that the user has clicked the horizontal scroll bar.
- #define MSG_VSCROLL 0x0043
- Indicates that the user has clicked the vertical scroll bar.
- #define MSG_NCSETCURSOR 0x0044
- Sets cursor shape in the non-client area.
- #define MSG_MOUSEMOVEIN 0x0050
- Indicates the mouse is moved in/out the area of the window.
- #define MSG_WINDOWDROPPED 0x0051
- Indicates that user dropped window. server to client; (wParam, lParam): result rectangle.
- #define MSG_CREATE 0x0060
- Indicates the window has been created, and gives you a chance to initialize your private objects.
- #define MSG_NCCREATE 0x0061
- Indicates the window has been created, but has not registered to the system.
- #define MSG_DESTROY 0x0064
- Indicates the window will be destroyed.
- #define MSG_CLOSE 0x0066
- Indicates the user has clicked the closing box on the caption.
- #define MSG_SHOWWINDOW 0x00A0
- Indicates that the window has been shown or hidden.
- #define MSG_ERASEBKGND 0x00B0
- Sent to the window to erase the background.
- #define MSG_PAINT 0x00B1
- Sent to the window if the window contains an invalid region.
- #define MSG_NCPAINT 0x00B2
- Indicates that paints non-client area.
- #define MSG_NCACTIVATE 0x00B3
- Indicates that active non-client area of main window.
- #define MSG_SYNCPAINT 0x00B4
- Indicates that actives and paints main window synchronously.
- #define MSG_DT_LBUTTONDOWN 0x00E1
- Left mouse button down message on the desktop.
- #define MSG_DT_LBUTTONUP 0x00E2
- Left mouse button up message on the desktop.
- Left mouse button double clicked message on the desktop.
- #define MSG_DT_MOUSEMOVE 0x00E4
- The mouse moved message on the desktop.
- #define MSG_DT_RBUTTONDOWN 0x00E5
- Right mouse button down message on the desktop.
- #define MSG_DT_RBUTTONUP 0x00E6
- Right mouse button up message on the desktop.
- Right mouse button double clicked message on the desktop.
- #define MSG_DT_KEYDOWN 0x00E8
- User presses a key down on the desktop.
- #define MSG_DT_KEYUP 0x00EA
- User releases up a key on the desktop.
- #define MSG_COMMAND 0x0120
- The command message, indicates a notification message from child window, or the user has selected a menu item.
- #define MSG_SYSCOMMAND 0x0121
- The system command message.
- #define MSG_GETDLGCODE 0x0122
- Get dialog code.
- #define MSG_INITDIALOG 0x0123
- Ready to initialize the controls in a dialog box.
- #define MSG_DLG_GETDEFID 0x0126
- Get default push button ID first.
- #define MSG_DLG_SETDEFID 0x0127
- Set default push button ID first.
- #define MSG_ISDIALOG 0x0128
- Sends to a window to query whether the window is a dialog window.
- #define MSG_INITPAGE 0x0129
- Ready to initialize the controls in a property page.
- #define MSG_SHOWPAGE 0x012A
- Indicates the page will be shown or hidden.
- #define MSG_SHEETCMD 0x012B
- Indicates that a PSM_SHEETCMD message had been sent to the PropertySheet control.
- #define MSG_INITCONTAINER 0x012C
- This message will be sent to the container window procedure after the container window is created.
- #define MSG_SVCONTCMD 0x012D
- This message will be sent to the parent of the ScrollView control when the container of the ScrollView control reveived a MSG_COMMAND message.
- #define MSG_FREEZECTRL 0x012E
- You can send this message to freeze or thaw the paint action of the control.
- #define MSG_FONTCHANGING 0x0130
- Indicates the user is trying to change the font of the window.
- #define MSG_FONTCHANGED 0x0131
- Indicates the window font has been changed.
- #define MSG_GETTEXTLENGTH 0x0132
- Sent to the control to get the length of the text.
- #define MSG_GETTEXT 0x0133
- Sent to the control to get the text.
- #define MSG_SETTEXT 0x0134
- Sent to the control to set the text.
- #define MSG_ENABLE 0x0135
- Indicates the window is disabled/enabled.
- #define MSG_IDLE 0x0142
- Indicates the system enters idle loop.
- #define MSG_TIMER 0x0144
- Indicates a timer has expired.
- #define MSG_DOESNEEDIME 0x0150
- Sends to a window to query whether the window needs to open IME window.
- #define MSG_USER 0x0800
- The first user-defined message.
- #define PM_NOREMOVE 0x0000
- #define PM_REMOVE 0x0001
- #define PM_NOYIELD 0x0002
- #define HOOK_GOON 0
- #define HOOK_STOP 1
- #define WS_NONE 0x00000000L
- None style.
- #define WS_CHILD 0x40000000L
- Indicates the window is a child.
- #define WS_CAPTION 0x20000000L
- Creates a main window with caption.
- #define WS_SYSMENU 0x10000000L
- Creates a main window with system menu.
- #define WS_VISIBLE 0x08000000L
- Creates a window initially visible.
- #define WS_DISABLED 0x04000000L
- Creates a window initially disabled.
- #define WS_DLGFRAME 0x00800000L
- The window has a fixed frame, i.e. user can not drag the border of the window.
- #define WS_BORDER 0x00400000L
- Creates a window with border.
- #define WS_THICKFRAME 0x00200000L
- Creates a window with thick frame.
- #define WS_THINFRAME 0x00100000L
- Creates a window with thin frame.
- #define WS_VSCROLL 0x00080000L
- Creates a window with vertical scroll bar.
- #define WS_HSCROLL 0x00040000L
- Creates a window with horizontal scroll bar.
- #define WS_GROUP 0x00020000L
- Indicates the control is the leader of a group.
- #define WS_TABSTOP 0x00010000L
- Indicates the user can set the input focus to the control by using Tab key.
- #define WS_EX_CONTROL_MASK 0x0000000FL
- The extended style mask for control usage.
- #define WS_EX_INTERNAL_MASK 0xF0000000L
- The extended style mask for internal usage.
- #define WS_EX_NONE 0x00000000L
- No any extended window style.
- #define WS_EX_TROUNDCNS 0x00000010L
- The window have round corners in top.
- #define WS_EX_BROUNDCNS 0x00000020L
- The window have round corners at bottom.
- #define WS_EX_USEPRIVATECDC 0x00000040L
- The window has its own private client device context.
- #define WS_EX_NOTDRAGGABLE 0x00000080L
- A style controlling whether a main window can be dragged by using mouse.
- #define WS_EX_USEPARENTFONT 0x00000100L
- The window uses the font of its parent as the default font.
- #define WS_EX_USEPARENTCURSOR 0x00000200L
- The window uses the cursor of its parent as the default cursor.
- #define WS_EX_USEPARENTRDR 0x00000400L
- The window use the same window renderer as parent.
- #define WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY 0x00000800L
- The window will not send any notification to the parent.
- #define WS_EX_AUTOSECONDARYDC 0x00001000L
- The window creates its own secondary device context automatically.
- #define WS_EX_TRANSPARENT 0x00002000L
- The window is transparent.
- #define WS_EX_TOPMOST 0x00004000L
- The main window is a topmost (always on top) window.
- #define WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW 0x00008000L
- The main window is a tool window, which can not gain the input focus.
- #define WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR 0x00040000L
- The horizontal scroll bar of the window is located at left.
- #define WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR 0x00000000L
- The horizontal scroll bar of the window is located at right (default).
- #define WS_EX_DLGHIDE 0x00100000L
- The dialog won't show immediately after it is created.
- #define WS_EX_NOCLOSEBOX 0x00400000L
- The main window has no closing box on its caption.
- #define WS_EX_CLIPCHILDREN 0x00800000L
- When paint the window, the children areas will be clipped.
- #define WS_EX_LFRDR_MASK 0x0F000000L
- The style mask for LF renderer internal usage.
- #define WS_EX_LFRDR_CUSTOM1 0x01000000L
- The user-defined extended style. It's often used to process user-defined hotspot area.
- #define WS_EX_LFRDR_CUSTOM2 0x02000000L
- The user-defined extended style.
- #define WS_EX_LFRDR_CUSTOM3 0x04000000L
- The user-defined extended style.
- #define WS_EX_LFRDR_CUSTOM4 0x08000000L
- The user-defined extended style.
- #define WE_FONTS_NUMBER 4
- The number of window element font attributes.
- The number of window element metric attributes.
- #define WE_COLORS_NUMBER 14
- The number of window element color attributes.
- #define WE_ATTR_TYPE_RDR 0x5000
- The specific type for LF renderer.
- #define SBS_DISABLED_LTUP 0x0100
- #define SBS_DISABLED_BTDN 0x0200
- #define SBS_HILITE_LTUP 0x0400
- #define SBS_HILITE_BTDN 0x0800
- #define SBS_HILITE_THUMB 0x0010
- #define SBS_PRESSED_LTUP 0x0020
- #define SBS_PRESSED_BTDN 0x0040
- #define SBS_PRESSED_THUMB 0x0080
- #define LEN_RENDERER_NAME 15
- The maximum length of a renderer name.
- #define HWND_DESKTOP __mg_hwnd_desktop
- Desktop window handle.
- #define HWND_NULL 0
- Null window handle.
- Invalid window handle.
- #define MainWindowCleanup(hwnd) MainWindowThreadCleanup(hwnd)
- Is an alias of MainWindowThreadCleanup.
- #define DefaultMainWinProc (__mg_def_proc[0])
- Is the default main window callback procedure.
- #define DefaultDialogProc (__mg_def_proc[1])
- The default dialog box procedure.
- #define DefaultControlProc (__mg_def_proc[2])
- The default control callback procedure.
- #define SetFocus SetFocusChild
- #define GetFocus GetFocusChild
- #define GetForegroundWindow GetActiveWindow
- #define SetForegroundWindow SetActiveWindow
- #define GetWindowElementColor(iItem) GetWindowElementPixelEx(HWND_NULL, -1, iItem)
- Get window element color.
- #define GetLargeSystemIcon(iItem) GetLargeSystemIconEx(HWND_NULL, iItem)
- Retrives a large (32x32) system icon by its identifier in default renderer.
- #define GetSmallSystemIcon(iItem) GetSmallSystemIconEx(HWND_NULL, iItem)
- Retrives a small (16x16) system icon by its identifier in default renderer.
- #define SB_ARROW_LTUP 0x0001
- #define SB_ARROW_BTDN 0x0002
- #define CreateWindow(class_name, caption, style,id, x, y, w, h, parent, add_data)
- A simplified version of CreateWindowEx.
- #define SetTimer(hwnd, id, speed) SetTimerEx(hwnd, id, speed, NULL)
- The backward compatibility version of SetTimerEx.
- #define ResetTimer(hwnd, id, speed) ResetTimerEx(hwnd, id, speed, (TIMERPROC)0xFFFFFFFF)
- The backward compatibility version of ResetTimerEx.
- #define DLGC_WANTARROWS 0x0001
- Control wants arrow keys.
- #define DLGC_WANTTAB 0x0002
- Control wants tab keys.
- #define DLGC_WANTALLKEYS 0x0004
- Control wants all keys.
- #define DLGC_WANTCHARS 0x0008
- Want MSG_CHAR messages.
- #define DLGC_WANTENTER 0x0010
- Control wants enter keys.
- #define DLGC_HASSETSEL 0x0080
- Understands EM_SETSEL message.
- #define DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON 0x0100
- Default pushbutton.
- #define DLGC_PUSHBUTTON 0x0200
- Non-default pushbutton.
- #define DLGC_RADIOBUTTON 0x0400
- Radio button.
- #define DLGC_3STATE 0x0800
- 3 States button item.
- #define DLGC_STATIC 0x1000
- Static item: don't include.
- #define DLGC_BUTTON 0x2000
- Button item: can be checked.
- typedef struct _MSG MSG
- typedef int(* MSGHOOK )(void *context, HWND dst_wnd, int msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
- Type of message hook function.
- typedef struct _HOOKINFO HOOKINFO
- typedef struct
- typedef int(* WNDPROC )(HWND, int, WPARAM, LPARAM)
- Type of the window callback procedure.
- typedef struct _WNDCLASS WNDCLASS
- typedef void(* NOTIFPROC )(HWND hwnd, int id, int nc, DWORD add_data)
- Type of the notification callback procedure.
- typedef BOOL(* TIMERPROC )(HWND, int, DWORD)
- Type of the timer callback procedure.
- typedef struct _CTRLDATA CTRLDATA
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI PeekMessageEx (PMSG pMsg, HWND hWnd, int iMsgFilterMin, int iMsgFilterMax, BOOL bWait, UINT uRemoveMsg)
- Peeks a message from the message queue of a main window.
- static BOOL GUIAPI GetMessage (PMSG pMsg, HWND hWnd)
- Gets a message from the message queue of a main window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI WaitMessage (PMSG pMsg, HWND hMainWnd)
- Waits for a message from the message queue of a main window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI HavePendingMessage (HWND hMainWnd)
- Checks if there is any pending message in the message queue of a main window.
- static BOOL GUIAPI PeekMessage (PMSG pMsg, HWND hWnd, int iMsgFilterMin, int iMsgFilterMax, UINT uRemoveMsg)
- Peeks a message from the message queue of a main window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI PeekPostMessage (PMSG pMsg, HWND hWnd, int iMsgFilterMin, int iMsgFilterMax, UINT uRemoveMsg)
- Peeks a post message from the message queue of a main window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI PostMessage (HWND hWnd, int iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Posts a message into the message queue of a window and returns immediatly.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SendMessage (HWND hWnd, int iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Sends a message to a window.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI SetAutoRepeatMessage (HWND hwnd, int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Sets the auto-repeat message.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI PostSyncMessage (HWND hWnd, int iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Posts a synchronical message to a window which is in different thread.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SendAsyncMessage (HWND hWnd, int iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Sends an asynchronical message to a window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SendNotifyMessage (HWND hWnd, int iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Sends a notification message to a window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI BroadcastMessage (int iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Broadcasts a message to all main window on the desktop.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI PostQuitMessage (HWND hWnd)
- Puts a MSG_QUIT message into the message queue of a main window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetKeyboardLayout (const char *kbd_layout)
- Sets a new keyboard layout.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI TranslateMessage (PMSG pMsg)
- Translates key down and key up messages to MSG_CHAR message and post it into the message queue.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI TranslateKeyMsgToChar (int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, WORD *ch)
- Translates a key down and key up message to a corresponding character.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI DispatchMessage (PMSG pMsg)
- Dispatches a message to the window's callback procedure.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI ThrowAwayMessages (HWND pMainWnd)
- Removes all messages in the message queue associated with a window.
- MG_EXPORT MSGHOOK GUIAPI RegisterKeyMsgHook (void *context, MSGHOOK hook)
- Registers a key message hook.
- MG_EXPORT MSGHOOK GUIAPI RegisterMouseMsgHook (void *context, MSGHOOK hook)
- Registers a mouse message hook.
- static const WINDOWINFO *GUIAPI GetWindowInfo (HWND hWnd)
- Get the handle of window information.
- MG_EXPORT DWORD GUIAPI GetWindowElementAttr (HWND hwnd, int we_attr_id)
- Get a window element data.
- MG_EXPORT DWORD GUIAPI SetWindowElementAttr (HWND hwnd, int we_attr_id, DWORD we_attr)
- Set a new window element data specified by we_attr_id.
- MG_EXPORT gal_pixel GUIAPI GetWindowElementPixelEx (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, int we_attr_id)
- Get a window element gal_pixel color.
- MG_EXPORT const
*GUIAPI GetWindowRendererFromName (const char *name)
- Get window renderer from name.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI AddWindowElementRenderer (const char *name, const WINDOW_ELEMENT_RENDERER *we_rdr)
- Add a window element renderer to the system.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI RemoveWindowElementRenderer (const char *name)
- Remove a window renderer from MiniGUI.
- MG_EXPORT const
*GUIAPI GetDefaultWindowElementRenderer (void)
- Get the default window renderer.
- MG_EXPORT const char *GUIAPI SetDefaultWindowElementRenderer (const char *name)
- Set a window element renderer as the default system renderer.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetWindowElementRenderer (HWND hWnd, const char *werdr_name, const WINDOW_ELEMENT_ATTR *we_attrs)
- Set a window element renderer and window element attributes for window specified by hwnd.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL InitRendererSystemIcon (const char *rdr_name, HICON *small_icon, HICON *large_icon)
- Initialize large and small system icons in the specified renderer rdr_name.
- MG_EXPORT void TermRendererSystemIcon (HICON *small_icon, HICON *large_icon)
- Release large and small system icon resources.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI RegisterResFromFile (HDC hdc, const char *file)
- Register a device-dependent bitmap from a file.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI RegisterResFromMem (HDC hdc, const char *file, const unsigned char *data, size_t data_size)
- Register a device-dependent bitmap to bitmap cache from memory.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI RegisterResFromBitmap (const char *file, const BITMAP *bmp)
- Register a device-dependent bitmap to bitmap cache.
- MG_EXPORT const BITMAP *GUIAPI RetrieveRes (const char *file)
- Get a BITMAP object from cache according to the specified resource file name.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI UnregisterRes (const char *file)
- Unregister the BITMAP object from cache according to the specified resource file name.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI RegisterSystemBitmap (HDC hdc, const char *rdr_name, const char *id)
- Register a device-dependent bitmap from id to BITMAP cache.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI UnregisterSystemBitmap (HDC hdc, const char *rdr_name, const char *id)
- Unregister a BITMAP object from BITMAP cache.
- MG_EXPORT int SetResPath (const char *path)
- Set user's resouce path into the search paths of resouce manager.
- MG_EXPORT int AddInnerRes (INNER_RES *inner_res, int count, BOOL copy)
- Add some incore resource into the resource manager in order to call LoadResouce to get those resource.
- MG_EXPORT int RegisterResType (int type, RES_TYPE_OPS *ops)
- Register a new user-defined type into resource manager, so that the LoadResouce can load the special resouce automatically.
- MG_EXPORT int UnregisterResType (int type)
- Unregister a user-defined resource type.
- MG_EXPORT void * LoadResource (const char *res_name, int type, DWORD usr_param)
- Load a resouce from disk or memory.
- MG_EXPORT void * GetResource (RES_KEY key)
- Retrive and return a buffered resouce by the key.
- MG_EXPORT int AddResRef (RES_KEY key)
- Increase the reference count of a buffered resouce.
- MG_EXPORT int ReleaseRes (RES_KEY key)
- Release the buffered resouce. It will decrease the reference count of the resouce. If the reference count is less then 0, the resource will be released.
- MG_EXPORT RES_KEY Str2Key (const char *str)
- Translate a string to an unsigned long (RES_KEY), which is used to find a resouce in the resource manager.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI CreateThreadForMainWindow (pthread_t *thread, pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg)
- Create a thread for main window.
- MG_EXPORT pthread_t GUIAPI GetMainWinThread (HWND hMainWnd)
- Get the thread id which main window belongs to.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI WaitMainWindowClose (HWND hWnd, void **returnval)
- Suspends execution of the calling thread which main window belongs to until the target thread terminates, unless the target thread has already terminated.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI MainWindowThreadCleanup (HWND hMainWnd)
- Cleans up system resource associated with a main window.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI CreateMainWindowEx (PMAINWINCREATE pCreateInfo, const char *werdr_name, const WINDOW_ELEMENT_ATTR *we_attrs, const char *window_name, const char *layer_name)
- Creates a main window.
- static HWND GUIAPI CreateMainWindow (PMAINWINCREATE pCreateInfo)
- A simplified version of CreateMainWindowEx.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI DestroyMainWindow (HWND hWnd)
- Destroys a main window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetWindowMask (HWND hWnd, const MYBITMAP *mask)
- Set window (a main window, or a child window which is also known as "control")'s Mask Rect with MYBITMAP data.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetWindowMaskEx (HWND hWnd, HDC hdc, const BITMAP *mask)
- Set window (a main window, or a child window which is also known as "control")'s Mask Rect with BITMAP data,.
- BOOL GUIAPI SetWindowRegion (HWND hWnd, const CLIPRGN *region)
- Set window's Mask Rect with CLIPRGN data.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI DefaultWindowProc (HWND hWnd, int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- The default window callback procedure.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI UpdateWindow (HWND hWnd, BOOL bErase)
- Updates a window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ShowWindow (HWND hWnd, int iCmdShow)
- Shows or hides a window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI EnableWindow (HWND hWnd, BOOL fEnable)
- Enables of disables a window.
- Determines whether the specified window is enabled for mouse and keyboard input.
- Retrives the client rectangle of a window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetWindowBkColor (HWND hWnd)
- Returns the current background color of a window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SetWindowBkColor (HWND hWnd, int new_bkcolor)
- Sets the background color of a window.
- Retrives the default font of a window.
- Sets the default font of a window.
- Retrives the current cursor of a window.
- Sets the current cursor of a window.
- Retrives the current icon of a window.
- MG_EXPORT HICON GUIAPI SetWindowIcon (HWND hWnd, HICON hIcon, BOOL bRedraw)
- Sets the current icon of a window.
- Retrives the style of a window.
- Retrives the extended style of a window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ExcludeWindowStyle (HWND hWnd, DWORD dwStyle)
- Removes the specific style of a window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI IncludeWindowStyle (HWND hWnd, DWORD dwStyle)
- Includes the specific style of a window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ExcludeWindowExStyle (HWND hWnd, DWORD dwStyle)
- Removes the specific extended style of a window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI IncludeWindowExStyle (HWND hWnd, DWORD dwStyle)
- Includes the specific extended style of a window.
- MG_EXPORT WNDPROC GUIAPI GetWindowCallbackProc (HWND hWnd)
- Retrives the callback procedure of a window.
- MG_EXPORT WNDPROC GUIAPI SetWindowCallbackProc (HWND hWnd, WNDPROC newProc)
- Sets the callback procedure of a window.
- MG_EXPORT DWORD GUIAPI GetWindowAdditionalData (HWND hWnd)
- Retrives the first additional data of a window.
- MG_EXPORT DWORD GUIAPI SetWindowAdditionalData (HWND hWnd, DWORD newData)
- Sets the first additional data of a window.
- MG_EXPORT DWORD GUIAPI GetWindowAdditionalData2 (HWND hWnd)
- Retrives the second additional data of a window.
- MG_EXPORT DWORD GUIAPI SetWindowAdditionalData2 (HWND hWnd, DWORD newData)
- Sets the second additional data of a window.
- MG_EXPORT DWORD GUIAPI GetWindowClassAdditionalData (HWND hWnd)
- Retrives the additional data of a control class.
- MG_EXPORT DWORD GUIAPI SetWindowClassAdditionalData (HWND hWnd, DWORD newData)
- Sets the additional data of a control class.
- MG_EXPORT const char *GUIAPI GetWindowCaption (HWND hWnd)
- Retrives the caption of a window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetWindowCaption (HWND hWnd, const char *spCaption)
- Sets the caption of a window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI InvalidateRect (HWND hWnd, const RECT *prc, BOOL bEraseBkgnd)
- Makes a rectangle region in the client area of a window invalid.
- Prepares a window for painting.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI EndPaint (HWND hWnd, HDC hdc)
- Marks the end of painting in a window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI GetUpdateRect (HWND hWnd, RECT *update_rect)
- Retrives the bounding box of the update region of a window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI ClientWidthToWindowWidthEx (DWORD dwStyle, int win_type, int cw)
- Calculates main window width from the width of the client area.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI ClientHeightToWindowHeightEx (DWORD dwStyle, int win_type, int ch, BOOL hasMenu)
- Calculates window height from the height of the client area.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ClientToScreen (HWND hWnd, int *x, int *y)
- Converts the client coordinates of a point to screen coordinates.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ScreenToClient (HWND hWnd, int *x, int *y)
- Converts the screen coordinates of a point to client coordinates.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ClientToWindow (HWND hWnd, int *x, int *y)
- Converts the client coordinates to the window coordinates.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI WindowToClient (HWND hWnd, int *x, int *y)
- Converts the window coordinates to client coordinates.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI WindowToScreen (HWND hWnd, int *x, int *y)
- Converts the window coordinates of a point to screen coordinates.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ScreenToWindow (HWND hWnd, int *x, int *y)
- Converts the screen coordinates of a point to window coordinates.
- Determines whether a window is a main window.
- Determines whether a window is a control.
- Determines whether a window handle identifies an existing window.
- Determines whether a window handle identifies a dialog window.
- Retrieves the handle to a child window's parent window.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetMainWindowHandle (HWND hWnd)
- Retrives the handle to the main window contains a window.
- Retrieves the visibility state of the specified window.
- Retrives the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of a window.
- Retrives the next control in a window.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetNextMainWindow (HWND hMainWnd)
- Retrives the next main window in the system according to the zorder.
- Retrives the hosting main window of a main window.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetFirstHosted (HWND hHosting)
- Retrives the first hosted main window of a main window.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetNextHosted (HWND hHosting, HWND hHosted)
- Retrives the next hosted main window of a main window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetWindowTextLength (HWND hWnd)
- Retrieves the length of a window's text.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetWindowText (HWND hWnd, char *spString, int nMaxLen)
- Copies the text of a window's into a buffer.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetWindowText (HWND hWnd, const char *spString)
- Sets the text of a window.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetFocusChild (HWND hParent)
- Retrieves the handle to the window's active child that has the keyboard focus.
- Cancels the current active child and set the focus child to be null.
- Sets the active child of a window.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetActiveWindow (void)
- Retrieves the main window handle to the active main window.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI SetActiveWindow (HWND hMainWnd)
- Sets a main window to be the active main window.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetCapture (void)
- Retrives the handle to the window (if any) that has captured the mouse.
- Sets the mouse capture to the specified window.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ReleaseCapture (void)
- Releases the mouse capture from a window and restores normal mouse input processing.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetWindowUnderCursor (void)
- Retrives the handle to the window (if any) which is just beneath the mouse cursor.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI MoveWindow (HWND hWnd, int x, int y, int w, int h, BOOL fPaint)
- Changes the position and dimensions of a window.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ScrollWindow (HWND hWnd, int iOffx, int iOffy, const RECT *rc1, const RECT *rc2)
- Scrolls the content of a window's client area.
- MG_EXPORT const BITMAP *GUIAPI GetSystemBitmapEx (const char *rdr_name, const char *id)
- Retrives the system bitmap object by identifier.
- MG_EXPORT const BITMAP *GUIAPI GetSystemBitmapByHwnd (HWND hWnd, const char *id)
- Retrives the system bitmap object by identifier.
- MG_EXPORT const BITMAP *GUIAPI GetSystemBitmap (HWND hWnd, const char *id)
- Retrives the system bitmap object by identifier.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI TermSystemBitmapEx (const char *id, const char *rdr_name, PBITMAP bmp)
- Release the system bitmap object by identifier.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI TermSystemBitmap (HWND hWnd, const char *id, PBITMAP bmp)
- Release the system bitmap object by identifier.
- MG_EXPORT HICON GUIAPI LoadSystemIconEx (HDC hdc, const char *rdr_name, const char *szItemName, int which)
- Loads an icon from information defined in MiniGUI.cfg.
- MG_EXPORT HICON GUIAPI LoadSystemIcon (const char *szItemName, int which)
- Uses default renderer and HDC_SCREEN to load an icon from information defined in MiniGUI.cfg.
- MG_EXPORT HICON GUIAPI GetLargeSystemIconEx (HWND hWnd, int iItem)
- Retrives a large system icon by its identifier in default renderer.
- MG_EXPORT HICON GUIAPI GetSmallSystemIconEx (HWND hWnd, int iItem)
- Retrives a small system icon by its identifier.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI EnableScrollBar (HWND hWnd, int iSBar, BOOL bEnable)
- Enables or disables one scroll bar arrows.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI GetScrollPos (HWND hWnd, int iSBar, int *pPos)
- Retrieves the current position of the scroll box (thumb) in the specified scroll bar.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI GetScrollRange (HWND hWnd, int iSBar, int *pMinPos, int *pMaxPos)
- Retrives the minimum and maximum position values for the specified scroll bar.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetScrollPos (HWND hWnd, int iSBar, int iNewPos)
- Sets the position of the scroll box (thumb) of the specified scroll bar.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetScrollRange (HWND hWnd, int iSBar, int iMinPos, int iMaxPos)
- Sets the minimum and maximum position values for the specified scroll bar.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ShowScrollBar (HWND hWnd, int iSBar, BOOL bShow)
- Shows or hides the specified scroll bar.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetScrollInfo (HWND hWnd, int iSBar, const SCROLLINFO *lpsi, BOOL fRedraw)
- Sets the parameters of a scroll bar.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI GetScrollInfo (HWND hWnd, int iSBar, PSCROLLINFO lpsi)
- Retrieves the parameters of a scroll bar.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI RegisterWindowClass (PWNDCLASS pWndClass)
- Registers a window class.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI UnregisterWindowClass (const char *szClassName)
- Undoes the effect of RegisterWindowClass.
- MG_EXPORT const char *GUIAPI GetClassName (HWND hWnd)
- Retrieves the name of the class to which the specified window belongs.
- Retrieves the information of the specified window class.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetWindowClassInfo (const WNDCLASS *pWndClass)
- Sets the information of the specified window class.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI CreateWindowEx2 (const char *spClassName, const char *spCaption, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, HWND hParentWnd, const char *werdr_name, const WINDOW_ELEMENT_ATTR *we_attrs, DWORD dwAddData)
- Creates a child window with extended style, renderer and attributes table.
- static HWND GUIAPI CreateWindowEx (const char *spClassName, const char *spCaption, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, HWND hParentWnd, DWORD dwAddData)
- A shortcut version of CreateWindowEx2.
- Destroys a specified control.
- MG_EXPORT NOTIFPROC GUIAPI SetNotificationCallback (HWND hwnd, NOTIFPROC notif_proc)
- Sets a new notification callback procedure for a control.
- MG_EXPORT NOTIFPROC GUIAPI GetNotificationCallback (HWND hwnd)
- Gets the notification callback procedure of a control.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetTimerEx (HWND hWnd, int id, unsigned int speed, TIMERPROC timer_proc)
- Creates a timer with the specified timeout value.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI KillTimer (HWND hWnd, int id)
- Destroys a timer.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ResetTimerEx (HWND hWnd, int id, unsigned int speed, TIMERPROC timer_proc)
- Adjusts a timer with a different timeout value or different timer callback procedure.
- MG_EXPORT unsigned int GUIAPI GetTickCount (void)
- Retrieves the tick counts that have elapsed since MiniGUI was started.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI IsTimerInstalled (HWND hWnd, int id)
- Determines whether a timer is installed.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI HaveFreeTimer (void)
- Determines whether there is any free timer slot in the system.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI RegisterIMEWindow (HWND hWnd)
- Registers an IME window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI UnregisterIMEWindow (HWND hWnd)
- Unregisters an IME window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetIMEStatus (int StatusCode)
- Retrives status of the current IME window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SetIMEStatus (int StatusCode, int Value)
- Sets the status of the current IME window.
- Retrives the target info of the current IME window.
- Retrives the position of the current IME window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SetIMETargetInfo (const IME_TARGET_INFO *info)
- Sets the target info of the current IME window.
- MG_EXPORT HACCEL GUIAPI CopyAcceleratorTable (HACCEL hacc)
- Copies the specified accelerator table.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI DeleteAccelerators (HACCEL hacc, int key, DWORD keymask)
- Deletes an accelerator from the accelerator table.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI AddAccelerators (HACCEL hacc, int key, DWORD keymask, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Adds an accelerator to the accelerator table.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI DestroyAcceleratorTable (HACCEL hacc)
- Destroys an accelerator table.
- MG_EXPORT HACCEL GUIAPI CreateAcceleratorTable (HWND hWnd)
- Creates an empty accelerator table.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI TranslateAccelerator (HACCEL hAccel, PMSG pMsg)
- Translates an accelerator key message to MSG_COMMAND messge and sends it to the window procedure.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI CreateCaret (HWND hWnd, PBITMAP pBitmap, int nWidth, int nHeight)
- Creates a new shape for the system caret and assigns ownership of the caret to the specified window.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI ChangeCaretSize (HWND hWnd, int newWidth, int newHeight)
- Changes the size of the caret.
- Activates the caret owned by a window.
- Returns the elapsed time, in milliseconds, required to invert the caret's pixels.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetCaretBlinkTime (HWND hWnd, UINT uTime)
- Sets the caret blink time to the specified number of milliseconds.
- Destroys a caret.
- static BOOL GUIAPI HideCaret (HWND hWnd)
- Hides a caret.
- Shows a caret.
- static BOOL GUIAPI ShowCaret (HWND hWnd)
- Shows a caret.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetCaretPos (HWND hWnd, int x, int y)
- Moves the caret to a new position.
- Gets the caret position.
- MG_EXPORT HMENU GUIAPI CreateMenu (void)
- Creates an empty menu.
- Creates a drop-down menu or submenu.
- MG_EXPORT HMENU GUIAPI CreateSystemMenu (HWND hwnd, DWORD dwStyle)
- Creates a system menu.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI InsertMenuItem (HMENU hmnu, int item, UINT flag, PMENUITEMINFO pmii)
- Inserts a new menu item at the specified position in a menu.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI RemoveMenu (HMENU hmnu, int item, UINT flag)
- Deletes a menu item or detaches a submenu from the specified menu.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI DeleteMenu (HMENU hmnu, int item, UINT flag)
- Deletes an item from the specified menu.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI DestroyMenu (HMENU hmnu)
- Destroys the specified menu and frees any memory that the menu occupies.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI IsMenu (HMENU hmnu)
- Determines whether a handle is a menu handle.
- Assigns a new menu to the specified main window.
- Retrieves the handle to the menu assigned to the given main window.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI DrawMenuBar (HWND hwnd)
- Redraws the menu bar of the specified main window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI TrackMenuBar (HWND hwnd, int pos)
- Displays the specified submenu.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI TrackPopupMenu (HMENU hmnu, UINT uFlags, int x, int y, HWND hwnd)
- Displays and tracks a popup menu.
- MG_EXPORT HMENU GUIAPI GetMenuBarItemRect (HWND hwnd, int pos, RECT *prc)
- Retrieves the rect of a menu bar item.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI HiliteMenuBarItem (HWND hwnd, int pos, UINT flag)
- Draws the specified menubar item with 3D effect.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetMenuItemCount (HMENU hmnu)
- Determines the number of items in a menu.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetMenuItemID (HMENU hmnu, int pos)
- Retrieves the menu item identifier of a menu item at specified position in a menu.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetMenuItemInfo (HMENU hmnu, int item, UINT flag, PMENUITEMINFO pmii)
- Retrieves information about a menu item.
- MG_EXPORT HMENU GUIAPI GetPopupSubMenu (HMENU hpppmnu)
- Retrieves the submenu of the specified popup menu.
- MG_EXPORT HMENU GUIAPI StripPopupHead (HMENU hpppmnu)
- Strips the title of the popup menu.
- MG_EXPORT HMENU GUIAPI GetSubMenu (HMENU hmnu, int pos)
- Retrieves the handle to the submenu activated by the specified menu item.
- MG_EXPORT HMENU GUIAPI GetSystemMenu (HWND hwnd, BOOL flag)
- Allows the application to access the window menu (also known as the system menu) for copying and modifying.
- MG_EXPORT UINT GUIAPI EnableMenuItem (HMENU hmnu, int item, UINT flag)
- Enables, disables, or grays the specified menu item.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI CheckMenuRadioItem (HMENU hmnu, int first, int last, int checkitem, UINT flag)
- Checks a specified menu item and makes it a radio item.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SetMenuItemBitmaps (HMENU hmnu, int item, UINT flag, PBITMAP hBmpUnchecked, PBITMAP hBmpChecked)
- Associates the specified bitmap with a menu item.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SetMenuItemInfo (HMENU hmnu, int item, UINT flag, PMENUITEMINFO pmii)
- Changes information about a menu item.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI CreateMainWindowIndirectParamEx (PDLGTEMPLATE pDlgTemplate, HWND hOwner, WNDPROC WndProc, LPARAM lParam, const char *werdr_name, WINDOW_ELEMENT_ATTR *we_attrs, const char *window_name, const char *layer_name)
- Uses a dialog template and other information to create a modeless main window and controls in it, and pass a parameter to the window procedure.
- static HWND GUIAPI CreateMainWindowIndirectParam (PDLGTEMPLATE pDlgTemplate, HWND hOwner, WNDPROC WndProc, LPARAM lParam)
- A simplified version of CreateMainWindowIndirectParamEx.
- static HWND GUIAPI CreateMainWindowIndirect (PDLGTEMPLATE pDlgTemplate, HWND hOwner, WNDPROC WndProc)
- A simplified version of CreateMainWindowIndirectParam.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI DestroyMainWindowIndirect (HWND hMainWin)
- Destroys a main window created by CreateMainWindowIndirectParam.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI DialogBoxIndirectParamEx (PDLGTEMPLATE pDlgTemplate, HWND hOwner, WNDPROC DlgProc, LPARAM lParam, const char *werdr_name, WINDOW_ELEMENT_ATTR *we_attrs, const char *window_name, const char *layer_name)
- Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template in memory and other information.
- static int GUIAPI DialogBoxIndirectParam (PDLGTEMPLATE pDlgTemplate, HWND hOwner, WNDPROC DlgProc, LPARAM lParam)
- A simplified version of DialogBoxIndirectParamEx.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI EndDialog (HWND hDlg, int endCode)
- Destroys a modal dialog box, causing MiniGUI to end any processing for the dialog box.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI DestroyAllControls (HWND hWnd)
- Destroys all controls in a window.
- Gets the default push button control in a window.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetDlgCtrlID (HWND hwndCtl)
- Gets the integer identifier of a control.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetDlgItem (HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem)
- Retrives the handle to a control in a dialog box.
- MG_EXPORT UINT GUIAPI GetDlgItemInt (HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, BOOL *lpTranslated, BOOL bSigned)
- Translates the text of a control in a dialog box into an integer value.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI GetDlgItemText (HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, char *lpString, int nMaxCount)
- Retrieves the title or text associated with a control in a dialog box.
- MG_EXPORT char *GUIAPI GetDlgItemText2 (HWND hDlg, int id, int *lenPtr)
- Retrieves the title or text associated with a control in a dialog box.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetNextDlgGroupItem (HWND hDlg, HWND hCtl, BOOL bPrevious)
- Retrieves the handle to the first control in a group of controls that precedes (or follows) the specified control in a dialog box.
- MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetNextDlgTabItem (HWND hDlg, HWND hCtl, BOOL bPrevious)
- Retrieves the handle to the first control that has the WS_TABSTOP style that precedes (or follows) the specified control.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SendDlgItemMessage (HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Sends a message to the specified control in a dialog box.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetDlgItemInt (HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, UINT uValue, BOOL bSigned)
- Sets the text of a control in a dialog box to the string representation of a specified integer value.
- MG_EXPORT BOOL GUIAPI SetDlgItemText (HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, const char *lpString)
- Sets the title or text of a control in a dialog box.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI CheckDlgButton (HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, int nCheck)
- Changes the check status of a button control.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI CheckRadioButton (HWND hDlg, int idFirstButton, int idLastButton, int idCheckButton)
- Adds a check mark to (checks) a specified radio button in a group and removes a check mark from (clears) all other radio buttons in the group.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI IsDlgButtonChecked (HWND hDlg, int idButton)
- Determines whether a button control has a check mark next to it or whether a three-state button control is grayed, checked, or neither.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI MessageBox (HWND hParentWnd, const char *pszText, const char *pszCaption, DWORD dwStyle)
- Displays a message box within one, two, or three push buttons.
- MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI MessageBeep (DWORD dwBeep)
- Makes a sound of beep.
- MG_EXPORT int GUIAPI SetBitmapKeyColor (HDC hdc, PBITMAP bmp, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
- Set the bitmap color key.
Detailed Description
- Author:
- Wei Yongming <>
- Date:
- 2002/01/26
This file includes windowing interfaces of MiniGUI.
Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Feynman Software.
Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Wei Yongming.
All rights reserved by Feynman Software.
This file is part of MiniGUI, a compact cross-platform Graphics
User Interface (GUI) support system for real-time embedded systems.
Definition in file window.h.